The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 107, ruthless evil

“Oh… this water sphere can absorb all the impact, how can your level of attack may hurt me…” The snowy warning snow and calm expression calm and calm, it seems very proud: “Now you, there is no way Finished it? Hey hey ~~ Then… it’s over!”

With the cold drinking of the basement, the water around him swayed and rushed toward the snow. He wanted to directly trap the snow into the water sphere and end the battle.

“Yes? Are you too happy to be too early!” Xiaoxue sighed lightly, above his left hand, his chill was surging, and his palm was shot above the water sphere. He said: “Ice solid!”

‘kā kā ‘water sphere In an instant, it is under the cold, the layers are frozen…

“You don’t need to print… you can start ninja… How is this possible…” The base suddenly stunned and widened his eyes, and in the unfathomable of his face, he was frozen together with the water sphere.

He originally wanted to trap the snow with the water sphere, but he did not expect that in the case of one-handedness, Xiaoxue could still launch the ninjutsu, and still had no ninjutsu, and he wanted to count others, but instead put himself into the pit. It is really sad enough.

“Idiot… Goku teaches us that Ninjutsu is actually can’t be printed!” Xiao Xue glanced at the frozen basement and looked very proud. Before she printed the ninjutsu, she actually wanted to use the ninja’s usual thinking to design a yin. Unexpectedly, I tried it successfully.

Well, this can’t blame the basement for being stupid, because it is extremely rare, and even if there is no ninjutsu, in the process of exertion, still needs a little time to accumulate power, such as Naruto. Spiral pill, thousand birds and so on. Like a small snow, a palm shot, directly launched a ninjutsu. Ok, this can’t be called a ninja.

“Well… it’s so powerful…” The magnetic teeth that were secretly observed were not shocked. Sun Wukong didn’t do anything at all. Just a girl next to him, he solved the basement easily, which made him very Shock. I also wanted to try the ‘strongest ninja’ in the legend. There is any extraordinary in the end. Now, I am scared to be scared.

After waking up those traders, Sun Wukong and his party left here and went out to find the wayward princess.

Seeing that Sun Wukong and others are far away, the magnetic teeth are only showing their body shape. In front of the basement that was frozen into an ice sculpture, the face of the magnetic tooth suddenly showed a cruel sneer: “hey hey ~~ actually Alive… But one less person will pay less, and I would like to kill you afterwards. Now it saves me a lot of things…”

As he said, the magnetic teeth jumped and stepped on the ground. In the loud bang of the ‘bang’, the ground cracked open and a huge rock rose from the ground… banging, it will be Ice sculptures are directly smashed…

“pā pā ~~” A burst of applause sounded, Sun Wukong slowly walked out of the evil night, watching the magnetic teeth, full of ridicule: “It’s really good! I found out now, on the world, there is even you like this Scum, in order to get a little more money, even his own brother can not hesitate to kill the killer, admire!”

“Sun Wukong! Are you not leaving?!” Seeing the coming, the facial expression of the magnetic tooth suddenly changed.

“Yeah! But I want to see a play, so I am back!” Sun Wukong was a faint smile.

“Hey! Don’t think that you are very extraordinary. I don’t think the waste of the base can be compared!” The magnetic teeth were angry and he felt that he was being played by Sun Wukong. With a roar, the big hand waved, the ground suddenly shook, and immediately the earth cracked, countless magnets rose from the ground, the scale, especially spectacular!

“Oh ~~ I don’t want to waste time on scum like you…” Sun Wukong picked up a magnet and watched the magnetic teeth. He said: “I heard that you are a magnetic ninja, can Free to manipulate the magnet, then, can you control the little magnet in my hand…”

Saying, Sun Wukong shot with a light hand, and the magnet in his hand was slamming away, and the speed was fast, there was no way to identify…

“pu-chi ~”, blood splash…

The magnetic teeth are big eyes, watching doesn’t know when, the heart is already pierced by the blood hole, the eyes are full of shock…

“Forbearance… the strongest… really…the name…no…the virtual biography…”

In the whisper, the body of the magnetic tooth crashed to the ground, and Ki did not…

“It’s time to adjust and teach the disobedient spring princess…” Sun Wukong didn’t look at the body of the magnetic tooth, and his body shape flashed and disappeared directly…

On the other hand, the spring vegetables and the lily of the lily have been cut off from the teeth.

“Oh ~~ Princess Royal Highness… It seems that you have been everywhere…” Even the teeth stood empty, hands clasped, chest in front of the spring vegetables and the lily, the tone and calm, as the king has sentenced the death of the courtiers.

“Your spring dish, you flee… I will stop him!” Lily’s shackles are in front of the spring vegetables, and the face is firm.

“But…” Now, the spring vegetables are hesitating.

“Come on… Your Royal Highness! As you said, as long as you are alive, there is hope in the country of food…”

After being so greeted by the lily, the spring vegetables turned around and fled here…

“Yes… as long as I am still alive… There is hope in the country of the food… I am afraid that there are many people who sacrificed… As long as I am still alive…” Spring vegetables clenched his fists and fled all the way. But why is my heart so uncomfortable, why can’t tears flow? Don’t tell me I am wrong? No, I am right… I will live if I am a victim… As long as I am still there, the country of the country will be happy…

“Oh ~ ~ even for such a selfish princess would rather choose to die … you guys, it is really stupid …” even teeth watching lily, facial expression a face and calm, for the runaway spring princess, but it is not see.

“As long as the Royal Palace is still… I am dead, it is worth it!” The expression of Lily’s 丞Facial expression is determined to die.

“Unfortunately, your death, it’s just white death that’s all…” The facial expression suddenly and calm, his eyes suddenly became extremely fierce: “Although I really want to chat with you for a while… but my time is very Tight…you must solve them before the person arrives…”

Saying, even the teeth in the hands of the moment, “pēng pēng pēng ~ ~” a series of invisible attacks bombarded all over the body of Lily’s body, but in a moment, it is already dying…

“This in the end… What is Ninjutsu?” Lily’s cockroach lay down on the ground, looking at the shocking watching teeth, he ate more than a dozen attacks in succession, did not even see a trick.

Even the tooth wanted to say something, suddenly it felt like it was, and the brow suddenly wrinkled: “The base tooth and the magnetic tooth were killed so quickly… I thought they could hold it for a while, it was useless… It seems that I have to hurry up the time…” Saying, his body flashed, the sword in his hand had already pierced the heart of Lily…

The figure flashed, and it was actually stepping on the air, jumping directly from the air…

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