The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 28鈥擳he Red Earth Continental

Dina slowly vacated, and then landed on the splint…

“Dinna! You are really amazing! The big sea king class, you will be leveled by one stroke…” 闆呴泤椹?cast a look of admiration for her: “I don’t know when I can change.” It鈥檚 as powerful as you!鈥?/p>

“As long as you study with Goku, you must be!” Dina smiled. Now, her mood is so good that she is next to Sun Wukong, giving him a big hug!

“Thank you! Dina is really happy! Thank you, the empowerment that gave Dina a swim again…” Dina said, actually kissed Sun Wukong’s face and immediately released it. Red face, went aside.

“膧iy膩! I didn’t expect this kind of welfare!” Sun Wukong turned his head and put his left face in front of Dina: “This is also here…”

“The beauty you want!” Luna immediately gave him a look.

Nami and Keya are both uncomfortable. Only Dasqi鈥檚 expression is the most normal. Watching is far away, but suddenly surprises: 鈥淟ook at it! Lighthouse! There is a lighthouse in front…鈥?/p>

Nami鈥檚 eyes suddenly brightened, and the unsatisfactory moment disappeared. She took out a map and was full of happiness: 鈥淚t鈥檚 there… the entrance to the great course, right in front of the lighthouse!鈥?/p>

“So to say! Are we going to enter the great route soon?” Kaya’s eyes are bright and very happy, and TRUE’s sea adventure is finally about to begin.

“Is it really going?” Dasqi bitterly looked at her face and hesitated.

“Why, don’t you want to be the strongest female swordsman?” Sun Wukong watching Dasqi, smiled.

“Think!” Dasqi didn’t think about it, and he answered with a firm answer. She knows that as a woman, the most powerful swordsman who wants to become a TRUE, only Sun Wukong can help her!

In fact, she has always had a feeling of hatred and inferiority for herself as a woman, because women can’t be the strongest swordsman! But the emergence of Sun Wukong has rekindled her hopes! This is an unfathomable person, and the skill of the meeting is unfathomable. She believes that only by being with Sun Wukong, she must be the strongest swordsman!

“If you really don’t want to be with me, you can’t go, I won’t stop…” Sun Wukong watching Dasqi, very serious.

“No! I am going! I want to be stronger! Just become stronger! I can extend the justice of my heart!” Dasqi came to Sun Wukong and looked firm: “Please teach me the most.” Strong swordsmanship! I want to be a great swordsman like you!” Because Sun Wukong defeated the Hawkeye, Dasqi has already regarded Sun Wukong as the sword of First Under the Heavens!

鈥淰ery good!鈥?Sun Wukong was very satisfied with the watchful Dasqi鈥檚 firm eyes. He nodded with great satisfaction: 鈥淚t seems that you have made up your mind! Congratulations, you made the most sensible choice! I am here! You will be the strongest swordsman on this world!”

Sun Wukong said, the magic sword in the hand flashed again, gently swaying forward!

In the roaring, Dasqi鈥檚 daughters were shocked to see, and the sea in front was suddenly like a mirror! Exposing a terrible gap that is bottomless, the waves are turbulent on both sides, forming the Taotian Waterfall! The shocking picture is simply unforgettable!

Dasqi鈥檚 daughters were stunned by the picture in front of me! They are very clear, Sun Wukong’s formidable, but they did not expect that this formidable, turned out to be asformable to the point of such unfathomable! A sword breaks the sea! This kind of awkward means is simply amazing!

鈥淲ant to learn?鈥?Sun Wukong smiled at Dasqi.

“Think!” Dasqi Muran nodded, she was already horrified by the picture in front of her eyes! But my heart is more excited! Now, she understands, what is the strongest! What is a swordsman! At this moment, she swears that she must become a peerless swordsman like Sun Wukong, a sword and a sea!

What is Energy Ball blasting a small island? This means of sword breaking the sea, that is called the means of the sky!

“Very good! So, from now on, you have given me a good training of ‘qi’, and when you can freely use Ki! I will teach you a set of exercises that are right for you!” Sun Wukong watching a few women, smiled.

“I… can I also be?” Keya said with excitement.

“Of course! Can!! As long as I am there! Even if you are a woman, the same can be the strongest!” Sun Wukong reported a smile, nodded.


At this moment, a few women are excited and excited. Now they know about Sun Wukong’s ‘TRUE ‘formidable! I don鈥檛 think that I can become such a strong person in the future.

But let them know that this strength is just the tip of Sun Wukong’s iceberg. I don’t know what to think!

The separated sea surface has been maintained for a few minutes, only to slowly heal, but it is not a wave that is too terror…

After calming the excitement, a few women are looking forward to the lighthouse in front of them. As long as they pass the route ahead, they can enter the great route in the legend… as soon as they step into it, they walk in. A brand new world…

Nami looked in the front and couldn鈥檛 help but scream: 鈥淭o draw a map of the world…鈥?/p>

“In order to travel around the world…” Keya followed.

“In order to eliminate all the evils in the world!” Dina and Dasqi are also at the same time.

鈥渟et off! To the great route!鈥?/p>

The girls were quietly and quietly, and the emperor flew away in the direction of the lighthouse at an alarming rate…

However, in ten minutes of time, the emperor number appeared in the windless belt!

The so-called windless belt is the sea without wind! At the same time, it has a terrible collective name, that is the nest of the sea king class! And…still the giant kind…

This terrible zone, for the general pirates, is simply a nightmare, but at this time, even the most courageous Nami, there is no slight tension and fear color!

Because they are riding the emperor! More Sun Wukong, this formidable to unfathomable strong person!

Don’t use Sun Wukong! The fearful aura that Tina radiates alone makes the violent and murderous sea kings in the bottom of the sea dare not move, let alone attack the emperor!

Don’t look at Tina is just a spirit, she is Sun Wukong creation, the strength can not be underestimated!

In this way, this is extremely dangerous and windless, the emperor number is nothing to be safe if you have nothing to do…

As a result, everyone appeared in front of a ‘red earth continent’ that could not see the margin!

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