The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The eighth 12 chapter of the majesty of the gods, can not pick the edge

“Oh ~~ It seems that Goku adults know how to please girls!” According to the beauty of the soft smile, it seems that there are some styles, every move, showing the temptation.

Sun Wukong looked at the whole body up and down in a scrutiny manner, and the beauty of the meditation still looked generous, not the slightest anger, with a smile, interested in watching Sun Wukong, like a neighbor’s big sister is looking at himself The younger brother is generally watched by Sun Wukong.

Because she didn’t see any ambiguity from Sun Wukong’s eyes, some just appreciated and appreciated a beautiful thing. Such eyes, she has never seen it in the eyes of others. The person who saw her for the first time was either amazing, tired, or greedy and possessive… and Sun Wukong’s eyes, besides appreciation, are clear…

Yes, Sun Wukong looks at the beautiful eyes, but also just appreciates that’s all, his sister’s paper is numerous, and all the fairy colors are different. Showing the look of the hungry pig brother.

It’s just that Sun Wukong’s mindset can be seen clearly, but the fog behind her is very angry, because from their perspective, Sun Wukong’s look is ‘worry’, making them angry. Burning.

In the heart of their hearts, not only are the extremely respected water shadow adults, but also the goddess in their minds, tolerant of others’ defilement? In their view, Sun Wukong’s behavior is extremely disrespectful to their respected water shadow adults.

Muye Village and Wuyin Village are not friendly villages. Under the rule of the four generations of water shadows, it is even more like a fire. Since Sun Wukong is from Muye, they naturally regard Sun Wukong as a wooden The ninja of the leaves. The behavior of Sun Wukong naturally caused the dissatisfied and angry after the fog. Disrespectful to their water, it is disrespectful to their fog village.

“Sun Wukong… Right?” A young man with a blind eye suddenly stepped forward in front of the beautiful body, blocking the sight of Sun Wukong, watching Sun Wukong, the young man looked very serious: “Although I heard You saved the fog and snow… We are very grateful to you… but please respect a little… If you are disrespectful to the water and shadows… even if I am weak… I am afraid that I will not be allowed to die…”

“Are you picking the edge?” Many of them also suddenly flashed at the side of Sun Wukong. The facial expression was cold and intense, and the strong killing made everyone in the room feel the chill of the moment. In an instant, The foggy financial expression is a big change. They are not very friendly to Sun Wukong. Now they are clenching their weapons, and the look of their faces is awkward… At a glance, they are ready to attack and attack…

“Goku adults, not your garbage can comment…” Many eyes are also cold, and for the worship of Sun Wukong, she has reached a blind step, naturally not allowing anyone to even have a disrespect for Sun Wukong.

“Garbage?” The fog is suddenly full of anger, isn’t this insulting them with fog? The atmosphere instantly becomes dignified, and the war is on the horizon!

According to the beauty of the watch, many facial expressions, the facial expression suddenly became extremely dignified, and Ki, which was also released, was even as good as her… and the sudden change of things made her somewhat surprised…

Aside from the foggy snow, the facial expression suddenly became anxious. She knew that if she didn’t stop it, with the character of Sun Wukong, I’m afraid that there would be a scene like ‘I see you are upset, I’m flying,’… , fun is big!

Didn’t you hear? This is the ‘fiancé’ of Huo Yingda today! If it really fights, it is very likely to evolve into a battle between wood leaves and fog!

I hurriedly pulled the sleeves of the beautiful meditation… According to Mei Ming, she smiled at the show, that is, the fog did not remind her, she would also stop at the for a moment, now charming smile, softly said: “Changjuro I think you are misunderstood… put down your arms and let go!”

“But… the water shadow adult…” Changjulang wants to stop.

“Hey! Go back!” According to the beauty of a smile, it looks like a big sister is a little brother.

“Yes…” Changjulang’s facial expression suddenly became red, and the tricky retreat. Since the water and shadow adults have spoken, the next few people have naturally taken up their weapons.

“Retire!” Sun Wukong also said a lot to the more.

“Yes, Goku adults!” More and more respectful, the cold killing moments disappeared into the invisible. And those who feel the pressure of the fog, are also relieved.

It’s just a lot of attitudes, but it’s a little bit surprised by the beauty and other people. A strong person of a movie level is so vocal about Sun Wukong, and his heart suddenly raises a lot of jealousy and curiosity about Goku. This person, as if rumored, Mystic/mysterious is not simple!

“You are called Changjulang, right?” Sun Wukong suddenly looked behind the beautiful, and said faintly: “You should be thankful, you have a life back…”

The fog that has just been relieved, the beating heart, is raised again…

“You… What do you mean?” An elderly fog endured, and his brow wrinkled and looked at Sun Wukong. He looked at Sun Wukong, who was uncomfortable, and suddenly became hostile. This is true. Are they fogging in their eyes?

“The meaning is… I don’t want to talk to me in this tone… because you don’t have that qualification yet!” Sun Wukong facial expression A cold, the Kir of terror suddenly collapsed… He is not the tempered Lord, since It’s not good, then you don’t need to be polite…

Pū tōng pū tōng ……

At the moment, a group of fogs endure in this terrible Ki, both legs are soft, all crouching down, humiliating, while watching Sun Wukong’s eyes, there is a deep fear…

In the field, the only one standing in the fog, only the fog and the snow, and the beauty, but the two of them, although they did not kneel, but still can not be moved by the horrible Ki of Sun Wukong, the eyes are full of horror Meaning…

“How could it be…formidable to…this level…” Shining Sun Wukong, his eyes wide open, some unbelievable.

“Your eyes and hostility make me very unhappy, mortal people in the district, don’t try to pick the majesty of the gods… because then, I can’t help but want to kill you…”

The faint voice, with the different majesty of questioning, is like a thunderous introduction into everyone’s mind, deeply imprinted, and dare not have any rumors and disrespect. The rest, only fear and uneasiness.

These people, who were already hostile to Sun Wukong, wanted to pick up the plane to Sun Wukong. They came to Mawei to show the majesty of the fog, let him recognize his identity, and squat in the foggy village.

Unfortunately, the imagination is beautiful, the reality is cruel, since you are not good, then Sun Wukong is not polite, if you still want to attack the beautiful sister paper, he does not mind to kill these self-righteous guys…

As Sun Wukong said, God’s majesty can’t be picked!

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