The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The twenty-fifth chapter needs people

“You bastard, let the aging mother die!”

But in a word, baby-5 has burst into tears, his hands into a barrel, and it is crazy to open to Sun Wukong!

Countless bullets flew toward Sun Wukong like raindrops!

However, it was all shot down by Sun Wukong with only one finger! With the sound of the flames and the ‘jingle’ sound of the shell landing, the scene looks like a hot and unfathomable!

“It’s amazing! It’s just a finger to block the baby-5 attack! It’s too unfathomable!”

The spectators on the audience, the original shocked expression was replaced by shock! Everyone has a big eyes watching everything in front of them!

“Weapon body transformation – pistol female!”

baby—5 tears her eyes and sees that the gun can’t help but Sun Wukong, the upper body instantly becomes a barrel, and it’s a battle against Sun Wukong!

However, it was lightly slammed by Sun Wukong, and the sound of ‘啪’ was lightly slammed, and the shells were instantly flew out! Dropped in the sea under the arena, with a roar, directly killed several fighting fish!

“This…who is this? It’s amazing! Baby-5 is not an opponent at all!” After the shock, the spectators suddenly burst into a tsunami-like exclamation, and the wonderful battle once again made them boil!

baby—5 saw that the gun could not cause damage to Sun Wukong, and the right hand instantly became a sharp sword, and the foot was light, and he did not hesitate to wave to Sun Wukong…

But still being caught by Sun Wukong with a finger, so that she can no longer enter the minute!

“If you have enough trouble, just stop it! This kind of scum is not the one you need for TRUE…” Sun Wukong took a baby-5 and looked flat.

“Bastard! Killed my important person who needs me, you dare to say this!” Baby-5angry struggled, but it did not move.

“Important people? Is it really your important person?” Sun Wukong looked so lightly at the eyes of baby-5, it was a calm road.

Baby-5 wanted to yell, but when he saw Sun Wukong’s dark eyes, his heart trembled, but suddenly he stopped!

What is this in the end? care? need? Love? There is also firmness…that all the things she is eager to get are actually seen in his eyes! All these things have always been the answer she got from the mouth of others, but she has never seen it in the eyes of others!

Looking at Sun Wukong’s eyes, baby-5 suddenly felt that his lonely and wounded heart was wrapped in a warm current, so comfortable, so peace of mind! This feeling has never been seen before, and my heart is inexplicably violently beating.

This is not an exaggeration, because when watching anime, Sun Wukong especially likes this domineering girl who is extremely eager to be needed!

His eyes are not falsified at all, because he was originally a free-spirited, domineering person, for the sake of his own woman, even if it destroys the world, there will be no hesitation! And because of this firmness, the baby-5 heartbeat is accelerated and the heart is shaken! Because this is what she has always wanted!

Also let baby-5 recognize that the problem that has been doubtful in my heart has got the answer! In the past, those people who said that they needed her were actually using her, and like Sun Wukong, it was TRUE who needed her and cared for her!

“This place is not for you, so let me go!” Sun Wukong watching baby-5, the tone is still so calm.

“I… I know… from now on, where are you going! I will go there!” Baby-5 suddenly held his face in his hands and became shy and happy. “Change” is great. Open your eyes.

“Hey ~~ What is this woman in the end? Is this too fast?” Kemi looked stunned and couldn’t come back for a moment.

“This time seems to be a little different from usual?” Monetwatching baby-5’s eyes, but the brows are slightly wrinkled, but my heart is shocked: “Goku adults are really unfathomable…don’t tell me just one Looking at the wound in the heart of baby-5? How did he do it in the end?”

“Here is the bullfighting arena under the jurisdiction of Kaiduo! Your courage is really not too big! You dare to break into the arena and interfere with other people’s battle! Killing the fight members, your behavior has seriously violated this country. Law! Must be sanctioned!”

Just then, suddenly a rage came and heard that a black shadow fell from the sky and landed on the arena!

“Guladios, there is nothing for you here, immediately give the old lady go away!!” When I saw someone, baby-5 was a brow, his hands suddenly turned into a barrel, and his face was hostile. Angry and screaming.

“baby-5, you can’t refuse someone else’s personality. It’s really a headache! Don’t tell me Do you want to start with my former companion for an outsider?” Guladios looks a bit angry.

“The former people who killed you will kill, and the old lady has no TRUE to blame you, but he absolutely can’t! Otherwise, Hugh oh old lady is not welcome to you!” Baby-5 tone is very firm, that look, It looks very domineering.

“Are you serious?” Watching baby – 5’s different eyes, Guladisus is obviously very surprised.

Baby-5 has become a shy look: “Yes! The old lady has found the person who needs TRUE…” He said, his tone turned and he became extremely domineering: “So, if you dare to move him, The old lady didn’t play with you!”

“This is really surprising. You can’t refuse the request of others. Is there such a serious time?” After being surprised, Guladisus looked at Sun Wukong seriously and his brow suddenly wrinkled: “Weird… …how do I see this guy familiar with it? In the end Where have you seen it?”

In doubt, the phone bug in the pocket suddenly rang, and just took it out, it was a screaming horror: “Guladios! Not good, Emperor Sun Wukong… already Entered the bullfighting arena… Please note! Emperor Sun Wukong entered the bullfighting arena…”

“Silk ~ ~” Gula Dius suddenly took a sip of cold, then Muran turned to Sun Wukong and looked over, his face is full of shock: “You are… Sun Wukong!”

After the fear, suddenly became extremely violent, and the hair pierced the helmet in an instant, bursting open! It looks like Super Saiyan!

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