The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Between the seventeenth 12 chapter

“Emotions… I didn’t know, I did so many good things…” Sun Wukong watching The reaction of the people, some accidents, everything he did was just to brush the sister paper’s good feelings that’s all, no I think there is such an effect.

He never thought that he was a good person. He only did what he wanted to do. Right or wrong, he never dismissed.

But no matter what his purpose is, benefiting is benefiting, so the people are still very grateful to what Sun Wukong has done.

“Have you seen it? Their performance has already indicated everything. Do you dare to say that your navy is just?” Dina looked at the Warring States and others, and Aura forced people.

The Warring States and others watched the people, for a moment, speechless, for the Tianlong people, they for a moment is also a hateful tooth itch, what is the virtue of the Tianlong people, they are naturally clear, but they did not think, Tianlong people The level of resentment has reached the point where people and gods are indignant, but they have made their whole world government notorious!

But this is also their own self-sufficiency, who told them to indulge in the Tianlong people, and still under the eyes of the general headquarters of the Navy, which gradually let the people who hate and fear the Tianlong people silently pass on hatred and hatred to the incompetent ‘The government…

No one dared to jump out to be the first bird in the past. People are also obsessed with the government’s arrogance. Therefore, they can only swallow their voices and bury their fears and fears!

However, with the emergence of Sun Wukong, no one has been worried about the world government. The grievances and hatred that have been hidden in the hearts for many years have been vented. When it broke out, there was a tendency to get out of hand!

Watching that is full of hatred of angry eyes, Warring States and others for a moment I feel that the word ‘justice’ on my back is so glaring and ridiculous!

At the same time, they also became sweaty, and their hearts were even more stunned. They didn’t even know that, unconsciously, the reputation of the Navy was ruined by those abominable locusts! If Sun Wukong ascends a call at the moment, with the means of Sun Wukong, the world government, I am afraid that it will cease to exist, think about it, the Warring States and other people, are the back of the cold!

They believe that if you want to stumble the world government, others can’t do it, but Sun Wukong can definitely do it! Because he has that strength, too, he now has that reputation!

The survival of the government, at this moment, is only in the words of Sun Wukong!

“I didn’t expect… the old man’s life is fighting for justice. But the result… it is like this… I have long discovered that the navy has gradually begun to decay, but I did not expect it to be so serious…” Karp sighed It seems as if I am a few decades old and I have no war. The appearance of Sun Wukong is tantamount to a wake-up call to their navy.

“Can wake up in time, it seems that you still have to save…” Sun Wukong watching Karp and other people’s expressions, smiled slightly: “The Tianlong people who are in the way have been killed by me now, then you don’t have to be shackled! Just right Can take this opportunity to rectify the navy! Follow the justice of TRUE in your heart!”

“Your consciousness is?” The Warring States’ eyes widened and felt unfathomable. Do you think you are wrong? He originally thought that the world government would be finished.

“This world is indispensable to the Navy! There is no navy! That is really a mess!” Sun Wukong looked at the Warring States and others, Ki swearing: “But I don’t want you to be self-righteous, claiming that the Navy is just ridiculous.” The remarks! So the ‘justice’ is not as simple as you said! If you let me see you still so self-righteous and act in your own interests to do what you call justice, I don’t mind, let the navy remove the name!”

“Thank you for giving us the opportunity to come back again! My Warring States swear! From now on, the Navy will be born to carry out TRUE’s ‘justice’!” The Warring States face a vow.

Karp and others are also a firm face, will be born for justice, die for justice!

“Be born for justice! Die for justice!”

Tens of thousands of people, at this moment, all of them went to Sun Wukong and bowed down! That picture is shocking and exciting!

They were all very hostile to Sun Wukong, but now they have all become worship! Awe!

Originally, Sun Wukong only needed one sentence, and it was possible to overthrow the whole world government, but he did not do it, but gave the navy a chance to be born again! How great this is! How open-minded people! For others, who can afford this temptation!

At this moment, whole world, all worship Sun Wukong like Gods! Worship!

World First, become a legend! Forever passed down to the world!

“That’s… too great…” Hancock watched Sun Wukong at the moment, his eyes were blurred, and the four shackles had been ignored by her, leaving only Sun Wukong alone.

And Luna and other women, at this moment is also fascinated by Sun Wukong…

And Sun Wukong is also frankly accepted, although his original intention is just that he does not want to make the whole world into chaos, prematurely awakening the owner of this world, that’s all…

But no matter how , still frees this world from a catastrophe!

This is also the right to be a supreme, a life! I am dying!

But the war is not over yet!

Sun Wukong will not let this war end in vain!

But because of the existence of Sun Wukong, the Navy and the White Beard, no one dares to fight!

“So… Goku adults… for this war…” The empty, very respectful watching Sun Wukong.

Although he represents the world government, after seeing Sun Wukong’s terror power enough to subvert the world, he dare not be in a mess, and everyone is dull, it should be like this!

“This is not my business, I am just watching a movie!” Sun Wukong immediately I am a passerby, not a helpless thing for me.

Sun Wukong said this, so that people in the Warring States and other countries are relieved.

I walked up and looked at the white beard, cold voice: “White beard, let’s decide again!”

“Hey! A war… I even made it like this… But it’s not bad… Even if the old man fights this old life, he will definitely save Ace!” White beard glared, aura swelled in vain, The tense atmosphere once again filled the battlefield.

Only this time, already differs to some extent, the little ones are not in the hands of their own ideas, but the parties send their strongest lineup, to be strong against!

However, on the other side of the white beard, it is obvious that the disadvantages are obvious, because the generals of the navy, who are the generals, completely put them to death.

Watching, in the field, the two sides of the strongest opposition, Sun Wukong feels helpless, because his relationship, this is the war made this look! But he still is looking forward to it, will White Beard be killed?

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