The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The one hundred and fifty-fifth chapter meets the enemy

On the other side, pushing the city, because a group of people flying, also become more and more confused! Magellan and others have been laid down by Sun Wukong, without the obstruction of these big people, the ordinary jailers can not stop the footsteps of Luffy! All the way to the LEVEL6unlimited Hell!

Unfortunately, at this moment, Ace has been transferred by the Navy, they are late!

As a last resort, they had to go back from the sixth floor all the way. On the way, they also rescued the sea heroes who were deprived of the title of Qiwuhai, and even got the help of the demon king Ivakov and others, and the group released the prisoners all the way. The vast lineup went to the exit of the first floor and killed it…

The big prison, which was originally called the world’s strongest, was completely confused by them! This time, it was more chaotic than the first golden lion who fled from the propulsion city at that time! Because of a large prison, they were released by the prisoners, and only the prisons of 3rd Layer and below have not been poisoned!

Advance the city, the fourth layer of the burning Hell.

The vast two parties are in direct opposition!

One side is the navy!

One party is a pirate!

However, it is obvious that the number of people on the navy is more advantageous, and the firearms in their hands are not a better grade than the knives and sticks on the pirate side!

One party for justice!

And one is for freedom!

No matter who is right or who is wrong! They are all in order to achieve their own purposes, even if they are afraid, they must raise their weapons!

“This lineup… It’s quite big!” Sun Wukong, holding Abis, sat in front of a corridor, watching the two people underneath, but it was a faint smile! From beginning to end, he used a spectator attitude to watch everything that happened in front of him.

“Goku brother! Those pirates are very bad guys. If they really let them run, isn’t it good?” Abis watched, some worried.

“Reassured, they can’t escape!” Sun Wukong smiled.

And as Sun Wukong’s words just fell, a slightly low voice rang in the back of the navy: “It’s a shame! In my many years as a director, there have been such rebellions, don’t ‘t tell me, have you forgotten my Magellan’s terror?”

“Ah! Director Magellan!”

“Director! Are you already alright?”

On the navy side, the jailers heard the familiar voice as if they had heard the fairy music, and the expression of nervousness and fear was suddenly replaced by excitement and excitement! Let’s make a road, showing Magellan bandaged with a bandage!

Sun Wukong’s easy shot, it seems that he is not hurt!

“Yes… Magellan!”

On the side of the pirates, as soon as they saw Magellan, they were all scared and looked stunned. For many years, Magellan’s terror reputation in this prison, they have personal experience!

To put it simply, as long as there is the existence of Magellan in this prison, even if the prison gate is opened, there is no dare to dare to escape. Instead, he will consciously enter the prison and lock the door! This shows that Magellan has such a shocking position in this prison.

The original flame Ki pirate pirates saw Magellan’s moment, aura instantly weakened three points!

“Don’t be afraid! Magellan has been seriously injured, rushing! As long as we defeat them, we are free!”

A wretched pirate suddenly raised his weapon and drank it! The pirates who had a weak three-pointer in aura suddenly rekindled hope. Watching the bandages like a mummy like Magellan, they all showed the color of madness, screamed, raised the weapons in their hands, and rushed up!

Everything is just for freedom, even if it is to die, but also to fight!

“Hey! Impeldown Laozi has been guarding for most of his life, and he has been mistaken for a long time. You can wait for it to be released here! Even if you are seriously injured, it is not easy to deal with you!” Magellan aura full of roar A big mouth, the gas of terror spits out of his mouth, and the strong venom is like a mud that will seal all the doors around!

In a moment, here is a poison room!

Then there were 5 poisonous dragons flying out of Magellan’s body, swept away toward the group of pirates, and the intense venom in the blink of an eye, it was flooded with a large number of pirates!

For a moment, mourning, screaming! However, the moment of the moment, the original pirate side, has become a danger of being completely annihilated!

Of course, the navy side, also each and every one fell, because the gas is not divided between the enemy and the enemy, while the pirates are recruiting, the navy’s jailers, the same trick! This is simply the same way of playing, even if it is dead, you must not let go of a prisoner!

The navy side also has its own perseverance!

“Damn! The abundance of this poisonous fruit is really tricky… everyone, don’t take care of others, hurry and leave!” Ivakov pointed at the scorpion and snorted at the road, escaping toward the door!

“Block them!” Magellan wanted to stop, but he would have been injured in his body. At this moment, he used his own Ability, the wound was broken, and it hurt and wounded. The foot was soft and fell to the ground directly! But he did not care, and shouted loudly at the jailers around him.

The jailers were forced to endure the poisonous body, and they raised their guns in their hands, and opened the door to Luffy and others without any difference! The scene has become a mess!

Only the guns of the ordinary are obviously unable to stop Luffy and others, but for a moment, they are already in front of a door!

Watching the door closed by the poisonous, the scissors fruit of the Ability came forward: “Give it to me!” Saying, the hands that become scissors will be cut towards the door…

Around the entrance of the door, suddenly the infiltrated strange ‘black fog’ came, and immediately, in a loud bang, the door was actually rudely turned to the ground!

The arrogant laughter also sounded: “The thief haha~~~ It seems quite lively here! We didn’t bother you? Thief haha~~~~”

What appeared was a group of pirates dressed up, the first person, but the tall and tall, full of scum, look at its appearance, actually a black beard!

“Die Qi! Why are you this bastard here?!” After the sea man saw the black beard, the facial expression changed, and he angered.

“Digi? You should call me a black beard now! Thief haha~~~” Blackbeard laughed again and again, facing so many people in the hall, but still calm.

“Well?” Lu Fei suddenly stunned and shook his eyes, his eyes widened, his fists pressed tightly, his face full of anger, and his voice screamed: “You bastard… is the black beard?!”

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