The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 226 is scared

Guladios was very loyal to Dofranco, but his temper was too strong to tolerate the people who betrayed the Don Quixote family.

The reason why he joined the sire of Kaido is because Dover Langming is dead, and everything he left must be guarded! At the same time, I also want to use the power of Kaido to create a army of terror’s animal-made Demon fruit, and to avenge Dover Langming!

Suddenly I saw the murderer who killed Dover Langming, and I was full of angry! But anger just rose, but it was shrouded in endless fear, and instantly scared him to the cold! The heart is full of fear and powerlessness! The face becomes very shocking!

Before he saw Sun Wukong with his own eyes, his fighting spirit was full. However, after seeing Sun Wukong himself, he discovered that in the face of these terror people, don’t say revenge, even if it’s a tribute, Can be scared by the soul tremble!

When people stand there so flat, they have already given him an indescribable thought! Once the hostility is raised, the instinctual fear is felt, and the body is cold, almost suffocating and dying!

This is also because Sun Wukong released his own aura majesty! Usually he converges his terrible aura majesty and looks like an ordinary person!

But some kittens and puppies are always looking for trouble, so this time he released the majesty that originated from God!

If you are daring to be disrespectful to the gods and even hostile, then you are ready to be swallowed up by the fear of the soul!

At the moment when Guladios raised his enthusiasm for Sun Wukong, he was almost scared by the fear of instinct!

baby—5 is also a shocking watching Sun Wukong, full of shock: “You…you are the emperor…Sun Wukong?!”

Sun Wukong nodded, and the expression of baby-5 suddenly became a bit complicated. Their original purpose was to deal with Sun Wukong and revenge for Dover Langming!

“Hey, hello~~ Did you hear that? That person… that person… turned out to be Emperor Sun Wukong… It’s so shocking…”

After Guladios exclaimed, the audience in the stands also noticed that they recognized Sun Wukong, and they all showed a very shocked expression! For a moment, whole The bullfighting arena has become extraordinarily sensational!

“Emperor Sun Wukong … turned out to be Emperor Sun Wukong…”

“God! Emperor Sun Wukong actually came to our Dore Srosa…”

“It was so exciting. I actually saw the Sun Wukong adults in the legend… It’s really dead without regrets!”

For a moment, countless people are full of reverence and excited to see Sun Wukong! This is enough to illustrate Sun Wukong’s prestige in people’s minds!

Who is Sun Wukong? That is only one person, shocking the whole world government is no need for the terror existence! He has been as a god in the minds of people! Because he is the TRUE master of this world, you can decide the life and death of whole world in words and deeds!

Shocked for a moment, baby-5’s position has become extremely firm, because he is needed by others, for her, is all in her life.

Therefore, she was firmly in front of Sun Wukong and looked at Guladios. She said very seriously: “Can be the need of Goku adult TRUE, it is a happy thing for me… …so, Guladios, I am sorry, if you want to do something about Goku, please kill me first!”

“I dare!” Gula Dius listened, but my heart was a bitter smile! I am already scared by my diaper now, is it good? It’s just that such a shameful thing, he won’t say it, he can only sigh in his heart!

It is really grievous to think that he is so serious.

But now think about it, they used to want to find such a vengeful revenge that even a little hostility can not be born, it is ridiculous!

“It seems that you already understand that Goku is not your can to resist. If you don’t want to die, just leave here! Because from today, there will be no name for the Kaido Pirates…” Monet took a few daughters of Xia Li and appeared outside the arena. Watching Guladisus looked flat.

“Monet?!” Guladios turned his head. After seeing Monet, obvious was a little surprised, and then even more helpless: “Even if you… forget it… you are going to let Goku adults get rid of Kato. ?”

“Kiduo killed many of our companions when I occupied Dore Srosa: Leica, Buffalo, Diamanti… We agreed to do his subordinates to save the baby-5to have no alternative And made a plan for revenge for the Lord, but now it is impossible to revenge for the Lord, so it is time to send Kedo to Hell!”

baby—5 is the reason for the battle in the arena because when the Caddos ruled here, baby-5 was the most tough one! So almost killed by the new king of Dore Srosa, Monet and others were forced to become the subordinates of Kadoo, and saved the life of Baby-5.

But she is still sent to the bullfighting arena, if you want to be free, you have to win the 100 field battle! If there is a loss in the middle, recalculate!

Making artificial Demon fruits, using Kaido, revenge for Dover Langming, which was also made after they were forced to become the Kato subordinates!

“Let’s just do it! I can’t manage this kind of thing…” Guladisus’s awkward smile, a few leap, disappeared here.

At the same time, Dore Srosa, the palace hall, a handsome and sturdy man walked back and forth with anxiety.

He is the new King of Dore Srosa: Krete, the fruit of the animal department Demon is like the fruit of the Ability!

The strength is extremely strong, unlimited is close to the existence of Qiwuhai, but now that I have learned the shocking information of the subordinates, I am scared to face him!

“Damn! I didn’t expect Emperor Sun Wukong to come to this country… I also destroyed Punk Hassad… So important information has only been reported until now… Damn! This is really big big… It’s obviously not good to behave! I won’t die here?…What to do…What to do? Right, this matter must be reported to the adults of Kaido… The fear is almost forgotten. ……”

In a hurry, Corret immediately took out the phone bug and called the card to the past…


“Not good, Master Kaido! Emperor Sun Wukong has come to Dore Srosa, and according to intelligence, Punk Hassad has also been destroyed, and all but Monet on the island have been killed… …and Monet now appears in Dore Srosa with Sun Wukong, it is not difficult to guess that Punk Hasad must have been destroyed in Sun Wukong…”

“what did you say?!”

A shocked roar echoed in the whole room…

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