The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 12 Sun Wukong vs Hawkeye

With the answer from the Hawkeye, Sun Wukong smiled and jumped directly from his emperor to stand on the surface of the sea.

This ability to stand in the air from the air, not only makes Dinah and Keya very surprised, even the eyes of the eagle eye also emerged a trace of surprise! Because he didn’t feel the slightest energy wave, the sea was at the foot of Sun Wukong, just like the ground.

“Do you want to fight with me here again?” The eagle-eyed facial expression calmed down and looked at Sun Wukong and asked.

“What’s the matter? Isn’t such a vast sea area a very good battlefield?” Sun Wukong smiled slightly.

The coldness of the feet surged, and the sea around him was centered at his feet, spreading at an astonishing speed, but in the twinkling of an eye, it instantly condensed into ice within a few miles!

“Frozen fruit?!” The eagle’s eye is obviously frowning. Isn’t this the Amateur’s Ability?

“Isn’t this the general of the generals? Why is he too?!” Dina was shocked and yelled.

“Who told you that you can let the sea surface freeze into ice, it must be the abundance of ice and ice fruit?” Sun Wukong looked at a few people, disdainful.

“It’s getting more and more interesting!” Hawkeye watched Sun Wukong, and the war became more and more high. He slowly got up from the boat and walked into the ice and stood up against Sun Wukong.

“You are a swordsman, then I will use a sword to make a decision with you!” Sun Wukong said, his hand flashed, the magic sword flashed his hand instantly!

This is the sword that he got in the world of “The Dragon of the Qin Dynasty”, which has been used for a period of time!

“Good sword!” The eagle eye watched the magic sword in the hands of Sun Wukong, and the light flashed in his eyes. As a swordsman, he could see at a glance that the magic sword is extraordinary!

“So, let’s get started!” Sun Wukong smiled at the eagle’s eyes, so he stood there casually.

The eagle-eyed aura is instantly becoming extremely fierce, such as the sword of the same detached sword, which is separated from the sword, revealing the peerless edge!

He slowly pulled out the back of the world called the world’s strongest black knife – night!

In the beginning, I used my own knife. The Hawkeye obviously felt the pressure that Sun Wukong brought to him, and did not have the slightest contempt!

“Does he really want to challenge the strongest swordsman in the world?” The situation in front of him is obviously stunned, but it is the strongest swordsman in the world! And Sun Wukong, but a newcomer just debut that’s all! Dina really wants to stop Sun Wukong from being a ‘send to death’ behavior, but I don’t know why, I can’t say it! In the midst of it, she also wants to see, Sun Wukong has a strong, a person who does not put the whole sea pirates in the eyes, what is the skill?

Sun Wukong watching The ‘night’ in the eyes of the eagle eye actually wants to spit it out. You obviously call it the strongest swordsman, but the sword is also called the sword and the knife. Is it the sword still knife?

Gazing at Sun Wukong, who stands freely, the eagle’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, which is so full of flaws! Is he really a swordsman?

No matter how the heart feels, but the eagle eye still does not relax the slightest vigilance! It’s a dragon, you can know it!

The foot stepped on the ice, and the figure was like a red arrow rushing toward Sun Wukong. The cross sword in the hand was directed toward Sun Wukong!

The sharp and sharp front is so horrifying that you can easily open a mountain!

“Not bad!” Sun Wukong sighed a little, the sword in his hand swayed, directly holding the eagle eye that slashed sword!


The harsh crossover makes the eardrum hurt! The terrible edge sprang from the cross sword in the eagle’s eye, scraping it in the ear of Sun Wukong, and ka-cha slammed it on the ice behind it! When you are awkward, a hundred meters of cracks emerge from the surface of the ice! The ice is flying!

“Oh~can easily block my sniper, you are really good!” Hawkeye eyes lit up, a test, and already learned the depth of Sun Wukong, so no longer keep hands, a cross sword in hand Shifting, it is going to the neck of Sun Wukong!

In the hands of Sun Wukong, the magic sword turned and stood up in an instant, blocking the sharp eye of the eagle eye. The hand was slightly forced, the air was thin, and the eagle eye was a terror. The big mountain ridge hits the general, the body shape directly flies out, and the sound of the bang, cracking the ice, for a moment, the ice is splashing! But the figure has not stopped! All the way to break the ice, fly out, the big sword in the hand instantly inserted into the ice, and draw a kilometer away, only to stop the body shape!

The ice that splits all the way, it looks shocking!

The two women who were shocked by the stunned Zhang Dazui couldn’t believe it, but it was the strongest sword in the world! After a face-up, it was a shock from Sun Wukong! This is simply unfathomable!

“This guy… the power of terror!” The eagle eye trembled with the hand of the sword, and there was a trace of blood in the chest, which was hurt by the sword of Sun Wukong!

The eyes of the eagle eye watching Sun Wukong are full of shock! Just a moment, it is that the hand that holds his sword is a little numb, even the internal organs are very painful, it seems to have moved! This terrible power is really hard to imagine!

Nonsense, people can punch a plane, can power not terror?

Just after the shock, the eagle eye’s warfare is rising more and more! The opponent is hard to find! This time I finally met one, and I can easily give up?

“Very good! I have been looking for an opponent like you for a long time! Today I finally got what I want! Can you have a good fight! Kill!” The eagle eye slowly rose, looking at Sun Wukong, holding a big sword in his hand, Ki Plus, it’s faint, revealing the cold killing! This shows that he has begun to be serious! Think of Sun Wukong as the only enemy in his life, he will give it a go!

And only let go of all the restrictions, concentrate on fighting for the battle, in order to play the strongest force!

His chest is bloody, like in Aura, urging the big sword in his hand, the cold flashes, like to split all the enemies in front of him!

At this moment, the Ki of the Hawkeye has completely changed! Become killing and rushing! Feel free to smash a rock!

This is not the killing of Sun Wukong, but the invincible sword in his swordsmanship! Murderous aura is a natural success!

“Can you stand up? It’s really good… Yeah… let me see how the strongest swordsman in the world has a strong!” Sun Wukong watching eagle eye, still standing freely, just because it is casual, but People are a great pressure!

The eagle-eye facial expression tranquil and calm, but the eyes are extremely solemn and fierce, he raised the sword high, waving forward, the cold man flashes, in the blink of an eye, the invisible sword has come to Sun Wukong!

That sharp edge, like can cut everything! Going forward!

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