The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 11 Hawkeye Mihawk

On the coast, the villagers waved their hands and welcomed the pirate ship that had left…

In the bush behind the crowd, Usopp clenched his teeth and squeezed his fists. His eyes were firm: “I must… I will definitely go out to sea… By that time, I will take a TRUE’s brave sea. Warrior’s identity with your farewell/goodbye…”

On the emperor, Keya waved his hand to the villagers, and looked around, but did not see the familiar figure seemingly lost.

Although Usopp was afraid of death and loved to lie, it was her only friend.

“Okay! Don’t look! The guy is actually hiding behind the crowd and stealing watch, just no face to see you that’s all!” Sun Wukong came to the side of Kaya and patted her shoulder , laughed.

“Really?” The facial expression of the ya is full of joy, and it seems to be looking forward to the crowd. This look is very uncomfortable to see Sun Wukong.

Ke Ya seems to understand what Sun Wukong thinks, the facial expression is reddish: “That, don’t misunderstand, Usopp is my only friend… I just just regard him as a friend that’s all…”

“I was not so stingy!” Sun Wukong hum hum, after getting a satisfactory answer, went to the side of the table and sat down.

“The only friend? Don’t you treat Dina as a friend?” The sly watchful can be dissatisfied.

“No! Sister Nina is now my most important friend!” Keya smiled slightly.

“This is almost the same…” Keya nodded with satisfaction.

“But… who is the person driving the ship? Can you call her out to meet him?” Keya looked at Sun Wukong.

“You want to know me! Ok! I like to make friends the most!” Suddenly, an extremely happy voice echoed in the ear of a few people: “I am the emperor number… I am very glad to meet you…”

“Hey? Emperor? Isn’t this the name of the ship?” Yaman asked curiously.

“Yeah! I am this emperor!” The owner of the voice was a little uncomfortable.

“Āiyā! This ship will speak?!” This really scared Koya, and slammed, went to Sun Wukong to seek protection, the ghost is what is the most terrible.

“Haha! Another person was scared by this adult! So happy! So happy!” The emperor laughed heartily.

“Happy your sister!” Sun Wukong suddenly stunned the boat. They all blame him for making the ship without seriousness, and let her have such an awkward ingenuity that she likes to be scary. She is like a little girl, always likes pranks.

“It’s really amazing! This ship can actually talk? How to do it? How to do it?” After the surprise, the returning man was full of curiosity.

“Of course it is the master’s creation!” The emperor looked like a natural look, saying: “But I told you! I originally wanted to call the bug, but I smashed the owner’s meal! 哎~ Really What a pity! Actually, I still think that the bug is pretty good…”

“Bug No….” Dina and Kaya are silent.

Unknowingly, it’s already noon, and Sun Wukong, who has nothing to do, is playing a three-player landlord…

The silent emperor suddenly said: “Master, the left side is less than 1 kilometers from us… I found a pirate with a good combat power-level…”

“Oh?” Can be said by the emperor number is a compet power-level is still a good person, want to come is also the person in the One Piece world, Sun Wukong suddenly generated a trace of interest.

Slightly inductive, at the corner of his mouth, suddenly there was a hint of interest: “I didn’t expect to meet him in this place… I will catch up, I will go to the guy…”

“Follow! Master!” The emperor immediately turned to the hull and flew directly to the left…

“Who is it? It will cause your interest?” Chen Na is full of curiosity watching Sun Wukong said: “don’t tell me will be beautiful?”

“You will know when you meet…” Sun Wukong is a Mystic/mysterious smile, put down the cards in his hands and walk towards the splint…

One kilometer of the sea, the emperor was only arrived in two or three minutes.

And a small wooden raft appeared in front of the three people, only one person sitting on it: a short black hair, eyes as sharp as an eagle, yellow eyes, short hum, with white fluff on the head The black top hat looks very calm and calm, even if sitting there, it gives people a sense of oppression!

Behind the cross sword, it looks very powerful and domineering!

“He…he is…” Seeing this person, Dina Eyes shrunk slightly, and she was shocked by the shock: “One of the Seven Wuhai…Eagle Eyes…Michok…”

“Eagle Eye… Mihawk?!” Keya was shocked and widened her eyes: “I have read the newspaper and heard that he is the strongest sword in the world?!”

“Well?” Such a big pirate ship galloping at such a terrible speed, apparently caught the attention of the eagle eye, gorgeous and magnificent, the ship that was surrounded by the real dragon and wearing a golden crown. The eagle eye looked at the newspaper in his hand, and at the corner of his mouth, he could not help but smile. “Is this the emperor pirate group that dared to be named after the emperor? I didn’t expect to meet here…”

The distance of the remote is blinking, and the huge waves that are picked up suddenly disappear into the invisible when approaching the eagle’s eye. The pirate ship that looks like berserk suddenly stops abruptly opposite the eagle eye!

This made the sharp eye of the eagle’s eye suddenly flash a glimmer of light, and the other party’s power was controlled to such a subtle level as terror, which made his heart slightly shocked: “It seems that it is not as rumored as the rumor… Sure enough, some real skills…”

“Hey! Nice to meet you! The world’s strongest big sword lord – Hawkeye Mihawk!” Sun Wukong stood on the bow, eagle eye under the watch, waved his hand.

“Hey! You in the end, what do you want to do? This guy is one of the seven Wuhai, the world’s most recognized swordsman…not the garbage pirates can compare! You don’t want to mess!” Sun Wukong The behavior clearly makes Dina very nervous. She doesn’t think Sun Wukong is coming to chat with the Hawkeye.

Sun Wukong waved his hand and ignored it.

The eagle-eyed pair of eagle-like eyes stared at Sun Wukong for a long time, and the facial expression became more and more dignified: “The person like you is only rewarded with 5000W Berry… It seems that the navy is really awkward. eye……”

“Dinna mad! Hawkeye! Don’t forget your identity!” Listening to the eagle eye so ridiculed the navy, as a naval colonel, Naina suddenly became angry.

“To tell the truth, that’s all ……” eagle eye facial expression tranquil and calm.

It is to make Dina more mad.

“How, do you want to take two tricks with me?” Sun Wukong watching Hawkeye, said.

“As you wish!” The eagle’s eyes were sharp and the eyes were surprisingly uplifting. As an intuition of expert, this is a rare expert that is rare in the world!

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