The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The one hundred and tenth chapter painting girl

The name of the country of the country is served by a highly respected aristocrat, with Sun Wukong’s footing, and everything is naturally simple.

The financials left by Sun Wukong to the country of the cuisine are enough to make them revival. This is one of the reasons why Chuncai is safe to follow Sun Wukong.

And the red leaf small loli, Sun Wukong is naturally impossible to let go. Under the sway of Sun Wukong, he said that the talent of Hongye is outstanding and he wants to be a disciple and cultivate her into one of the most extraordinary ninjas in the world.

A common praise said that the grandmother of the red leaf, Loli, was full of anger, and she agreed to it. Let the red leaves follow Sun Wukong to the wood leaf training.

For the world’s people, to be a ninja, it is also a thing that deserves great pride. Red leaves have this chance, and her grandmother is naturally impossible to oppose.

Originally, Sun Wukong wanted to let the family of Hongye move into the wooden leaves together, but they were reluctant to make their own homes, and they didn’t matter, they had to give some money to make them live without worry.

Konoha, Naruto Office.

The spring vegetables and red leaves in front of the watch, it is a long time without words. Watching Sun Wukong on the side is also a hateful tooth itch. This bastard, the old lady is asking you to lead the team to complete the mission! Not calling you to call someone a princess! This time it was even more excessive, even a small Loli was attached… I can’t do this! Only a few months before and after, your sister has already taken the three princesses of other countries, and let the fun not play, you really want to use our wood leaves as the harem!

It’s a pity that you can’t beat it, you can’t beat it, and you can only be depressed in your heart. The old lady would have a good impression on such a guy, it was a squint. Ok, she admits that she is indeed blind.

“Āiyā! Don’t have such a small bag of a daughter-in-law!” Sun Wukong’s figure flashed and appeared on the side of the hand. The body leaned directly on her mature and full body, and stunned. The look of a smile.

“Who is a small daughter-in-law who is angry with the air! Sun Wukong, you give me a serious speech!” The hand immediately snarled, but after the ear, there was a faint blush. Pick up the seal and slam it on a document…

“Get it! I can’t control this bastard, what do you like?”

After getting the wooden leaf residence permit for spring vegetables and red leaves, Sun Wukong picked up the hand and said, ‘唧 唧’ sighed on her face: “Thank you! This is a reward for you!” A jade bottle came and slid into the deep groove of the chest of the hand.

The original face of the hand, the anger, just want to erupt, but after seeing the jade bottle, the eyes suddenly brightened. The anger of a face disappeared without a trace, but was replaced by a touch of joy. Elated picking up the jade bottle, the eyes of the hands are all smashed: “You guys have a little conscience!”

Spring vegetables watching Sun Wukong and the intimacy between the hands, the heart is a bit uncomfortable. But not too strong. As a princess, she has long been accustomed to the situation of other big names, three wives and four wives. Just a little curious what is the in the end of the jade bottle? Huo Ying adults will actually show such expressions.

After leaving the Huo Ying office, Chun Cai was very curious to see Sun Wukong: “Goku, what did you just give to Huo Ying adults? Look to make her happy like that…”

“Nothing… just a small bottle of wine that’s all…” Sun Wukong waved his hand without hesitation.

“It turned out to be wine!” The face of the spring dish suddenly showed a disappointing expression. She thought it was good thing. But I don’t know, it’s not the wine of the ordinary, but the wine of TRUE! Just drink a drop and you will be reminiscent of it!

Ever since I’ve been drinking it, I’m already obsessed with it, and I’m so unrecognizable!

The calm life is like this day by day. On the way, naturally, there are a lot of tasks entrusted, but there is no beautiful sister paper that I am familiar with. Sun Wukong naturally can’t produce the slightest interest, still accompanying her sister papers every day. The play and the training come true, occasionally ran to the Huo Ying office to make a funny hand, play a mute, eat small tofu, whole wood leaves, he is also the most leisurely…

Even under the ground of the wooden leaves, there were countless detonation incidents. Sun Wukong was too lazy to take care of them, and they were tossing them to toss. Anyway, even if he did not shoot, there would be no problem. And the facts are just as he thinks… The people who are stuck in the arrangement have no intention of destroying the leaves of TRUE at all. This incident is also spent in a shock…

This day, as usual, Sun Wukong came to the wood with the snow and other women to train…

“Goku brother, you see, there is a sister painting there…” The red-leaf Lori’s relatives are on the back of Sun Wukong, pointing to a girl who is seriously drawing on the grass slope is very happy.

“Is there someone really…” Xiaoxue and other women all showed a hint of surprise.

You know, this place, it was given to the ‘package field’ by Sun Wukong! The people who dared to come here before, etc., were all thrown down by Sun Wukong to the mountain. Over time, no one dared to come to this place anymore. The people of Konoha have long regarded this as a forbidden place.

However, there was an outsider today, but this outsider was a girl who painted, which naturally made them more curious.

However, for the safety of the painted girl, Xiaoxue and other women are very reassuring, the other is a lovely girl, with Sun Wukong’s unrestrained temperament, it is impossible to throw people down the mountain.

Xiaoxue and other women are curious and walked over to see what the girl is painting. The livelily red leaf Lori is the first to run forward, jumping, and then came to the girl behind.

Watching on the drawing board, red leaf small loli hand straight shot: “This sister, are you painting Muye Village? Really like it!” At the same time, it is very doubtful: “But the top of Muye Village is clear No dark clouds, what do you paint so many black clouds?”

The girl did not answer, but picked up the brush and dyed a layer of white on the side of the dark cloud. When it was dark, the clear sky suddenly became dark and the thunder was rolling…

Immediately pick up the brush and forcefully draw a stroke in the thundercloud, ‘banging’ a loud noise, a scary thunder of a bucket-like thickness suddenly fell from the sky! Just a moment, the Huo Ying Building was turned into a ruin under the terrible thunder…

The smoke is rising and the fire is rising…

„Ah!” The red leaf Lolita was shocked and screamed, and she fell to the ground…

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