The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 29—A Little Loli

“Red clay continent! As long as we cross there, we can enter the great route!” Looking at the distance, the endless, towering red rock wall, Nami is very excited.

“I finally have to enter the land of the legend, so look forward to it!”

“Look at you! Is there a navy over there?” Dasqi suddenly pointed to the left.

“It’s really… eight naval warships…” Sun Wukong looked away and said.

“Goku! If it’s not necessary… Can you not attack the Navy?” Dina looked at Sun Wukong. Although she is willing to stay, she still regards herself as a navy, and naturally does not want to see her colleagues killed by Sun Wukong.

“That depends on them knowing nothing!” Sun Wukong did not care about waving his hand.

At the same time, the navy.

“Admiral! A pirate ship is found in front of you. It looks like it is the recently rumored emperor pirate group… please give instructions!” A navy ran into a cabin and sat facing one A smashing mountain on the main seat exclaimed.

“Imperial pirate group… is that the pirate who took the Colonel Dina?” The meat mountain looks calm and calm, it seems very calm, but the tone seems to be a bit traitorous, the high-level appearance makes it look very good. Unhappy, especially the obese body, is simply a human-shaped fat mountain pig.

“This kind of thing… still need to ask me? Emperor pirate group… hum hum ~~ This kind of kid who doesn’t know how to be tall and thick, he can’t be a shot…” The sound of the mountain is plain, and the look is simply arrogant. Extremely, obviously did not put the Emperor Pirates in the eyes.

“Yes! Admiral adults!” After receiving the order, the Navy immediately retired, organized a manpower, moved the fort, and aimed at Sun Wukong’s emperor. After the attack range, an order was fired!

With a sound of guns, countless black cannons bombarded the emperor…

“The courage is not small… I dare to fire at me!” Sun Wukong slowly got up and looked at Dina: “This is what they asked for, but can’t blame me! Tina… ready to fight back…”

“Yes! Master!”

I saw Tina’s fierce hand, an invisible mask that protected the emperor. The shells were bombarded on the reticle. Not only did it not explode, but it bounced back at a more alarming rate. Above the warships, the explosions began, and the mourning continued…

The rumbling black smoke rose, and a warship was so shattered by its own shells to shatter, slowly sinking into the sea…

“Ah! Fast! Stop the fire! Stop the fire! Don’t fire! Save the people…” The navy was suddenly shocked and exclaimed!

“Hey! I told you not to let go of the dead hand… How are you still doing this!” Dina and Dasqi watched the warship slowly sinking into the sea, and suddenly it was anxious.

“Don’t be too naive… This is the first time they launched an attack… Since it is attacked, it must have the consciousness of death… The enemy is the enemy… Do you think they will let us go?” Sun Wukong watching , facial expression tranquil and calm, but it is said that Dina and Dasqi are speechless.

Sun Wukong turned his head and pointed at Tina: “Let them see what a gun called TRUE!”

“Hey! I understand! Look at me and kill them!” Tina smiled excitedly, and the shipboard on the splint suddenly moved up, and an energy crystal cannon slowly emerged! Looking at the long barrel, it is very powerful.

“Hey? Wait!” Just when Tina was about to press the button to fire, Sun Wukong stopped her.

“What’s the matter, Master? You will let me play a shot!” Tina pouted her mouth and watched Sun Wukong’s eagerness for her face. It looked like Sun Wukong had some eggs hurt: “Don’t take this People misunderstood the attitude to talk to me… I suddenly found a very interesting thing… In order not to hurt the innocent, still don’t fire…”

“Injury and innocence? What happened? Don’t tell me Are there other people on the navy’s warship?” Namei looked puzzled. To the side, Dina and Dasqi were relieved.

“Well… look at the window of the warship. Is there a little girl? She doesn’t look like a navy…” Sun Wukong pointed to a warship at the center.

Da Siqi: “It’s really… how can there be children in the navy? Don’t tell me are they saved from there?”

“Sister paper… You are too naive… Didn’t you see that the little girl is messing around and want to escape?” Sun Wukong’s words just fell, only to see that little girl is to throw down a casks, followed Jumped into the sea.

“People who would like to jump into the sea and want to escape, do you think it is the person saved by the Navy?” Sun Wukong said, and with a move, the little girl who was far away in the sea appeared in his hands like this strangely… …

And the little girl is still unaware of it at the moment, the little hand is drawn… It looks cute, but it is a little funny…

“Hey?! Who are you?” Suddenly, the little girl felt that something was wrong. She looked up and found a strange man holding her back and was shocked.

Am I not jumping into the sea? Why did it suddenly appear here? The more I think, the more the little girl’s psychology feels hairy, and Eyes tightens, and she screams with a high decibel: “Ghost! Help! Please, don’t eat me!”

“Please…I am like a bad person?” Sun Wukong gently put down the little Lolita in his hand and looked depressed.

“What kind of Ability is this you?” In this regard, a few women were surprised by what means.

A hundred meters away from each other, you will be able to catch a living person in your hands. Should you be so scary?

“Is it heard from the air? It’s this kind of Ability. You met the requirements that day. I am teaching you!” Sun Wukong casually put a word on it, facing the little Loli: “You don’t have to be afraid! Brother is afraid of you. Drowning in the sea, so I will save you… Tell me! What is your name? Why is it on the Navy?”

“Is it saved?” Xiao Loli snorted, and her heart was overjoyed: “I am so lucky…” Immediately watching Sun Wukong said: “You should introduce yourself before asking someone!”

After a few women on the side of “嘻嘻~~”, they all laughed in good faith.

“That’s what it is! My name is Nami, she is Tina, she is Dina, she is Kaya, she is Dasqi… This brother is the captain of our pirate group, Sun Wukong, very powerful. Oh!” Naomi came forward, one by one introduced.

“The pirates?!” Little Loli was scared and widened her eyes. Zhang opened her mouth and her chin almost fell! The body stagnated there for a moment and remained motionless.

“I am going! Is the pirate so terrible? Is it scary to listen to a name?” Sun Wukong shook his head helplessly, slamming on the little girl’s head and awakening her from the fright.

“It’s over! It’s hard to escape from the hands of the Navy… How can it be unlucky to be caught by the pirates immediately…” The little girl immediately shrank into a ball, and the body began to tremble.

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