The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 138 Chapter of Unrest

“Black beard?” The brow of the Warring States suddenly wrinkled: “Is the recently famous black beard pirate group?”


“The thief haha ​​~ ~ give me the phone bug, let me go talk to your marshal adults!” Black Beard Dingqi grabbed the phone bug in the navy, said: “Your lord is the Marshal, the Warring States adults. It’s really a long time! Thieves haha~~ So, are you interested in making a deal with me?”

“Transaction? Hey! You are just a pirate in the district. How dare you want to trade with our navy? Don’t you put our navy in your eyes? Since you are here, you don’t want to leave alive!” The tone of the Warring States is very Cold, even angry, murderous aura is more intense!

Because of Sun Wukong’s relationship, his mood was awful. Now that Black Bear is looking for him at this festival, can he not be angry? This is in the eyes of the Warring States and his party, it has become a behavior of picking!

“Black beard? I am going to kill him now…” Huang Wei got up and looked very cold. Now the navy is in desperate need of a chance to stand up. Since your black beard is looking for a dead end, you are sorry to not kill you. is you.

“The thief haha~~~ I am here, but I am not here to accompany you to the Navy. I have sent you a big gift this time!” Blackbeard heard that the other party was coming to kill himself, but he was scared. A big jump, and immediately hey hey laughed and said his purpose, he did not want to talk nonsense, because listening to the other party’s tone, the mood does not seem very good.

“Gift? Hey! If you don’t give me a satisfactory answer, today, you also want to leave the island!” The Warring States face the phone bug, the sound is very cold. He knew that the black beard was on the island, and it was easy to catch up with him at the speed of Huang Qi.

“The thief haha ​​~ ~ this gift, you will be very satisfied!” Black beard Dickey could not help but laughed: “I don’t know if you are interested in the White Beard Pirates’ second team Captain, Fire Fist Ace… …”

“What?! What do you mean?!” The Warring States moved slightly.

“Yes, now Firefighter Ace is in my hands… Thief haha~~~ I am going to hand him over to your navy to deal with…how, this gift, are you satisfied? Thieves haha~~~” The black beard is giving a smirk of laughter.

“What! You actually caught Ace?!” The Warring States is really moving.

Kapu was even more shocked than he was, suddenly stood up, actually directly robbed the phone bug in the Warring States, roaring: “You caught Ace? Just by you?”

“This voice… I didn’t expect a naval hero, Lieutenant General Karp is also… I heard that Ace is calling you a grandfather…”

“Do not worry about things! If you don’t make things clear, the old man will let you experience the old man’s iron fist but it is very heavy!” Karp snorted.

“Kapp, you should calm down first, this thing, I will deal with it!” The Warring States seized the phone bug in Karp’s hand and looked serious. He is naturally aware of the relationship between Ace and Karp.

Kapu’s financial expression is very ugly, his fists are tightly squeezed, his heart is not calm, but he strongly suppresses himself, does not let himself erupt, and retreats to one side without saying a word! He is very clear about Ace’s TRUE status. Now he is caught. If his identity is exposed, then he can really imagine the bear!

However, what to worry about, come here!

The telephone worm suddenly read out the unique laughter of Black Beard: “I know that Sun Wukong has made your navy awesome, you need a chance to stand up now… and I gave you the fire fist. Sis is the best time for your navy to regain its prestige!…”

“How? Do you do this transaction?”

“Talk about your request!” The Warring States quickly calmed down.

“Seven Wuhai… I only need a place of seven Wuhai… Thief haha~~~”

“With the white beard pirate group’s second team Captain, in exchange for a seven Wuhai place … you will pick the time … … that Sun Wukong just killed two of the seven Wuhai … seven Wuhai position is indeed vacant, but I want to use one person in exchange for the position of the Seven Wuhai… It’s not that simple…”

“You will agree…” The black beard’s tone is very positive. After sending out his unique laughter again, the voice is slightly low: “Do you know why I caught fire fist Ace, not someone else? Because I was inadvertently aware of his TRUE experience… I think you will be shocked!”

On the side of Karp heard this, his heart suddenly jumped, the facial expression became more difficult to look at, and the heart could not help but mutter: “That thing… finally still exposed?”

“Life experience? What kind of life?” The Warring States took a look at Karp, and asked with a serious face.

“The thief haha ​​~ ~ One Piece, the name of Gil D. Roger, in this world, that is no one knows, no one knows, well known, Roger is dead … but, it is very rare people know Although Roger is dead, he still has a descendant who survived!”

“What? Roger has descendants!”

The people present were all shocked!

The Warring States was even more gazing at the side of Karp, and the aura of terror was looming, this time, extremely serious, without the slightest joke!

Karp squeezed his fist and was silent, but the wrath was like a lion-like terror look, but it was extremely horrible!

The Warring States and other people saw it, they were moving, and Karp did not say anything, but his look was superficial!

“If there is time, I will talk to you well…” The warring country’s eagerly watched Karp, removed his gaze. At the same time, there is a touch of excitement!

Because Sun Wukong made their navy face lose, now, it is a rare opportunity to stand up, it is simply a gift in the snow! Can he not be excited?

At the moment, picking up the phone bug, the tone is serious: “Fast! With a black beard pirate group to the general headquarters of the Navy, I have to personally confirm… But I must bring the fire fist Ace to me!”

“So… the conditions I mentioned…”

“As long as you confirm that what you said is true, from now on, you are one of the seven kings of Wuxia!”

“The thief haha ​​~ ~ then, the cooperation is happy!”

On the other side, Sun Wukong, with Kemi, played the big and a while Ferris wheel, and played it again on the island’s upper reaches. Only then did the unfinished daughters return to the beach, release the emperor, rest. Up…

Until the next morning, whole world was shocked by a newspaper!

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