The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 109th Warmth

“Oh! Since I recognize that I am coming, I still can’t escape, my courage is commendable!” Sun Wukong watching with his teeth, a look of admiration.

“Hey!” He answered him, but it was a cold voice. Because of the jealousy of Sun Wukong, even the teeth stayed above the void, and they simply did not dare to come down against it. Quickly printed in the hands, the invisible strength went to Sun Wukong and attacked the chest…

The attack that ordinary people could not see was clearly audible in the eyes of Sun Wukong, but there was no such interest in the weak dodge.

Watching Sun Wukong Stupidly standing there seems to have found nothing, even the corners of the teeth suddenly appear a bit disdainful: “Hey! What shit is the strongest ninja, the rumor is not credible…”

“Touch!”, the invisible strength bombarded on Sun Wukong’s chest, and even the corners of his teeth suddenly showed a sneer, just wanted to export a few laughs, but the watchless unscathed Sun Wukong suddenly became big. Eyes…

“You only have this ability, it is really disappointing!” Sun Wukong patted the clothes on his chest, the gentle and calm look of the dust, and the facial expression of the tooth suddenly became gloomy. . This is simply the contempt of the red fruit!

“Damn! I dare to look down on me so much!” In the roar, the knots in the hands of the teeth were once again set up, and countless invisible strengths rushed toward Sun Wukong. The sound of ‘bumping’ was endless, and the bombardment was in Sun Wukong. The body, but just brought him a piece of clothing wandering, it is difficult to hurt its points…

“Impossible! This is impossible!” The proudly proud technique did not even have any effect on the other side. Even the eyes of the teeth suddenly showed a deep horror. The horror of Sun Wukong made him rise. A sense of powerlessness, this formidable, he simply could not resist.

“Is this the strength of the strongest ninja?” Even the teeth looked chilly in the heart, fear, and lightly under the feet, and leaped directly into the air, he turned and fled…

His own attack hit the other person’s body like a rain click, this kind of blow, a few want to make him crazy. However, this absolute power gap has caused him to fall into fear, not to escape, and even his life is gone.

“Want to escape? Is it possible?” Sun Wukong was a faint smile. The figure flashed, and in an instant, it was already holding the throat of the other hand, and it was raised in the air. Even the ice mirror under the teeth was broken, the feet were screaming, the eyes were horrified, and the crisis of death had already arrived. It made him feel cold and cold, and wanted to ask for mercy, but he opened his mouth, but he could not make a sound…

“Garbage will have the consciousness of garbage… Garbage like you, I can pinch you with one finger!” Sun Wukong looked at the red face of his teeth, his face was calm and calm, his fingers were slightly Forced, ‘ka-cha’, its throat was smashed instantly, and thick blood spilled from its mouth. Sun Wukong waved his hand and threw the corpse of the tooth like a litter…

“Well… it’s so powerful…” Chuncai Watching stands proudly in the sky, his eyes full of shock. The formidable of the tooth, she is clear, even the lilies of the lily are easily killed by it, but such a strong person, in the hands of Sun Wukong, even the room for rescuing, is simply too unfathomable!

“Is this the strongest strength in the world?” In shock, the face of spring vegetables suddenly appeared a bitter smile. My own side clearly has such a formidable ‘Ninja’ existence, but my stupid behavior is indirectly killing the Chrysanthemum and Lily…

“Hey! Look at your sad look, what happened?” Sun Wukong stunned and came to the front of the spring dish, smiling.

“You…troublesome me?” Chuncai looked up and looked at Sun Wukong, but immediately lowered his head: “I know… you must be very troublesome, my… right? Selfish people like me… …how might someone like it…but I don’t want to…!”

“I have left my parents since I was a child. I lived in other countries as a hostage. Do you understand the pain? You are being watched for 24 hours. There is no freedom at all. Every day is lonely. This kind of life is tormented. My spiritual, eroding my body, I was able to return to my country until I was dying, so I don’t believe anyone! I always think that as long as I protect myself, it is enough… If I am wrong, why is my father and mother? To abandon me and send me as a hostage to the enemy…”

“I have always thought this way, thinking that I was not wrong at all… But when I saw the teeth, I saw my shadow from him. At that moment, I was troublesome in the bottom of his heart… When I realized that what I had been doing was actually my most troublesome myself… I was really wrong… wrong is outrageous… You said, what should I do? What should I do?”

Spring vegetables pinched Sun Wukong’s collar, tears had blurred their eyes, and they became so vocal…

“I always thought that you didn’t make a mistake!” Sun Wukong gently wiped the tears of spring vegetables, and smiled softly: “The past is over, now you, I protect, I will not let you suffer again.” Any grievances!”

“You… really think that I have not done anything wrong? Not troublesomesome?” Spring vegetables looked up and looked at Sun Wukong, which was extraordinarily serious.

“Of course, but if you don’t obey in the future, I will hit your little ass!” Sun Wukong watching spring vegetables, but hey hey smile.

“You…” The facial expression of spring vegetables suddenly became red. She started to be beaten by Sun Wukong, and she took it to Sun Wukong. Now she once again said from Sun Wukong’s mouth that she not only does not feel troublesome, but has an unusual warmth.

In the delight, the spring food directly fell into the arms of Sun Wukong. The guy who started his own very troublesome, unconsciously, started to like it…

Spring food quietly squats on Sun Wukong’s chest, listening to his strong heartbeat, warm embrace, gradually calming her long-lost heart, this moment, her heart is so Calm, so safe, the whole body is wrapped in thick warmth, the happiness of this moment is the warmth that she has never enjoyed in her life…

As long as he is there, all the troubles will vanish…

This incident, along with the death of the tooth, is over. After returning to the country of the cuisine, the spring vegetables were buried by the scorpion of the chrysanthemum and the lily.

And she did not inherit the name of the country of the country like the original work. For Sun Wukong’s feelings, let her follow the choice of Sun Wukong and follow Sun Wukong. Only staying at Sun Wukong will make her feel happy and warm…

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