The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 31: Body transformation

“Goku, are you ready?” Bulma sat in the instrument that fired the Burz light and asked aloud to Sun Wukong, standing on a large rock not far away. And the nephew and other women are watching and watching.

“Well! Let’s get started! Remember to adjust the frequency to the maximum! Otherwise I am afraid that the body transformation will not be the Golden Big Monkey!” Sun Wukong made an OK gesture with a serious look. My heart is talking to myself: “With my current strength, I should have the qualification of the body transformation super 4? I don’t know if it will go well!”

“Call~~” Bulma nodded, took a deep breath, then turned on the instrument, and the strong Buruse light instantly illumined Sun Wukong.


At the moment when Sun Wukong’s heartbeat illuminates the Burr light, it begins to violently jump, and the muscles of the whole body begin to swell, and the eyes become blood red, fierce and can be shot!

“ahhh ahhh ah~~~~”

Accompanied by the screams of Sun Wukong, a terror of Ki broke out from his body, and countless sandstones floated up under the influence of this Ki, and rushed into the sky!

I saw Sun Wukong’s body rapidly becoming bigger and bigger, the clothes collapsed, revealing a golden fur, the original handsome face began to distort, but in a moment, it became a big nose, big eyes, fangs orangutans head!


I saw Golden Great Ape, a besterk’s big cockroach, the rocks under the feet and all around it were broken. When you were squatting, you danced wildly, and the gravel went through the sky…

“Yeah~~Goku brother really turned into a gorilla! Looks like terror!” Alice and other three little loli watches not far from the Golden Great Ape, was scared and hurriedly hid behind the girls, because The giant Ku is really too terror, and it is no wonder that they will be scared!

“Also… really the body transformation became Golden Great Ape! It looks like a berserk!” The lily watched from time to time, slamming his chest, carrying a great destruction of Golden Great Ape, a shocked look Shocked color!

“Well… it looks like it’s really losing reasoning, then…Next, that’s our mission!” The blind man stepped forward and watched the girls beside him.

“Really… Is it really going to pass? In the current situation, we are afraid that if we pass, we will be trampled to death?” Shayed wiped the cold sweat in front of her forehead, apparently a little scared.

“So, we have to go more, aren’t we?” Lily patted Shay’s shoulder and smiled.

“You… you really want to go? This Ki… is terrible! Even if it is me, I can’t stop his blow, you don’t even say it!” Android 18, watching body transformation Golden Great Ape Sun Wukong, a little bit trembled all over, and Golden Great Ape gave her Ki, which made her feel desperate!

“Because only we can wake Goku’s mind, this is his mission to ask us not?” The nephew smiled slightly: “So, I will test it out first!” Then she saw her luck Sky-dance Art. Flying over to Golden Great Ape.

“Goku, do you remember me? I am a blind man! Poison Island nephew, your wife! Do you remember me? Goku! Wake up! Goku!…” The nephew flew in front of Golden Great Ape. Loudly calling.

The Golden Great Ape, who had been ravaged by the catastrophe, suddenly stopped moving and looked down at the scorpion…

“Is it successful?” When the scene was seen, the women were overjoyed. But before they were happy, I saw the Golden Monkey screaming and slammed the scorpion to the scorpion! The blind man suddenly became shocked and hurriedly sneaked away from the past!

“Ah~~Goku brother really lost reasoning, he is actually attacking the sister-in-law!” Xiang Pho looked at her eyes wide open, a look of surprise.

“No, it seems a bit effective!” Android 18 watching attacks the scorpion’s Golden Great Ape from time to time, faintly said: “With the speed of the scorpion, it is impossible to escape the giant attack, but she is at the most critical Time to hide, this shows that Goku still has a few reasoning, he does not want to hurt the blind! So at the most critical time, will pause for a moment! He is fighting his own demons!”

“It seems that we can’t lose to the blind! Everyone is gone! Even if you die, you can die in your own man’s hands. It’s also a happy thing!” Yuriko smiled at the girls, the first to fly. The past.

“Hey~ Li sister, I won’t fly! Hold me over!”

“I won’t fly too. Li Xiang, you hold me over!”

In this way, the backs of the women, the hugs, and the golden Great Ape flew together. In the field, there are only three women left: Meiqin, 玖辛奈, Android 18!

“That… Meiqin! I don’t seem to have anything to do with him? It used to be useless in the past… Is it?” Chen Xinnai looked at Meiqin with some hesitation.

“It depends on your own choice! Then, I will go first!” Meiqin patted Chen Xinnai gently, and jumped a few times and went to Golden Great Ape. Although she can’t fly, but as a ninja, her figure is light and agile.

“Well~ I just invited him to protect them… I can’t help it!” Android 18 also gave himself a reason to fly over.

“But ~ among the people, it seems that I was isolated alone! It’s really uncomfortable!” Yan Xinnai drank a low sentence and jumped over and rushed over!


Golden Great Ape is still ruining, and seeing the girls rushing toward him, the red light in his eyes is even better. It seems that his majesty has been greatly provoked, and he saw a huge stone that he grabbed the ground. Threw it over to the girls!

“Not good! Hurry to escape!” The girls were shocked, but the boulder was too big, and they could not dodge at their speed!

In a critical moment, I saw the scorpion suddenly appear in front of the boulder, the sword in the hand waved, the sword light flashed, and the huge stone was directly divided into two by her, saving everyone!

“Call~ just good insurance! Thank you very much, scorpion!”

“Does Goku really want to kill us?”

The police were relieved when the crisis was lifted.

However, at this time, I saw Golden Great Ape jumped up and jumped off the stone cliff, directly disintegrating the ground! Then, with both hands on the ground, they climbed toward the girls. I saw each of his claws, causing the boulder to break, and each foot caused the ground to collapse! What the scene is shocking and amazing!

“Everyone quickly evaded, but now Goku will really kill us!” The screaming screamed, and hurriedly picked up Alice and flew out.

The girls have supported each other and fled the place. However, Meiqin was suddenly hit by a flying gravel. He flew out on the spot and slammed into a big stone and spit out a big blood.

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