The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 227 Mutation

When Kaido heard that the area under his jurisdiction was destroyed by Sun Wukong, the cold sweat that was scared at the moment! He has always been arrogant, and he is also scared by his face!

That is, even the generals of the Navy, such as the white beard, can’t hold back the terror of a domineering domineering! The impact of Marin Vadodo’s shocking scene is too great! If you are shackled by these terrible existences, then it is really terrible!

Although he has a body of the artificial animal department, but the power of Sun Wukong’s domineering domineering is too great! Even if it is powerful, it is not so powerful, such as white beard, green scorpion and other people who stand at the top of the world?

But those strong people who are at the top of the peak are still being put down by a domineering of Sun Wukong, adding more than 100,000 people! Therefore, even if he has thousands of Ambassadors, it is also the life that is instantly overturned!

The feeling that Sun Wukong gives to the world is a high heaven that cannot be crossed, and it is awe and powerless! So Kaido will be scared and scared!

“Do you know what his purpose is?” Depressed the shock in his heart, and Kato’s facial expression is extremely dignified and even terrible.

“I don’t know for a while… But it is understood that Monet seems to have joined the Emperor Pirates… This is not good news for us… When we controlled Dore Srosa, we killed it. There are fewer subordinates of Flamenco… It’s not hard to guess, maybe Monet might have revenge for Sun Wukong?”

“Revenge? Their enemies should not be Sun Wukong?” Kaido screamed at the moment, and the development of this matter was too sudden and too strange: “Don’t worry about the other, you immediately take the other twenty. Leave, give up Dore Srosa, Sun Wukong If you really target me, you are absolutely unstoppable…still save the strength critical… can’t be ruined…”

“Understood…” Corret’s heart sighed and didn’t ask him to fight hard, but even if Caddo issued such an order, he would never do it! He is just a leader of the artificial animal department, that’s all, really called him an enemy of Emperor Sun Wukong? That would rather betray Kato, and I would never dare to be a heart of resist, because it is purely looking for death!

With the order of Kayto, Corret immediately picked up the phone bug, issued a command to resist, and then simply took a group of backbone subordinates of Kaido, and quietly left Dore Srosa…

Although it is shameful to retire without fighting, whoever calls their opponent is a enchanting person who can’t make a to resist!

In the bullfighting arena, under the eyes of countless people with surprise and doubt, baby-5 was taken away by Sun Wukong with blatant enthusiasm, and no one came out to block it!

Walking in the dim channel, Kemi looked around and wondered: “Is it too quiet here? Even if no one came out to stop us, how can you see a few guards? Why didn’t one see?”

This is totally different from the imagination! Even if there is no battle, can’t it be so smooth harmony? There is a cause for the so-called things, there must be a demon!

“That’s because they don’t dare!” Monet was breaking the word.

“They have already discovered the existence of Goku adults, they have begun to retreat…” Violet single-handedly circled into a single circle and used his own Ability to check the situation. It was very surprising.

“This is normal. As long as it is a normal person, no one wants to offend Goku.” Monet smiled slightly and looked a little proud because she is now a member of the Emperor Pirates. Others are so afraid of Sun. Wukong, isn’t that her pride?

When they came to the samurai’s lounge, Xiali’s daughters were all shocked by everything in front of them. What is this lounge? It is just a cell!

There are countless prisoners in one iron prison!

There are even countless disabled people with bandages!

“Are we… is it the wrong place?”

The evil in front of it is obviously scaring a few mermaids who have never seen such a scene.

“The so-called sword fighters are a group of people who take life to fight, to tease those who watch people happy that’s all… The sword fighters here have no human rights, their only hope is to keep fighting until death!” baby-5 The word broke the evil face here.

“Too… it’s terrible… is this the human world?”

“If there is no Goku in the future, I will not come to the human world!”

Several mermaids were obviously scared again. The timid white star is always holding Sun Wukong’s hand tightly: “Goku adults, they look so good, or else, let’s put them away!”

“Yes!” Sun Wukong’s words just fell, the magic sword flew out, and opened the door between the door.

The sudden happiness was obviously stunned by the group of people. After learning the identity of Sun Wukong, they ran out of ecstasy and thanked Sun Wukong again and again!

Among them, the king of the original Dore Srosa also showed his identity, which made Violet also a look of excitement and surprise!

Because of the existence of Sun Wukong, everything is surprisingly smooth, without any difficulty, even if there is no to resist, it is easy to rescue the people who want to save, but also Dore Stroza The ownership of the right has been taken back.

When Wu Wukong came out of the arena with countless people, Sun Wukong unexpectedly saw a person!

A very beautiful girl: Rebecca! At this moment, when she watched Sun Wukong, she rushed to his front and squatted down. Her face was full of worship and gratitude: “Are you Sun Wukong adults? Thank you so much! Thank you. !Thank you!”

Sun Wukong naturally knows what she is grateful for. The most hated person of Rebecca is Dover Langmingo, because Dover Langminger will break up their happy family! And Sun Wukong killed Dover Langming, which is to avenge her, can she not be grateful!

Just when Sun Wukong just wanted to say something to Rebecca, suddenly the situation changed, the whole sky was dark, and then in the eyes of countless people, in the sky, a terrible space crack was torn apart. Open, revealing an endless evil in which the soul is shuddering!

Majesty, domineering, enchanting, only my own terror Ki instantly swept the whole world!

Under this Ki, everyone becomes fearful and desperate! They seem to see death coming to them!

Even Sun Wukong saw it, and it frowned slightly.

“What happened? What happened?!”

The only one who has not been affected is the Monets and women standing next to Sun Wukong! However, the watching sky suddenly cracked the mouth, but they were all shocked and wide-eyed, full of horror!

“It seems like someone is coming out…”

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