The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 25—Smog

Watching from the clothing store, Dina and Nami, Sun Wukong seems very speechless, because both of them are behind a large parcel like a hill.

“Buy so many things, are you not tired?” Watching two women, Sun Wukong shook his head.

“Of course tired! So you come to help us!” Naomi was very rude to hand over her big parcel to Sun Wukong.

“Dinna’s also trouble you!” Dina smiled softly and handed her parcel to Sun Wukong.

I wanted to see Sun Wukong’s two beautiful women laughing in the big parcels, but suddenly saw that Sun Wukong was just a wave of hands, the two huge parcels disappeared, and suddenly wondered: “Hey? Why are you missing? Where did you hide the thing?!”

“Into my own space… I am waiting for you on the ship!” Sun Wukong faintly said.

“Own space?… What is your Ability in the end?” Dina is more curious about Sun Wukong’s Ability. Up to now, she also believes that Sun Wukong is the fruit of the Demon Fruit.

One of Sun Wukong’s newspapers laughed, and it’s full of B, but it’s not too light.

A few people strolled around casually, and accompanied Koya to buy some ingredients. After seeing the execution of Roger’s execution, several people left here…

On the coast, watching the gorgeous emperor in front of him, Dasqi is really nervous, as long as he walks a few steps forward, he really bid farewell to the naval identity…

Looking forward to the rear, I just saw Smok riding a tank-like three-wheeled motorbike… and then followed a lot of navy…

Dasqi’s facial expression suddenly rejoiced: “Sister Lina, Colonel Smoog came to save us! We don’t have to be a pirate!”

Dina looked at her head, but she shook her head and said nothing. She knew very well that with the strength of Smog, it was impossible to get Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong stopped the pace of progress, and looked at Smog with interest! In the navy, this Smog is one of the few people, can TRUE’s right to the two people behind the ‘justice’ word!

Seeing a beautiful drift of Smugg, stopped in front of Sun Wukong, a big foot, got out of the car, watching Sun Wukong, domineering: “Sun Wukong … finally waiting for you…”

“Listen to your tone, it seems like I know I will come here!” Sun Wukong watching Smog, smiled.

“It’s said that every pirate is very meaningful, so I expect you will appear here! So, I came here early…”

“Good idea… but one thing is wrong… This place has no meaning for me… I am just bored, so come here and see that’s all…”

“The reason is irrelevant… The important thing is… I won’t let you escape the sea…” Smoog’s tone dignified, his hands directly turned into a rolling smoke, swept away toward Sun Wukong, wanting to take his Everything is restricted…

“Nature, smoke fruit… is really a good Ability, but unfortunately… you chose the wrong opponent!” Sun Wukong smiled a little, and “Hou” blew a sigh of relief, and it was swept away. The two smokes were blown away, and the rest of the smoke continued. The slamming sound of the Smog whole people blew out and crashed into a house and was buried in the rubble…

“Colonel Smog!”

“Smoke Lord!”

Dasqi and the navy have a lot of troops, some unbelievable, their colonel has been blown to the ground by one person, this is simply unfathomable!

“This guy… really is a metamorphosis…” Dina shook her head helplessly, and the navy colonel was defeated by his only blow, that is, even the Navy general could not do this step!

Dina was afraid that Sun Wukong would open the killing ring again, hurriedly stepped forward, and yelled at the pirate: “You can’t be his opponent… let’s go!”

“Impossible! How can we to throw down? You flee alone… We are the Navy! Don’t underestimate us!” The navy screamed and smacked the guys to kill Sun Wukong… as Smo The subordinates of the grid, this group still has a sense of justice.

“Don’t kill them… okay?” Dina looked away at Sun Wukong, her face pleading.

Nodded, Sun Wukong’s sleeves waved, and when the wind rushed, the navy who rushed in was suddenly blown off the ground like garbage and fell to the distance…

For a moment The sound of heavy objects is endless, mourning everywhere…

Some of the onlookers were so shocked that the gesture of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood was so handsome! There are more children with eyes shining, a look of innocent watching their mother, issued a ambition: “Mom! Wait for me grew up must be a big thief like the big brother like an extraordinary…”

Smoog broke open the broken wall on his body, watching the slowly disappearing emperor on the sea, his fists clenched and his face was gloomy and terrible.

His mission was to arrest Sun Wukong and rescue the Colonel Dina, but the man did not save, but also accompanied a Dasqi, it was a loss of the wife and the soldiers!

“This strength… is only wanted by 5000W, the general headquarters of those people are eating?” Smog’s mood was so bad at this moment, he did not expect that he was defeated by the breath of others, This strength has made him scared!

For such a terror person, he was only rewarded with 5000W. Isn’t this a pit? Don’t say that he is just a colonel, even if it is a big future, you may not be able to get him?

“This information must be reported to the general headquarters…” Smog’s facial expression is extraordinarily dignified, looking at the shadow of the ship far from the coast, pinching his fist and discovering the oath: “Wherever you flee! I must tie you To the law!”

On the emperor, Sun Wukong looked at several sister papers in front of serious watch. He said: “As a member of the Emperor Pirates, your strength is too weak, so I decided to train you well! Anything needs to be solved by my captain. It is really not like it!”

“training us? How do you train us?” Keya was very curious and looked at Sun Wukong.

“You will know later… but before that… there is one more thing to deal with… Every world has its own rules… The thing I teach you is not to be accommodated by this world. …… So, I have to mark the brand that belongs to me in advance…” Sun Wukong watching a few women, looks very serious.

It’s just that his words have just fallen, it’s scaring a few women…

“Don’t mark your brand? Mom! Help! Don’t tell me I am going to be ‘pa pa pa’ right now? No!” Dasqi suddenly screamed in horror, and immediately gust of wind Like fleeing the scene…

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