The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Third 12 Chapter Super Saiyan 4

The girls have supported each other and fled the place. However, Meiqin was suddenly hit by a flying gravel. He flew out on the spot and slammed into a big stone and spit out a mouthful of blood.

“Mei Qin!” The women suddenly became shocked and rushed over to her side. However, their speed is fast, how can they get past Golden Great Ape? Seeing that the Meiqin is about to die under the big feet of Golden Great Ape.

Suddenly, a shadow flashed, and between the millennial, the Meiqin was rescued from the foot of Golden Great Ape.

“Android 18!” Seeing the rescuer, the girls are overjoyed.

“You still don’t hurry! I don’t have the Ability to save you!” Android 18 held the beautiful piano and shouted at the girls around. The girls all woke up, fled away, and then gathered together not far away.

“Mega, are you okay?” The female group, such as Chen Xinnai, surrounded the Meiqin and looked anxious. And Meiqin’s chest has a big blood hole, the previous gravel is a life to put her chest into the hole! There is only half a breath left now!

The scorpion quickly took out a senzu bean and stuffed it into her mouth: “Hurry and eat it! After eating, you will be fine!”

Meiqin’s difficult chewing for a while, swallowed the senzu bean: “Call~~ It’s finally alive! You must be careful, that kind of power is too forformable. With our strength, as long as it is scraped Going to it, not dead or seriously injured!”

“Well, we will be careful!” The girls nodded.

“It seems that this task is really not simple!” Lily’s watching is still far away from the ruin of Golden Great Ape, frowning and sighing.

“Not good! Goku is coming to us.” Shaye watches the Golden Great Ape, which is getting closer and closer to them, and the financial expression is not changed. At this time, Golden Great Ape is approaching the women step by step, and the fists are pēng pēng.

“Sisters, it seems that we are always hiding. It’s not as good as we are gambling?” The nephew watched the girls, and looked serious.

“Bet? How is a gambling?” The women looked puzzled at the blind.

“Gambling! Do you dare?”

“…we understand what you mean! Let’s try it! See if Goku really hurts us!” Yuri nodded and looked firm. Her sister paper also nodded and recognized this method!

Golden Great Ape is getting closer and closer to them. When they see them, they immediately slap their chests and then slammed them into the audience. If this is done, the girls will be smashed into meat. cake.

“Goku! Please stop! We are all your wife! don’t tell me Do you really want to kill us?” The girls were indifferent to Golden Great Ape’s fist and shouted loudly.

However, Golden Great Ape’s fist just paused, his eyes flickered, and once again ruthlessly rushed to the girls!

“It seems… our gambling has failed, and it has to be smashed by Goku!” Nan Lixiang looked at the girls and sighed helplessly.


Golden Great Ape In the roar, the huge fist is getting closer and closer to the girls…

“Goku brother! Please stop at hand!” Suddenly, there was a white cry from the field. I don’t know when she had already reached the foot of Golden Great Ape, holding his toes with both hands, and the tears of the beans had wet a pair of hair on the toes of Golden Great Ape.

And Golden Great Ape’s fist suddenly slammed down on the heads of the girls, and there was a struggle and mystery in his eyes. The strong hurricane caused a lot of pain in the scalp of the women.

White tears are falling, sobbing loudly: “Goku brother, you have not said, are we all your favorite people? You will never hurt us? I have always believed this because Goku brother It is also my favorite person, the most important person in my life! When I am the most lonely and most helpless, you saved me! Follow everyone together, I am really happy and happy! I like everyone! If you are dead, if you are dead, you can wake up your mind! Kill me first!”

“White…” The girls were crying out with the words of white, and they began to cry out loud!

“Goku! I am Bulma! You don’t really want to kill us?”

“Goku! We are all your wife! You said that you will always protect us! Please wake up!”

“Goku, brother, wake up! You are so scared of Alice! 555~~~” Alice screamed and ran to the foot of Golden Great Ape, and hugged Golden as white. Great Ape’s toes, crying.

Phosphorus is also a kind of learning, hurriedly ran over and boldly picked up the golden toe of Golden Great Ape and shouted: “Goku brother! If you want to kill, let me kill it too!”

The girls fell at the foot of Golden Great Ape, and hugged his feet: “Yes! As long as you can wake up your mind, if you want to kill, kill us all together!”

“吼ahhh 啊~~~” Golden Great Ape screaming in pain, the mystery and struggle in the eyes are even better! The tears of the girls were like dripping into the heart of Sun Wukong, and a slap in the heart of his berserk made his emotions calm down!

For a moment, I saw Golden Great Ape suddenly roaring in the sky: “ahhh ahhh ~~ I Sun Wukong is definitely not hurting my own woman! Ahhh! Not the body transformation big ape! You can think about my thoughts! ahhh what!”

Accompanied by Sun Wukong’s loud noise, Golden Great Ape’s Ki of Berserk receded like a tide, his body shrank rapidly, his fur disappeared… After a glare, a new posture of Sun Wukong appeared in the body of the girls. before! He succeeded! The successful body transformation became the form of the super 4!

“This…this… is this what XXXXX looks like? It’s so cool!” The girls watched Sun Wukong at the moment and were stunned.

“Oh, it’s really hard for you! Thank you for your blessings, I have succeeded!” Sun Wukong smiled and squatted down, opened his arms and hugged the girls!

“Goku! You are finally back!” The girls threw themselves into his arms. Of course, except for two people, 玖Cinnay and Android 18. However, the loss of the two women’s eyes, but did not survive the perception of Sun Wukong.

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