The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The twenty-eighth chapter of the chapter is my is a large Tungmu · Hui Ye Ji

A very mad and domineering figure stepped out from the hollow tearing mouth! The supreme god of the world is not under the cover of the cover! The world has been forced to stand down under this noble and domineering singular Ki! The fear from the soul pervades everyone’s heart!

In an instant, the whole world is covered with panic, shrouded in fear!

“God! Who is this woman in the end? Good… Ki of terror… How can there be such a terror in the world?” Monet was a horror at the moment, and Rao was resisting them. A lot of Shenwei, but they still can feel the threat and fear from the supreme pressure! The rest, only despair!

And Robin is also a shocked color at the moment, looking towards Sun Wukong: “Goku…she is… Huiyue Ji?”

“Well, I didn’t expect her to come to this world… but this is not the way to go…” Sun Wukong watching The nightyering figure of Huiyin Ji’s silver hair, shook his head helplessly. My heart is also a slight sigh: “It seems that my journey has ended here…”

The thoughts just fell, a terror with a hundred million years of sleep, will be quietly Awaken! Just an instant, it covers the whole world! In a blink of an eye, it will be worse! The people who were originally desperately desperate by the Ki of Hui Ye Ji suddenly became gray!

But this Ki is giving terror, and with the differences to some extent of Hui Ye Ji, Hui Ji Ji’s Ki just gives them awe, terror, and even endless despair!

And this will gives the world awe and surrender from the heart, and can’t afford a trace of to resist! It seems that their natural-born is being dominated by this Ki, and it feels so!

“Sure enough, I was awakened…” Sun Wukong looked at the void and the facial expression became a bit serious.

“Lord of this world? Very good! Since my success God spirit tablet, there is no TRUE and one side of the main slain, we are almost similar, so let me see in the end who will be stronger!” Night Ji felt that the terrible will refused herself in strong, and wanted to re-extract her from the rip in the torn space. It was a maddening laugh, the more complicated domineering of the terrorist of the error! Suddenly hard to earn, ka-cha slammed, and the space under four was broken!

Such a scene of terror, I was shocked by the people!

Is the strength of these terror really owned by people? This will not be God? !

God… does it really exist? !

Hui Ye Ji’s body shape flashed, and he was far away from the space to shatter. He immediately stood proudly in the sky, looking at the sky with the attitude of the supreme imperial person. The war was high and the voice was wearing the void: “Come on! Let’s go!”

The will of this world seems to have received the pick from Hui Ye Ji, and the more powerful it is…

Just sleeping for too long, so in the process of Awaken, you need a brewing process! Because he represents the will of the whole world, and the living people like Sun Wukong and Hui Ye Ji differs to some extent!

“My mother! What’s wrong with this in the end? Don’t tell me… Is the end of the world coming?” Kemi’s face was full of horror, and her eyes almost jumped out of her eyes!

No way, because the impact of everything in front of you is too big, the ordinary people can not afford it! If Sun Wukong protects them, they must look at others and give them a slap!

“Hui Yee Ji, you really like to find me trouble! I will ruin my trip when I came out!” Sun Wukong sees that Hui Jiji is not a bird himself, but it is a bad mood.

“Well~~Goku adults… I’m sorry, because I saw prey, so I’m so excited, I’ve been slowed down, but please forgive me!” Hui Jiji Ji’s convergence, immediately appeared at Sun Wukong’s side, slightly I owe it.

It’s just that the dominering and the evil terror Ki, but they are instantly felt by Monet. They are really scared in the blink of an eye, and they are scared to move there!

Because God’s Ki is not what they can resist!

“There is no ability for you to enter other Dimension worlds at will, so you can only tear the space according to the space coordinates set on you, and come back to your side, so the movement is a little big, I am sorry!”

In the face of Sun Wukong, Hui Yeji seems to be very gracious, and the Japanese woman’s virtues of obeying her husband’s virtues are vividly displayed. It is only facing Monet and other women, but there is no politeness! Because in her eyes, Monet and other women are just ants-like existence!

This makes Sun Wukong slightly frown, but Hui Jiji’s character is like this. If it changes, she is not Hui Ye Ji, so there is nothing to say. After all, she still has a sense of proportion, otherwise Monet they can not bear her aura of the error!

“She…she…who is she? Good… terrible…” The only thing that was shocked by Hui Ye Ji Ki was the white star, because she was holding the arms of Sun Wukong, so the Ki shocked by Sun was almost Sun. Wukong gave it all.

“I am a big paulownia · Hui Ye Ji! It is the master of a party world! I am a weaker generation, look at Goku’s share, I don’t have general knowledge with you!” Huiyin Ji’s tone is somewhat retro, but the words are appearing Madness is incomparable.

“The Lord of the World? What is that?” Monet, they are all shocked, but also very confused. Although my heart is very uncomfortable for Hui Ye Ji’s tone, I dare not show it.

“What kind of imperial power is this! This woman is even better than the body, how is it possible!” Instead, Hancock, but the face of the face of the loss of the face! She has always been contemptuous of others with a high attitude. I did not expect that today I was despised by others, and there is no resistance! Really defeated!

Just a few people talking, the bounds of this world will become clearer and terror! In the end, the situation is changing, and the whole world is shaking in violent temper! In the twinkling of an hour, all living things No one can resist the Tianwei from God!

“Is it completely Awaken?” Sun Wukong looked up at the sky, and the war in his eyes was also rising that’s all!

The ordinary people simply can’t afford him a little bit of war, and only this party leader, can let him have a war of interest!

“Goku adults, this is the existence, why do you have to do it yourself, it is better to let him in the body, to take the world and take it to you!” Hui Ye Ji face raging war, the eyes are full of excitement! This woman is born for war!

“That’s it! OK! Let me see what you grew up in the end!” Sun Wukong thought and nodded. Hui Ye Ji is the new landlord he has given to the source of the world. He wants to know that this new landlord and the source of the main in the end are weak and weak?

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