"Don't worry about me, let's send someone to intercept the Straw Hat Pirates first!" Smoker said with difficulty!

"But……"Before Tashigi could finish her words, she was interrupted again by Smoker!

""Don't worry, go quickly! Otherwise they will run away in a moment!" Smoker said more anxiously!

""Alas! You said you are in this state! Why are you still thinking about Luffy?" At this moment, Xu Haifeng's voice came from behind the navy!

"Who are you?" Smoker said as he looked at Xu Haifeng who was walking over!

"I am the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates! You said that even you are in this state, do you think these marines will be a match for Luffy?"

In the original anime, Smoker is a rare good marine who truly has justice in his heart!

"Are you here to kill me?" Smoker looked at Xu Haifeng and asked!

""Protect Colonel Smoker!" Dashiqi drew her sword and shouted immediately after hearing Xu Haifeng's words!

When the navy heard Dashiqi's order, they immediately raised their weapons and aimed at Xu Haifeng!

All the navy were afraid that Xu Haifeng would hurt Smoker, so they surrounded him and protected him!

"If I want to kill you, do you think you guys can stop me?" Xu Haifeng looked at the reactions of the navy and said with a bit of amusement!

"Everyone, come together! We must not let this pirate hurt Colonel Smoker!" Dashiqi said, and then she took the lead and rushed towards Xu Haifeng!

"Hey! Why are you in such a hurry?!"

" Fixed!"

As this deep and powerful voice sounded, the air around seemed to freeze instantly.

Everyone looked in astonishment, only to see Xu Haifeng with a relaxed expression, stretching out his right index finger and pointing steadily forward.

At this moment, a jaw-dropping scene happened!

Those navy soldiers who were originally rushing in with great momentum, as if they were cast a spell, were suddenly all frozen in place in various strange postures.

Some people leaned forward with their weapons still raised in the air; some people opened their mouths wide with a terrified expression on their faces; and some people even left one foot off the ground, keeping a jumping posture.

They just stood there motionless, as if time had stopped flowing at this moment.

The whole scene became extremely strange and quiet, with only the sea breeze gently blowing on people's cheeks, reminding everyone that all this was not an illusion.

Everyone present was stunned by the scene before their eyes, their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe what they saw.

And Xu Haifeng stood there quietly, his eyes firm and calm, as if everything was under his control.

This is a skill developed by Xu Haifeng through the electromagnetic force fruit and his own powerful mental power!

"You...! What did you do to them?"

Smoker looked at his sailors and saw that only their eyes could move! Otherwise, Smoker would have thought they were all dead!

"Nothing! Just let them stand for a while, don't disturb me!"Xu Haifeng said lightly!

Xu Haifeng ignored the frightened eyes of the navy, and slowly walked through the crowd to Smoker!

"Can I ask you for a favor?"Smoker looked at Xu Haifeng who was walking towards him and thought he was going to die!


""After you kill me, can you please let them go! They are all innocent!" Smoker pleaded!

When the sailors heard Smoker's words, they were moved and sad! Tashigi even started to cry!

Xu Haifeng felt speechless when he saw the expressions of Smoker and the sailors! He shook his head helplessly!

"Why? They have no hatred towards you, why do you want to kill them all?"

When Smoker saw Xu Haifeng shaking his head, he thought Xu Haifeng disagreed, and immediately shouted excitedly!

Because of the excitement, Smoker's injuries became more serious and he coughed up several mouthfuls of blood!

"Can you let them go?"Just when Xu Haifeng was about to explain the misunderstanding, another person suddenly walked out from the side!

"Uh! Why didn't you go to see Luffy off?"Xu Haifeng turned around and looked at the man in a cloak and a hat and asked!

"Do you know me?" The visitor immediately asked seriously when he heard Xu Haifeng's words!

"Of course! Luffy's dad!" Xu Haifeng said helplessly!

"Who are you?"After hearing Xu Haifeng reveal his identity, Long's voice began to become a little gloomy!

"I am Luffy's vice captain!" Xu Haifeng said as a matter of course!

"Humph! You, such a powerful person, must have some purpose in condescending to board my son's ship!"

Looking at the navy officers who were still immobilized by Xu Haifeng, Long felt that Xu Haifeng must be very strong.

But such a person boarded his son's pirate ship, there must be some unspeakable secret!

"No! I just wanted to come here to save someone, why do you all treat me as an enemy?"Xu Haifeng said speechlessly!

"I don't know, who do you want to save?" Hearing Xu Haifeng's words, Long asked curiously!

"Save him! If you don't treat him, he might die soon!" Xu Haifeng pointed at Smoker and said!

"Humph! I think your method is not to save people, but more like to kill people!"Long said to Xu Haifeng seriously!

"I don't want to bother with you!" Xu Haifeng felt speechless. How could he be treated as a bad guy just because he wanted to save someone?

"If you want to touch him, you have to get past me first!"Long suddenly appeared in front of Smoker!

The reason why Long came to save Smoker was because they were colleagues before, and because Smoker was a good and righteous navy!

" Fixed!"

As Xu Haifeng uttered this word, he stretched out his finger and tapped it again.

Long felt an invisible force coming like a tide, instantly drowning him.

In the blink of an eye, Long was horrified to find that he had completely lost control of his body, as if he was being pressed down by a heavy mountain, unable to move at all! At this moment, except for his brain, which could still think normally and his eyes, all other parts of Long's body were as stiff as if they were cast by magic.

He tried to struggle, but the strange force bound him tightly like an iron chain, making it impossible for him to resist.

"Here! Eat it!"Xu Haifeng walked in front of Smoker and took out a magic bean and handed it to him!

"What is this?"Smoker looked at the strange beans handed over by Xu Haifeng and asked curiously!

""What? Are you afraid it's poisonous?" Xu Haifeng said with a smile!

Hearing Xu Haifeng's mocking words, Smoker took the beans and ate them immediately!

In the blink of an eye, an incredible scene happened: Smoker, who was originally seriously injured, was miraculously fully recovered at this moment! His body was full of vitality and vigor, as if the previous injuries had never existed!

This amazing change made people dumbfounded, and they couldn't help but wonder if they were dazzled and had hallucinations.

However, the facts in front of them were unquestionable-Smoker was really standing there, unharmed, as if he was reborn!

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