The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 183, I just came over and took a look

“Hey, do you want to take me there?” Sarah, who had never been in contact with others, was so casually pulled by Sun Wukong that she was a little shy and nervous, but more curious.

“You don’t believe that An Lushan is a bad guy? Then you look at the crowds and say…” Sun Wukong took Sarah and came to the group behind him.

“They? Is there something wrong? It’s so happy to cheer, isn’t it?” Sarah’s incomprehensible watching Sun Wukong.

“Happy? Also cheering?” Sun Wukong shook his head helplessly and said: “You have lived in Loulan for so long, every day I watched them, I’m weird, don’t tell me, you’ve never found them just 傀儡Is it a realm like this, and the brother is taking it…”

“Hey? How come… they are so happy…” Sarah’s Princess Princess Road still doesn’t believe it.

“Well… so close to the distance you haven’t found out…” Sun Wukong is really helpless, so he has to wave a hand, a wind blade goes to the sky, ‘kā kā ‘a few sounds, The chakra lines that criss-crossed the sky were easily cut off, and the figures in front of them fell to the ground, and the board that issued the ‘board’ fell to the first light…

Sun Wukong stretched out his right hand and sucked, and a puppet was instantly inhaled by him: “Look at it yourself…”

“This…this…how can it…” Saraton suddenly widened his eyes and his face was unbelievable. I thought that the town that has always been harmonious, there is still an evil that she does not know?

“I don’t believe this is true… How can An Lushan be a bad guy… I don’t believe…” Sarah screamed and ran into the crowd, watching the face of the puppet, her heart, fell. Bottom: “No… I don’t believe… This is not true… I don’t believe… I have to personally ask Anlushan…”

Sarah Lima ran towards the other side of the crowd… but it was a flash of Sun Wukong, hugged her arms in her arms, and a light tap at her feet, flew straight into a building and gently put her down: “Please, Are you a little bit okay? If you ran like this and questioned him, the guy would definitely come over to you…”

“No… An Lushan is the high minister of our Louland, it is not what you said…” Sarah bit his lower lip and strongly refuted it, but in fact, she already believed in seven or eight points, but She is a bit reluctant to believe that’s all.

Sun Wukong shook his head and said: “Right, we haven’t introduced ourselves yet… I know Sun Wukong, and I’m half a wooden leaf ninja… What about you?” Because of the fifth The generation of Huo Yingshi is his woman, so Sun Wukong said so.

“Sun Wukong… I didn’t have a good thank you… I also misunderstood you… I am sorry… and… thank you for saving me… My name is Sara… It is the queen of Loulan… So, I am not allowed to be so rude to me in the future…” Sarah’s serious way, and it’s a little bit of a queen’s demeanor.

“Sala… Eat and drink Lazar… It’s a good name…” Sun Wukong looks like a sigh of emotion.

“You…you…you said to a lady…say…you guy is just too rude!” Sarah Li glared at Sun Wukong, and the pretty face was ‘red’.

“Haha… Just kidding… look at your urgency…” Sun Wukong couldn’t help but smile, but looked at a hidden corner and said: “You also watched a period of time, Is it coming out?”

“Oh… sorry… we didn’t mean to eavesdrop…”

The words of Sun Wukong just fell, and the three masked figures suddenly flashed out. Sarah was shocked and immediately stopped in front of Sun Wukong. He looked at the three people and said coldly, “Who are you?” What do you want to do in Loulan?”

“Don’t be nervous, they are the Muye to protect your ninja, not the bad person…” Before the three people spoke, Sun Wukong patted Sarah’s shoulder and comforted.

“Hello… know us?” The leader took the look at Sun Wukong. Listening to his voice, is a young man: “I heard you before… You are also a ninja of Konoha? But why have we never seen you?”

“With your ability, don’t tell me still don’t know where I came from?” Sun Wukong watching the youth in front of him, asked.

The young man was indulged and said: “I was only guessing before, but I heard you say this… I am sure that…”

“Okay… don’t hide your head and tail… Take the mask off… Let me see what you look like when you are young… Waves, Water Gate, Autumn Road, Oil Lady…”

“This…” The three obviouss were hesitant, but Sun Wukong broke their identity. Obviously his identity was not fake. After hesitating, the Feng Shui Gate first took off the mask, revealing a handsome sunshine. The face comes. The two people beside him also took off the mask.

Sun Wukong just swept the autumn road and the oil girl, and looked up and down the wind and water door, sighed: “Well… long is good, no wonder it will be four generations of fire shadow…” What is the relationship between people and the handsome?

“Four…four generations of Naruto?!” The oily woman next to the watergate and the autumn singer obvious were shocked. The watergate around them was incredible.

If Sun Wukong really came from the future, then this is not to say that after the Watergate, will it be the fourth generation of Huo Ying? For a moment, both of them are wide-eyed, and the news is simply too shocking!

“Oh… you don’t make a joke… The future, still don’t mention too much, so as not to cause some unpredictable changes…” The wave of water and water is a smile, calm and calm, and hear that he will be a fire shadow. Still not arrogant, the sun is easygoing, this strength is not comparable to ordinary people.

“Fighting of the fart…” Sun Wukong is disdainful: “The kind of thing, the brother is too lazy to pay attention to it… Introduce, my name is Sun Wukong, because of the power of the dragon vein, from the future… ”

Several doors of the Feng Shui Gate are showing such a look. It was Sarah’s shocked eyes: “You are… from… from the future?”

“Yes! The An Lushan is also coming from the future. His target is the power of the dragon pulse…” Sun Wukong nodded.

“It turns out that you came here because you tracked An Lushan?” Oil girl thought slightly.

“No, I only found the Dragon’s veins occasionally… so I ran over to see…” Sun Wukong said faintly.

“…” Several people in the water gate are staying, this explanation is a bit strong! In other words, this unfathomable thing that passes through Space and Time, can you explain it by running over? How much you are in the end!

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