The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 184 Congratulations to you…

Organized the language, the professional expression of the water gate: “In fact, six years ago, there is a ninja from the future, we have been investigating him, and learned that his name is called Baizu, which is now Loulan. Minister, An Lushan…”

“How could it be…” Sarah was shocked at the side: “What evidence does you have that An Lushan is the one you said in your mouth? If not, please don’t talk about it…”

“Sara Princess, if there is no investigation, I will definitely not talk about it…” Watergate’s financial expression is serious: “Unfortunately, after our investigation, the current Anlu Mountain is suddenly appearing here. The hundred feet… He borrowed the power of the dragon’s pulse to develop the weapon, and he tried to dominate the whole world…”

“Shut up! Don’t you guys lie down? How can An Lushan be the kind of person you said in your mouth… but it inherits my current legacy, now is the minister of Loulan, so love peace. How could someone be the wicked person in your mouth who developed dangerous weapons…” Sarah, who was on the side, suddenly shouted coldly. Obviously do not believe the facts that Watergate said.

It is no wonder that the former An Lushan, in her cognition, is a most loyal and loyal Loulan minister. Now she is suddenly said by others that he is a big bad guy. It is naturally impossible to believe between her momentarily.

“This is the money that people are cheating in the legend and still happy to count the money!” Sun Wukong watching Sarah, shaking his head and laughing.

“You…you…in short…I will never listen to your rumors… Relatively speaking, you are even more suspicious!” Sarah pointed to Sun Wukong, a few people.

“If you don’t believe it, don’t you know when you meet the people of Loulan…” Sun Wukong watching Sarah Road.

“Why?” Sarah had some doubts about watching Sun Wukong.

“Don’t you see those puppets? If so, then those TRUE’s Loulan people should be locked up by An Lushan to work hard… so ask the rest of the Loulan people’s wife and children. confirmed……”

Sarah Eyes tightened in an instant, and her fists tightened tightly: “Well… I will accompany you…”

“In this case, Queen Sarah will ask you for the time being… We still have some important intelligence to investigate…”

The three water gates were brought back with masks and they were very polite to Sun Wukong. They still have intelligence to investigate, it’s right, but the more important reason is still, they don’t dare to act with Sun Wukong, because the guy’s speech has no scruples at all, and if he knows about the future from his mouth. In the case, the flow of Space and Time will change dramatically, thus changing history, which is not what they are willing to see. So still is better with him to maintain a little distance!

“With yours…” Sun Wukong waved his hand and naturally saw what they thought in their hearts. It was a bit disdainful, but it was so happy that they could be alone with Sarah.

Watergate nodded and took out a special bitterness and handed it to Sun Wukong: “This is for you…”

“Oh… the special kind of suffering of Raytheon… but I don’t need this thing…” Sun Wukong waved his hand.

“…It turns out that… then I will wait for the first words…” The voice just fell, and the figure of the three disappeared.

“Let’s go… here!” Sun Wukong waved Sarah and walked toward the corridor…

“Are you not here for the first time? It seems like you are familiar with Loulan?” Sarah followed Sun Wukong, watching him turn left and turn right, and he was very curious.

“This is the gap between the practitioner and the ordinary. In your opinion, behind the wall, you can’t see anything, but in my eyes, don’t talk about the scenery behind the wall, even the whole floor. The scene is clearly presented to me…”

“This…so powerful?” Sarah was attracted by Sun Wukong’s words: “You don’t lie to me…”

“What do I lie to you…” Sun Wukong stopped and watched Sarah smiled slightly: “Then I will let you witness the scenery of the whole Loulan…”, pointing to her eyebrows , all the things I perceive are reflected in her eyes…

“I saw it… I really saw it…this…this… really good magical! You…how did you do it?!” Watching suddenly appeared in front of the panoramic view of Loulan, Sarah shocked, Jiao Exhale! Not to mention the panoramic view of Loulan, even those who don’t know the corner of the evil are also clearly seen by her. Naturally, there are those Loulan people who are locked in the secret room and work hard… and the name is waving to the subjects. Puppet queen…

For a moment, the surprise of Sarah Eyes tightened and hurriedly ran towards the corridor, looking at the building where the Queen lived, and suddenly lost her mind… As I just saw, the puppet queen mecha-like swing With its wooden hand…

“It seems that before you pushed you down, An Lushan has decided to abolish you, and intends to use this Queen to replace you…” Sun Wukong came to Sarah’s side and said.

“How come… how could this be… An Lushan him… Is this true?” In the helplessness of the gods, Sarah was unable to sit down on the ground…

“You are the queen of Loulan… so negative. Nothing. What you need to do now is not to cherish the past, to be vain, but to fight spiritually, to rescue those who were forcibly imprisoned by An Lushan. The Loulan people who made the weapons…”

“…Yes… I can’t just give up like this… I can’t let my mother’s legacy disappear like this… I want to stop An Lushan… rescue the people of Loulan…” Sarah listened to Sun Wukong After the comfort, the face was firm and looked forward to him with anticipation: “You…can help me?”

“Of course… there is anything I need… I can always be a hitter for you!” Sun Wukong watching Sarah, smiled.

“Thank you…” Sarah Watching Sun Wukong, I was very touched. If this is a kind of game, Sun Wukong will definitely get a prompt from the system: Congratulations, Sarah’s affection for you +10!

Cough cough ! Ok, don’t spoof, get down to business.

“Our queen has the power to perceive the flow of the dragon’s pulse. As long as we determine the source of the dragon’s chakra, we can find the factory that manufactures its own weapons… but your perception is so strong, let you lead the way…” Sarah Watching The concealed Chakra wire in the sky turned to Sun Wukong.

“Well! Come on!” Sun Wukong was so happy that he fell down and squatted down. The meaning is self-evident. Let the brother help you for free, you have to give a little benefit, right?

Sarah’s facial expression is reddish, hesitating, and still slammed up…

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