The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 139, the beginning of the war

On the calm sea, there is a pirate ship drifting, the familiar flag is the straw hat pirate ship.

The ship came up with a frenzy of sounds. It turned out that the straw hats had just joined a new partner – Brooke! It is celebrating for his joining.

A communication pigeon flew from a distance and stopped at the edge of the ship…

“Is there any new news? Let me go and see!” The girl, Hitch, got up and ran to the communication pigeon, lost the money of the newspaper to the communication pigeon, bought a newspaper, and looked up…

In the straw hat pirate group, except for Xiqi, other people are ignoring the newspaper’s report, so what happened is that after Qi Qi read the newspaper, he told Lu Fei and others. !

It’s just that this time, it’s obviously too shocking. Just watching it for a moment, Xiqi’s eyes widened and exclaimed!

“What’s wrong? Xiqisang, is anyone bullying you?” Upon listening to Xiqi’s exclamation, the first one of Yamaji was to take the spatula and rush it out…

“Hey? Is there an enemy?” Joe Barton’s scared eyes were all protruding, and he took his feet and hid his head behind the door. The buttocks were exposed and twisted! It looks a bit cute, but it seems that there is no use for this method of hiding…

“What! There are enemies? Where? Dare to disturb our important party! I want to fly him!” Luffy held an unknown thigh in both hands, and the angry rushed out.

Sauron and others are also following closely…

“No! Not! I just read the newspaper and scared one of that’s all! Don’t you be so nervous?” Xiqi watched Lu Fei and others, silent for a while.

“Is there anything to be afraid of reading the newspaper? What news is there this time? Even let Qiqisang be shocked?” Shan Zhi and others are all curious about the past.

“This really happened to the extraordinary thing! I really don’t know what the Navy was doing in the end recently. Suddenly admitted that the emperor pirate group stood on top of the four emperors, this time it is still openly punished. Captain of the Beard Pirates Group Captain: Portas D. Ace! With white beard as a person, how can he sit and watch his companion be killed? It seems that this time, the navy is going to follow The Beard Pirates Group is on the battle!”

“The Navy wants to fight with the White Beard Pirates?!”

When they saw it, they were shocked.

“What did you just say? Portas D. Ace? Is it really Ace?” After the shock, Luffy suddenly reacted, his eyes were convex, and he grabbed Xiqi’s arms and was excited. Call it up.

“Yes… is Portas D. Ace… Luffy, what’s wrong? Why are you so excited? Don’t tell me Do you know this person?” Hitchcock watched Luffy’s expression, one Surprised face.

Luffy grabbed the newspaper in the hands of Xiqi, watched the name on it, and the familiar portrait. Eyes grew bigger and bigger, and the body trembled with excitement: “Really…is Ace…Ai S…so…is it going to be executed?”

“Hey! Luffy, are you okay? Does this guy have anything to do with you?”

The performance of Luffy made them all frown. They still see the first time, the road is not afraid, the road is not afraid, so moving side!

“He is my brother! Ace is my brother!” Lu Fei suddenly excitedly grabbed Xiqi’s hands and shouted.

“What? What do you say? Firefighter Ace… is your brother?!” Then, it was the turn of Hiki who was shocked: “How come…Luffy… I didn’t expect… you turned out to be… One Piece… Roger’s son…”

“What? Luffy is the One Piece… Roger’s son?!”

Aside from the Sauron and others, they suddenly opened their eyes and looked horrified! Watching Luffy’s expression is like watching a monster!

“I didn’t expect this guy to have such an amazing life…” Usopp looked stunned.

“What are you talking about? I am not Roger’s son!” Lu Fei glared at everyone, shouting.

“But this said, Portas D. Ace, is the One Piece, Roger’s son!” Xiqi pointed to the newspaper, said.

“I am a brother to aide with Ace…” Luffy’s eyes widened, and the words with a vibrato showed how excited he was at the moment.

“Call~ It turns out to be like this!” Sauron and others inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief. Luffy was really the son of Roger, and the fun was big.

“But I didn’t expect that you were the brother of the pirate king Roger’s son.” Francie said with amazement.

“What is going on in the end? Isn’t that escaping?” Luffy looked anxiously watching.

“It was a guy named Black Beard who handed Ace to the Navy, in exchange for the title of Seven Wuhai… If the war was won by the White Beard Pirates, maybe he might be saved…” Xiqi Road.

“Open punishment… Where is it?”

“The town where the general headquarters of the Navy is located, the open plaza of Marin Vadodo… The newspaper said that it is a week later, starting today, after six days…”

“How long does it take to go to Marin Vado?”

Xiqi looked at the map of the sea and said: “It takes about three days…”

“Three days time… that’s enough…” Luffy sighed, watching Sauron and others, very serious: “I have to save Ace… This is my private business…so… ”

“What are you talking about in the end?” Without waiting for Luffy to finish talking, Xiqi was angry and interrupted him: “We are all members of the straw hat pirates, Luffy’s thing is Our business!”

“This is the truth!” Sauron nodded, and Sanji and others were also watched Luffy, indicating their position!

“Good! Set off off, target, Marin van Gogh!”

At the same time, the White Beard Pirates Group also learned that Ace was about to be sentenced, and they were furious. Under the leadership of White Beard, they were fully armed and came to Marin van Gogh! A big battle is about to break out!

This incident is even more shocking to the world, especially the identity of the fire fist Ace, but also like a tsunami, shocking people stunned!

Early in the morning, the slightest females broke into the door and will be mentioned in the dream of Sun Wukong. “Goku, you see, this is really a big event!”

“What a big deal! Go and go… Don’t stop me from sleeping…”

“Sleep your big head ghost! Look at the newspaper, the navy will fight with the white-bearded pirate group!” Namei bluntly pointed Sun Wukong’s head to the newspaper in her hand.

“Well? Let’s fight?” Sun Wukong squinted slightly, and looked at the newspaper in the corner. At the corner of his mouth, there was a slight smile: “I didn’t expect that this day came so soon…”

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