The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The one hundred and fifty-sixth chapter Luffy vs Black Beard

“Oh, straw hat kid, say, you have a good relationship with that Ace! Murderous aura, but can you loose your pinch fist? If you hate me, then you can find it wrong. Object, I want to kill Ace, but not me, but the navy! Thief haha!”

The black beard watched his face full of anger, but he laughed and explained that the arrogance of the face was something that anyone could see. A series of exaggerated laughs is like laughing at others.

“Bastard, are you a black beard…” Luffy gnash one’s teeth, slowly coming to the front of the black beard, pinching his fist, showing his anger at the moment.

“Oh! I remember we met before… the straw hat kid… At that time, I heard that after the Krok Dal, one of the Seven Wuhais, was killed, the position of the successor of the Seven Wuhai was determined to be… At that time, I Just set the target on the current Emperor Sun Wukong… Fortunately, I met Ace halfway, or else, I may be dead or not now!”

“The thief haha~~~ After all, the emperor Sun Wukong is a little scary forformidable. Even the Navy generals have been killed by him…. It’s a thank you, Ais, thank you very much, thief. Haha~~~ You can rest assured that after he dies, I will definitely thank him at his grave… Thief haha~~~”

The black-bearded thief laughed haha ​​more then, and the look of a arrogant look was very uncomfortable. In line with his unique ‘thief haha’ laugh, it was like laughing at everyone present! Whether it is the pirate still navy, for a moment is full of bad for him!

“You bastard!” Luffy finally couldn’t stand it, clenched his fist, hammered it to the ground, turned red, and raised a blue smoke. He had already opened the second gear: “I want to fly you to the sky.” “Speaking, the blue palm of the blue palm is screaming at the black palm, and roaring: “Rubber…jet pistol!”

The voice just fell, and I saw that Luffy’s figure flashed in front of the black beard. With roar, a punch hit the black beard’s belly, and a black beard screamed in pain. And, when you hit the thick wall and leave a huge hole, you will fall to the ground and hold your head.

“Ace will not die! I will never let you go to this bastard!” Luffy screamed again: “Rubber…Jet…”

Unfortunately, his moves have not yet been issued, but it was stopped by the black beard in time! I saw him at the moment, surrounded by black light, one hand extended, a direct stroke of ‘dark water’ to make out, Luffy was sucked into the hands of black beard by a huge suction!

The dark fruit, this is the nemesis of the Ability, and the road fly is caught by the black beard, it is the mode that directly withdraws from the second gear! Immediately thrown to the ground by the black beard!

In a loud bang, Luffy was directly smashed into the ground!

“Luffy! Blood? Luffy was actually injured? Isn’t he a rubber man?” Shan Zhi and others watched the blood on the head of Lu Fei’s head. They were all shocked.


Luffy bites his teeth and endures the pain. He leans back toward the rear. Without the strictness of the black beard, in this moment, he once again restored the mode of the second gear!

“Blood?!” Luffy touched his head, watched the blood on it, and looked shocked because he was a rubber man. This blunt blow should be ineffective for him, but the attack of black beard did hurt him. It is.

“The thief haha~~ See you don’t understand what happened! It’s much slower than your older brother! Tell you! Laozi’s Ability, but everyone’s nemesis! As long as I am caught by the Ability, I will make it No power! Your big brother Ace, but it is defeated under this Ability! Thief haha ​​~~~ Understood? Demon fruit Ability, in front of me is powerless! Laozi is the strongest Thief haha~~~”

After listening to the introduction of the black beard, the people around him were shocked by his Ability! Watching those shocked and scared expressions around, the black beard’s smirk is even more unscrupulous!

“Then how… I said… I want to fly you!” Luffy screamed, screaming at the black beard and rushing toward the black beard again! It was only in the middle of the road that it was stopped by the seaman: “Wait, Luffy! It is useless to rush up like this!”

“Let me go! Let me go!” Luffy didn’t care about it, but he struggled with anger, and it looked like he was stunned by the anger and vowed to fight with the black beard.

“Luffy, you are a little unwise like this! Knowing the lost to, why should you rush forward without a brain?” Sun Wukong, an intuitive warfare, finally can’t stand it, his body flashes, holding A Bess’s little hand appeared directly in the field.

“Sun…Sun Wukong!”

When Sun Wukong appeared, it scared those naval jailers who were shocked and frightened and stepped back several steps!

“He is… Emperor… Sun Wukong?!”

The pirates are either full of curiosity or awesome watching Sun Wukong. After all, they have been locked up here. They have only heard of the rumors of Sun Wukong, but they have not seen Sun Wukong’s TRUE means. There is no jealousy from the navy!

“Sun…Sun Wukong!” Black Beard saw the Sun Wukong moment, Eyes was also shrinking, and then the thief laughed loudly: “I really didn’t expect it, can see Emperor Sun Wukong here. It’s a great honor!”

After Luffy saw Sun Wukong, anger calmed down! Not yelling!

Sauron nodded to Sun Wukong and said hello. After all, this occasion is not a good place to talk about the old.

“I am honored?” Sun Wukong looked at the faint black beard: “Don’t you say that you are lucky? Just now I heard that… you have been looking for me and want to give my head to the navy…”

“The thief haha~~ How is it possible! You must have got it wrong!” Blackbeard laughed haha, and he would never offend Sun Wukong before he had absolute certainty. But he didn’t know that he had offended Sun Wukong since he hit his mind on Sun Wukong’s head.

“You are saying, can’t my ears be?” Sun Wukong, a smiling face, suddenly became cold and slinky, and it appeared in front of the black beard…

“No… I am not this…”

The black beard was panicked, and the words had not been finished yet. He listened to the ‘pu-chi’ sound, the blood splashed, and Eyes tightened instantly. Zhang had his big mouth with a missing tooth, bowed his head and looked unfathomable to his chest, where The right hand of Sun Wukong has ruthlessly penetrated his chest!

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