The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 24—Shenbing

“I’m sorry… Dasqi… It seems that I am hurting you…” Dina watched Dasqi, and suddenly she became a face.

“It doesn’t blame you, blame him!” Dasqi glared at Sun Wukong. “But you can rest assured that there are naval guards here, they will definitely save us…”

“Save?” Dina shook her head helplessly, trying to save people from Sun Wukong’s hands, it was impossible, she did not report even a trace of hope.

“Welcome to join the Emperor Pirates, as a welcome ceremony, I am ready to send you a special gift!” Sun Wukong watching Da Siqi, a smile.

“I am the navy who maintains justice, and will not go to you as a pirate!” Dasqi resolutely retorted: “And! I will not accept the gift of the pirates!”

“Don’t rush to refuse, this gift you will like!” Sun Wukong watching Dasqi smiled slightly: “It is said that to maintain justice, you don’t have to be a navy, as a free-spirited pirate, without restrict. You, the chance to maintain justice will be more…”

“Hey! I won’t listen to your reason, the justice in my heart will not be shaken!” Dasqi looked firm.

“You can’t shake my business. In short, you are already a member of my emperor pirate group!” Sun Wukong extremely domineering announced Dasqi’s ownership, and then grabbed her hand The long sword.

“You… what do you want to do? Return the ‘rain when you’ back to me!” Daschi immediately nervously said. As a knife idiot, it looks like Sun Wukong even robbed her famous knife.

“Do you still be afraid of stealing this kind of garbage?” Sun Wukong snorted and grinned, his hands flowing in the air, covering the blade. The ‘rain rain’ changed greatly in an instant, and the blade was radiant and sharp. Forcing people, just taking a glance, gives people an extreme sense of oppression.

“God! You…what did you do with ‘Time Rain’?!” Daschi immediately stunned and widened his eyes, unbelievable, a sword that looked like ‘ordinary’, in the hands of Sun Wukong Become a peerless soldier!

Sun Wukong flashed in his hand, a steel alloy flashed his hand instantly, and his hand was raining under the light of the rain, and the steel was finely cut into two halves by the ‘rain time’. Smooth as a mirror, but it is a big eye of the unfathomable woman who sees Daschi!

“This is called a squad! What a shit’s big knife, 12 workers… are all slag!” Sun Wukong finished, handing ‘Shi Yu’ to Da Siqi: “Give! This is to send Give you a gift from the Emperor’s Pirates! Let’s cherish it! Don’t just look at the junk knives all day…”

“You…you…how did you do it?” Daschi took care of Sun Wukong and looked down on those big knifes. She was completely shocked by the ‘time rain’ in her hand! Feeling the sharp edge of her upload, she was so excited.

The previous rain was a good knife, but compared with the current ‘time rain’, it is not worthy to mention the shoes! This kind of TRUE iron-cut sword can be called TRUE’s peerless soldier!

“Look at you excited…” Sun Wukong smiled lightly, with a light hand, dozens of sparkling, exuding swords of endless Yingmang are suspended in his body: “You are still the most garbage These are the soldiers of TRUE…how, want?”

“Think!” Watching such a peerless soldier, as a knife (sword?) crazy, she saw the extraordinary of these swords at a glance. Dasqi’s head suddenly resembles a chicken glutinous rice! Too unfathomable, these swords, she has never seen, but the sharpness and power on it, but can clearly feel, the so-called big knife, 12 work, nothing compared to it, nothing is ah !

Watching Da Siqi with two eyes shining, Sun Wukong is very proud of his heart: “Know that you like to collect swords and swords, then you will take a basket of artifacts to seduce you! I don’t believe you can’t fool you!”

“In the future, mix well with your brother, perform well, give you a hand!” Sun Wukong is very satisfied with Dasqi’s attitude.

“Yes! Captain!” Dasqi was very excited and responded, but immediately reacted again, shaking his head again and again: “No! No! I will not join your pirates!”

“The words have been exported, can not be changed!” Sun Wukong hey hey smiled.

“I didn’t count it! You are asking other things, how can I do it, will you give me those swords?”

“Just be a qualified crew!”

“I have already said, I am a navy, I will not join your pirate group…”

Dina Watching Dasqi, who had quarreled with Sun Wukong, shook her head helplessly: “Hey! This little fool fell into the pit and didn’t know…” said, trotting the costume where Nami was The store ran, she still has a lot of clothes to buy it…

As for Dasqi, Dina is not worried at all. In the past few days with Sun Wukong, she also figured out some of Sun Wukong’s temperament. This guy is actually very good at speaking! After mixing, if you want to leave, this guy will never stay strong!

Even Dasqi can stay with her, and Dina’s heart is actually very happy. This is a companion, and now she has left Sun Wukong so much, she is a bit reluctant because She has gradually fallen in love with this feeling of freedom.

As Sun Wukong said before, the maintenance of justice does not necessarily mean that the navy, even the pirates, can maintain the justice of their own minds, and is even more thorough and will not be restricted by the navy’s bosses!

Sun Wukong looks at a weapons store, he is very clear, there is a famous knife, three generations of ghosts! However, in the eyes of Sun Wukong, this ordinary weapon simply does not look good, so still left to Sauron! I hope he has this chance…

On the other side, in a pub, Smoog was holding a marijuana and eating a meal. A navy rushed in and yelled and shouted: “Colonel Smog! Not good. Not good! Dasqimei was caught by the pirates!”

“Which pirates are so bold, dare to kidnap our navy?” Smog frowned, aura full, thick smoke spit, like a big brother.

“Who can be… is the target of our trip, the captain of the Emperor Pirates, Sun Wukong! On the street, Dasqimei met him, but lost to, a stroke was level… It’s going to be back to the boat by the hateful pirate… Colonel Smoog, hurry to save people!… It’s too late to be late!”

“It’s finally there!” It’s the emperor’s pirate group. Smog’s eyes flashed coldly and coldly said: “The kidnapping of Colonel Dina also doesn’t matter, and now I want to kidnap Das. Qi, you are really arrogant! Lead the way!”

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