The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 173 Crisis

The Warring States witnessed the people of Qinglan and others, and their eyes were fierce and extraordinarily firm: “This war can only win, never lose!”

Because of the existence of Sun Wukong, the blow is huge for the Navy. He broke the confidence of the Navy, and also cut off their pride, but also annihilated their glory!

But everything that was lost is impossible to take back from Sun Wukong! Because it is a high sky that cannot be crossed, it is daunting!

Therefore, in order to recover the remaining dignity, they can only recapture from the white beard! The good white beard was also listed as the strongest man of the day before Sun Wukong has yet to appear!

As long as can leave him, then the government can save a little face! After all, the terrible things about Sun Wukong are obvious to everyone! Even if you can’t restrict to him, but you are a little pirate, there is no right to be arrogant!

They want to tell the world with the present action, even if we can’t space restrict Sun Wukong, but we can still restrict you!

In this way, the White Beard Pirates Group, now, has become the object of the Navy wanting to stand up!

The white beard is watching the look of each other and every one Ki terror, the brows are slightly wrinkled, and the moment is cold and screaming: “Would you like to take us as a stepping stone for your navy? Ha ha… It depends on whether you have it or not. That skill!” said, the road headed away from the road, looked at the past: “Kid! You call Luffy right? Is it Ace’s younger brother? Can I give you the task of saving Ace?” ”

“Of course! I just came to save Ace!” Luffy looked firm.

“Very good! Then! Just ask you!” White beard looked at Luffy’s eyes and gently slammed the scythe handle in his hand on the ground, instantly smashing a strong aura, blowing the sand and stones on the ground. It’s a splash: “The other generals will find a way to drag! You just want to save people!”

“Understood!” Luffy nodded, no shreds, immediately acted, jumped up and flew toward Ace! At the moment, he is very close to Ace…

“How could it make you so close to you…” Huang Yu instantly turned into countless light spots and rushed toward Luffy…

“I said, your opponent…is me!”

White beard seems to have been unexpected, and a fist hits out!

Ka-cha In a loud bang, the atmosphere to shatter, containing the incomparably terrible vibration force, immediately blocked the jaundice in front of the radiant! At the moment, the void seems to be distorted and blurred, the earth collapses, and a large black crack is intertwined on the ground…

Huang Wei was shocked, and the light stopped for a moment and then condensed into his figure again! If he had more then stayed in shape and ran into it, it was definitely the end of the bloodshed! If you don’t die, you have to be seriously injured!

At the moment when the white beard is hands-on, the Warring States and other people are also colleagues!

Golden rays shine, the Warring States once again turned into a big Buddha! The big hand that exudes golden rays is like the palm of the Buddha, and slaps toward the white beard!

Of course, this is just a metaphor. The Warring States may not be as arrogant as the Buddha!

The power of the terrorist contained in it is that even the white beard is also a fatty expression dignified! Holding the handle with both hands, it was actually swaying out to the giant hand that slammed down!

“Sickle, fast!”

“Call!” The wind blew, the terrible sniper turned into a terror cold, and slammed on the huge bergamot!


Like a sullen thunder, it came from the mouth of the Buddha! The big hand with the power of terror is hit by this blow, and it is actually the deviation of the orbit, slamming in the direction of the green and other people…

The young people and other people are all slightly deformed by the facial expression, and they jump up and flash to the side!

Hey! In the roar of the roar, the huge bergamot slammed on the empty ground, directly shocking a huge palm print! The wind is whistling, the gravel is wearing the sky!

“It seems that the more people there are, the more they can’t open their hands and feet…” Kapu’s facial expression is a condensate, and the corner of his eye is slightly in the direction of the road. He just wants to act, and there is an Aura with a blue flame in front of him. Big bird: “Kapp! Our battle is not over yet!”

“Marco… It seems that the lesson given to you before is not enough!” Kapp was coldly snorted, but his heart was inexplicably relieved. He really wants to block Luffy personally, but he doesn’t want to. In short, his mood is very complicated and very tangled! It was now blocked by Marko and it was his heart.

Karp screamed at the moment, and his muscles bulged. The terrible power directly shattered the ground beneath his feet, and then his feet smashed like a cannonball, slamming toward Marko!

“Hey!” A loud bang, Marko was hit by a solid fist, and his figure flew straight out. On the ice hundreds of meters away, he pulled out a huge hole!

But the resurrect’s green inflammation covered the wound, and it was intact for a while!

It’s just that there’s not a few moves with the rushing Karp, and it’s being kicked out by Karp…

So repeatedly, the two people’s battle has been cycling between playing and being beaten!

Obviously, Marko is not an opponent of Karp, but Marco uses the characteristics of the immortal bird, abruptly only one person, it is blocking Karp!

And the white-bearded pirate group’s diamond Joz, at this moment is also on his opponent, the black wrist Zefa, both of them are the punch and punch of the box, for a moment, who can not defeat to defeat!

As for Huang Hao, Kong, and the Warring States, it is already a white beard!

And the White Beard Pirates’ Bulla Mank, Lacky and some other Captains, or two, or three of them are blocking a naval general!

They are just fighting for Luffy for a little time that’s all, so even if lost to, hold a period of time still can…

“It’s really a fierce battle! I can only say… Is it a white-bearded pirate group?” Rattan laughed and watched the Navy general was almost blocked by a group of white-bearded pirates, some amazed. Then he looked at the direction of Luffy in the direction of the road, and he clearly saw his eyes, as if he had seen it clearly: “It’s already been this time. If you let people save people… that’s not enough. ……”

Fujio said with a smile, the knife in his hand slid a little against the sky, and the whole sky seemed to be very heavy in an instant…

At this moment, Luffy has already come to the side of Ace, and I will not mention more of the picture of reunion… Luffy is trying to hard for Ace to cover the shackles on his wrist, just under one touch. Even his own self-defense is soft and soft!

“No! Luffy! This is made of sea floor stone… If there is no key, it can’t be opened…” Ace said, his body suddenly turned up, looked up, and Eyes tightened instantly…

There, there is a meteorite with Aura’s terror flame descending from the sky, and the target is exactly the execution platform where he and Luffy are…

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