The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The one hundred and four 12 chapters change the fate, only between one thought

“You are so sure that I am resurrect?” Sun Wukong is interested in watching the Aster Road.

“Miss Aster… is can prediction of other people’s life and death… At that moment, can also see other situations… Although I don’t know that she was prediction your death, still predicted the death of the cockroach… when the asters Miss said… Hey, you are resurrect… then it must be…resurrect…”

At this moment, the foot that had already been comatose suddenly woke up. After listening to the predictions of Aster, he looked at Sun Wukong’s eyes with full vigilance: “Although he is your companion… but for the comfort of the world. …also please… grab him… don’t let him… do whatever he wants…”

Ningji has turned a big white eye to him, and your kid really dare to say it! Try it yourself and see if Goku will kill you!

“Your nonsense too much… Don’t want to die, just shut up to me!” Sakura knocked on the head of the foot of the ear, and the terrible strange power almost didn’t kill him directly. In the hands of Chakra emerged and began to treat the injury. Now ask Sun Wukong to treat him? Forget it, people may have shot him to death if they can’t. I dare to ask him to save people!

“don’t tell me What am I saying wrong? 魍魉resurrect, but it will destroy the world!” For the attitude of several people, Ningsui is very excited. The main culprit is here, why don’t you do it, don’t tell me really want to watch the world destroy?

“You are an idiot… You can talk about this thing and see who dares to do it with Goku.” Ning times watched the foot, but it was cold. In their view, the horror of Sun Wukong is even more terrible than the ten 魍魉!

魍魉强强still was defeated by the seal, but Sun Wukong is synonymous with invincibility, and a finger can also marry the formidable tail beast! Who is there to dare to provoke such a presence? They would rather be resurrect and then destroy them, and would not be enemies with Sun Wukong!

If you destroy the world, you can still save. If Sun Wukong destroys the world, who can block it? It’s chilling to think about it! In the bones, the horror of Sun Wukong has already made people fear.

The enemy has temporarily retreated, and here is also temporarily restored to calm.

In the hospitality hall, Sui Sui, who has been treated by Sakura, stood aside and glanced at the asters in the first place. He bowed his head and said: “The witch of the Ghost Country, Miss Aster… I am… the foot!”

“Day to Ning…”


“Spring wild cherry!”

“The whirlpool Naruto, please take care!” Naruto is contrary to the serious expression of several people, and it is very casual. It was just this rude behavior that caused the dissatisfied of Sakura, which directly hit the Naruto’s abdomen and made his face look painful.

“Sakura… Why are you hitting me again…”

“Bastard, you are polite to me! You think you are a Goku adult!”…

“Well, I have already introduced myself, then, we set off to seal it!” Sun Wukong turned to look at Aster.

“If you are there… I… don’t go…” Shion looked at Sun Wukong, and the tone seemed a bit capricious.

“I didn’t intend to go through your consent!” Sun Wukong was a faint smile, and his body flashed directly to the front of Shion, one of which was to carry her on her back.

“You…what are you doing?! You are a rude person!” Shion suddenly struggled on his back, but unfortunately, it was useless.

“Hey! You are so rude! Let’s put down the Amethyst!” cried.

“The role of soy sauce is to let me go, don’t bother me…” Sun Wukong waved directly at the foot of the foot, and the depressed foot went straight to the side to draw a circle.

“I’m really sorry! Goku is originally this kind of personality, even the Huo Ying adults can’t control him…” Ning times gently patted the shoulders of the ears, apologetic.

“No? What is his identity in the end? Even your Huo Ying adults can’t control it?” Shizui suddenly widened his eyes.

“But! Goku’s big name, don’t tell me, haven’t you heard that? Have it been too important and ill-informed?” Naruto immediately looked at the scorn of the scorn and looked at Sun Wukong. The eyes are full of the color of worship: “Goku Big Brother is the strongest ninja in the whole world! The strongest you know? It is the world’s strongest! Even the tail beast, in front of Goku’s big brother, only the abused!”

“What? He…the world is the strongest?!” Sui Sui suddenly shocked and widened his eyes.

“Exactly! How, amazing!” Naruto suddenly looked like a smug color, and immediately said: “But one day, I will become like a big brother of Goku, and then become the strongest fire on the world. !”

“This…what is the case…if he really wants resurrect, no one can stop it!” For Naruto’s rhetoric, Shizui did not hear it, looking at the Sun in front of the asters Wukong, the eyes are full of worry. Can be helpless!

“Reassured, I think now that Hiroshi and Hiroshi have already come to us. If can stop Goku, maybe they are only…” Ning is quietly comforting.

Sun Wukong, who was flying in the front of Aster, felt a silent Aster, but smiled and said, “Why, you are afraid, still worried?”

“…I don’t want to talk to you…” Shion turned his head and snorted.

“Oh, it’s still arrogant!” Sun Wukong smiled faintly: “watching each and every one people die for themselves… your heart must be very uncomfortable… right?”

Shion’s delicate body suddenly trembled, and the pinched fist slowly loosened again: “There is no…”

“You don’t have to pretend to be indifferent… because of everything you can, I can see it… you are afraid of your own Ability, and you are afraid that you will see others die… In fact, you have been blaming yourself for being your own death. , passed on to others, if you don’t have them, you are already dead, you always think so, right?”

“You…you…I didn’t think so much…” Shionjiao shivered, surprised and widened his eyes, and suddenly there was a terror feeling that even the soul was seen through, but she still vetoed hard.

“You veto is useless! Because I have already seen it in my eyes! Rest assured, I won’t let you die! I won’t let you hurt you… I will get rid of it! Destroy your witch.” The curse, in the future, the witch does not need to be guarded by the generations…resurrect it, just to completely destroy it! Believe me, I can do it… because of changing fate, only between me…”

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