The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 106, the princess ran away.

After being ruthlessly taught by Sun Wukong, Princess Chuncai was finally honest. Just watching Sun Wukong’s eyes is afraid, but also troublesome.

Well, if you change it to be you, you will be beaten by a small butt in front of everyone. You can’t like people anymore, unless you are like the Princess Jianing in Lu Ding’s book, it’s a serious one. Madness.

Although the eyes of Chuntian Watching Sun Wukong are full of hostility, they dare not speak indiscriminately. The well-behaved appearance is very satisfying to Sun Wukong.

On one of the tops of the mountain, the three bodies stand side by side, and the crowds under the watch, the facial expressions of the three are extremely dignified. These three people are the three brothers of evil and forbearance: big brother with teeth, second child magnetic teeth, old third base.

“Big brother, I didn’t expect that the person who escorted this group of traders would have led him to lead the team…” Under the basement, the face was dignified.

“Big brother, what to do, Sun Wukong is known as ‘the strongest in the world”! If he has the protection of the spring princess, we probably have no chance to start…” The magnetic brow is deep locked, and the one below the accompanying small loli plays. The man is full of jealousy.

“Damn! I didn’t expect a escort task in the district. I would have encountered such a tricky person… Although it was just a legend, I didn’t see it, but someone who can beat the big snake pill must not look down…still. Observing the situation and looking for opportunities. Let’s get started!…”

“It can only be like this…” After listening to the big brother’s teeth, the magnetic teeth and the basement nodded, and the three figures flashed and disappeared.

After they disappeared, Sun Wukong’s eyes squinted slightly at the place where they were, and at the corner of his mouth, he hanged a fascinating smile: “I said why these guys refused to take it for a long time. I recognize that I am coming!”

The sky is gradually darkening. After everyone has eaten dinner, they are all returned to their tents to rest, and the vigil is obviously on the body of Lily…

A slight noise came from behind, and Lily’s stunned suddenly and hurriedly looked over and looked at the vigilant color: “Who?”

“The lily of the lily, it is me!”

“His Royal Highness Princess…” Seeing the figure that appeared, Lily’s sorrow was obviously a breath: “Do you have anything?”

“Take me out of here right away…” Spring food whispered, but his eyes were very determined.

“This…” Lily’s cockroach was slightly surprised and looked a little hesitant.

“Is your duty not to protect me? The same thing as the guy before, you are indifferent?” The facial expression of spring vegetables is very angry.

“that is because……”

“Don’t talk nonsense, this princess now orders you to take me out of here… I don’t want to be with the bastard for together for a moment…”

“This…” Lily’s watched the spring tea princess’s face was determined and firm, and she could not help but reveal a bitter smile: “I understand…”

This scene, but was seen in the eyes of a black shadow on the top of the mountain, looking at the two sneak out of the two, this person’s eyes suddenly revealed a hint of surprise.

In the flashing figure, I came to a dark cave: “Big brother, good news! Good news!…”

“The basement… What?” The teeth rose from the stone slab and the brows wrinkled slightly.

“I just saw the Princess of Spring and her guard Lily sneak away…”

“Oh?…” The eyes of the teeth suddenly brightened up: “Go! Go see…”

On the mountain road, even a few people looked at the two people who fled in the forest, and suddenly there was a sarcasm in the corner of the mouth: “It’s really a stupid princess! There is a strong person protection around, so I choose Got away…”

“hey hey ~~ If she is not stupid, not selfish, how can we have a chance to start…” The magnetic teeth grinned and looked at the teeth: “How, big brother, do you want to kill them now?”

“Well… just in case, magnetic teeth, basement, you two to monitor Sun Wukong, their every move, spring vegetables run, I think they will soon find out, when you two stop them, fight for time Then it will be alright, don’t have to fight… I will solve the spring princesses…” I thought about it.

“Well! We may not be able to beat Sun Wukong, but delay a little time, still no problem…”

“That’s it…” They chased the past with the teeth. The base teeth and magnetic teeth are rushed to Sun Wukong where they are located…

“This spring dish, really does not make people worry! Actually ran away…” Next to the camp, Sun Wukong watching the dark moonlight, seems helpless: “don’t tell me brother is too embarrassed?”

At the for a moment where the spring vegetables left, he had already discovered it, but he did not stop it. Such a wayward princess, if you don’t give her a lesson, how to adjust it, how can it become that gentle and lovely princess?

“The basement… It seems that they have found the spring princess to leave…”

“Well… I will go to the rumored ‘strongest ninja’ and see if he is in the end is worthy of the name…”

In the night, a little raindrops emerged in the air. Zhu Xi stretched out the jade hand and caught a drop of water. He said: “It seems to be raining…”

“This is not rain…be careful, there are enemies!” Many of them are also frowned, but a pair of eyes are seen in the moonlight of the evil.

“Only one person… The other is a scorpion ninja, Xiaoxue, handed it to you!” Sun Wukong Look at the night of the evil, a touch of the road.

“Yes!” Little Snowton was a little excited, it looks like, people still have some strength, and finally have a chance to show it.

There are more and more water droplets in the air, slowly forming a water sphere to wrap Sun Wukong and others. If the water sphere is formed, the ordinary traders may be drowned in life.

“It won’t let you succeed!” Xiaoxue screamed and quickly printed: “Hail and ice are broken!”

The icy cold swells and invades the water curtain. In an instant, the water curtain is frozen into ice. In the sound of ‘ka-cha’, it breaks apart…

“Well? It turned out to be a hail ninja?!” Under the night, a black shadow flashed out, watching the snow, the eyes could not help but show a hint of dignity. He is the third child in the evil endurance, the basement.

“Is it there?” Xiaoxue’s figure flashed, and a blinking technique appeared directly in front of the basement. The shuriken flashed out of his hand and smashed directly toward the heart of the basement…

Sun Wukong teaches them the way of the battle: Can can kill the enemy in one stroke, there is absolutely no second move. So when she shot, she was a killer.

It’s just the facial expression of calm and calm. The shroud of the watched snow is not in the slightest tension. The blisters are floating in his body. In a twinkling of an eye, a water curtain is formed to protect him…

The right hand of Xiaoxue’s stabbing is a little bit into the water curtain. The resistance in it is so great that she is in a difficult position. The facial expression is slightly changed…

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