The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 143 The Ghost Legion

“Who do you think you are? Look at me as a child? The established fate, how can it be said that change can change… If you want to lie, you have to make a compelling reason…” In the back of Sun Wukong, the generous back between her back makes her heart exceptionally calm, this feeling, some unfathomable. But when I heard Sun Wukong’s extremely arrogant words, it was a contempt for the face.

Change the fate, only between one thought, such a thing, as long as it is not a comic ratio, it is impossible to believe! Because in their cognition, there is no such person at all in the world.

Sun Wukong is just a faint smile, and does not explain much, because he knows that with the knowledge of people in this world, it is impossible to understand the unformable means of his unfathomable.

In the dimly lit room, the three people who watched the wolf and squatted back, Huangquan’s facial expression tranquil and calm, appeared some angry: “The mission is not finished, you have the courage to come back! … So only three of you, Jitai people?”

“Kite…dead!” The three men are very angry.

“Well? What happened?” Huang Quan’s brow wrinkled, and it looked a little unexpected.

“When we were performing our mission… we met Sun Wukong…”

“Sun Wukong…that is the strongest ‘wood leaf ninja’ that is known as the best in the world?” Huang Quan’s brow suddenly wrinkled.

“It’s him! His strength is terrible… Ketai has no to resist ability at all, and he was easily solved by him… If we didn’t see the machine running fast, I’m afraid I can’t come back… ”

“Sun Wukong… I heard that this person has the terrible power to destroy the five great villages… It seems that the biggest obstacle to our unification of the world is not the five major countries, but it will be him…” Huang Quan frowned and placed The right hand on the armrest of the bench was unconsciously a little trembling. The single hand was pressed down with his left hand, and his brow was wrinkled deeper…

At this time, a sound filled with sinister and majesty sounded in the body of Huang Quan: “That called Sun Wukong… I feel a little too simple… I will allow you to transfer the Ghost Legion and give it to me. Entangling the guy named Sun Wukong, taking the opportunity to kill the witch… As long as I can TRUE resurrect, there will be no fear!…”

After that, Huang Quan’s right hand waved, and three strange black energy snakes got into the eyebrows of the three people, and they disappeared. The evil and majestic voice once again came out: “This is my gift to you, stronger. Let’s just succeed in this mission, no failure!”

“Yes! As long as there is this power! Even if it is Sun Wukong, we are not having a fear…” The three men received a new power, and the eyes suddenly showed an extremely exciting light, and self-confidence swelled. The figure of a flash, the figure of the three disappeared…

“Sun Wukong…what is the divine… Why does it make me feel a little restless…” In the hall, there was a whisper of whispering, and finally it was calm.

“Hey! I am hungry! Let’s eat soon!” On the way, Aster suddenly was very capricious to Sun Wukong, that tone, Missy was full of temperament.

“Well! This is the time to take a break!” Sun Wukong looked at the darkness of the sky, nodded, landed on the ground, and gently lowered the asters.

This made the Aster a bit disappointing, because Sun Wukong was back in the back, flying all the way, the feeling of a bumpy bump, but a kind of extremely comfortable feeling, which gave Ziyuan a glimpse of the memory Come.

In fact, Sun Wukong has been carrying the ascension in such a way, it is also purposeful. As for the reasons, you know…

“Goku’s Big Sky’s Sky-dance Art is really good! We all ran a big quite a while, exhausted!” At this moment, Naruto is also a rush to watch, watching the atmosphere without panting Sun Wukong and Asters, Naruto called an envy! Immediately after looking at the back, there was a slight worry on the face: “But it’s no problem? The guy seems to be coming…”

“Don’t worry about him, I can’t do anything without it. It’s just a teasing!” Sun Wukong waved his hand and waved, and a table full of dinner was in front of a few people. I can see that Naruto is a drool, and the color of excitement: “Ha ha ~ ~ with Goku big brother together mission is good! Not only the task is easy, even the food is so rich!”

Rao is a picky aster, watching a dish that I have never seen before, and I can’t help but swallow saliva. The scent of the fragrance is too tempting. You know, these dishes can be made by the maids in the Dragon Palace. They are made of magic beast meat that is not owned by the world. For those who have eaten for the first time, sucking gravity is not a big one. !

The result of a dinner, the final result is that Naruto and other people are eating, even if it has always been reasoning, for a moment, can not move, but the sky is already late, a few people are Had to camp here, waiting for a new day…

Waiting for a few people to tie up the camp, the panting of the spikes is finally arrived! This is what makes Ning several times relieved. Because of Sun Wukong’s relationship, they did not dare to pick him up halfway.

Watching the sweaty feet, Shion is a brow deep lock, the expression on his face was replaced by indifference, came to the front of the spike, coldly said: “Go back! I don’t need you anymore!”

“Hey! You guys in the end, what’s going on? People can’t get here! This mind, don’t tell me, don’t you understand?” The indifferent attitude of Aster suddenly caused Naruto’s extreme dissatisfied The moment of the big yell of the age.

Even a few people in Ningxia also frowned.

The foot of the foot was waved, still a smile: “You have seen it… right?”

Shion clenched her lower lip, but snorted and turned her head to the side.

“This… this woman is really a big fire…” Shion’s attitude, it’s a good mood for Naruto.

“This is… how is it going?” Compared to Naruto, Ning has noticed that it is more comprehensive.

“It should be that Aster saw his death, right?” Sun Wukong looked at Asters, but it was a faint smile. Naruto is amazed by the look of a few people.

Shui earnestly explained: “I have said before, Miss Aster has the durability of the death of others, and the accuracy rate is 100%. It has never failed…”

“No! It’s so powerful?” Naruto suddenly widened his eyes with surprise.

“So, Sui Sui has been following us all the time, and will die, so Miss Aster will let him leave, right?” Sakura looked at Asters, very serious.

“You are following us like this… I will be killed by the Ghost Legion… This is what I saw…”

“It’s nothing, I die for Miss Aster, this is my mission!” But Sui is very calm and calm.

“You…” The asters are obviously not mad: “I told you to go back!”

“Don’t go back… I won’t go back if you say anything…”

The night was getting deeper, and when everyone fell into a deep sleep, there was a slight jitter on the ground. With the neat pace, a large number of soldiers like terracotta warriors marched far away…

Such a big movement is obviously awakening Sun Wukong and others…watching thousands of squadrons, and the facial expressions of several people have become extraordinarily dignified: “Is that the Ghost Legion? Get up… not too good to deal with…”

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