"This...! What's going on?" Smoker checked his body in disbelief and said in astonishment!

"I've said it all! I'm here to save people, but none of you believe me. It's so hard to be a good person!"Xu Haifeng said helplessly!

Smoker's face turned ugly after hearing what Xu Haifeng said.

He realized that he might have really misunderstood Xu Haifeng, but his pride as a naval commander prevented him from admitting his mistakes easily.

"Why did you save me, a navy soldier?" Smoker asked Xu Haifeng with a puzzled look on his face!

"Because you are a true admiral with justice in your heart! I have met many admirals since I went to sea, but without exception, they are all scum."

"But you are the first righteous admiral I have ever met! So I don't want you to die! It's that simple!"

There are only a few good admirals in the world of One Piece! Although Smoker is arrogant, he is definitely a righteous admiral, so Xu Haifeng came here specifically to save him with a Senzu Bean!

""Thank you for saving me! But I don't feel honored to be praised by a pirate! I can let you go today! But I won't let you go next time!"

Smoker said with a firm look in his eyes! He knew that the Straw Hat Pirates might not be as bad as the rumors said.

But he is a navy, even if he knows he is no match for them, he will not give up easily!

""Okay! Then try your best and don't be easily defeated by Luffy next time!" Xu Haifeng said with a smile!

"Humph! I won't be so careless next time!"Smoker snorted coldly and replied with a gloomy face!

"Okay, let’s talk about you, Dorag!"

"To be honest, if you weren’t Luffy’s father, I really want to beat you up,"

Xu Haifeng turned his head and looked at the leader of the Revolutionary Army in front of him and said!

And Dragon’s eyes were full of fear now. He really couldn’t accept that he was in front of this young man and was blocked by the other party without any ability to fight back!

Although he may not be as powerful as the Four Emperors, his strength should be that of a navy admiral!

But now he is at the mercy of others. He can’t imagine how terrifying the strength of the person in front of him is!

"Do you know why I want to beat you up?" After saying that, Xu Haifeng waved his right hand!

"I wonder how I have offended you?" After Xu Haifeng waved his hand, Dorag felt that he could move!

"I am speaking up for Luffy. Luffy still doesn't know what father means. Do you think you are a qualified father?"

Xu Haifeng said to Dragon in front of him!

"Yes! I am really sorry to Luffy! But I have to do this for the revolution!" Dragon said helplessly!

"To be honest, it is impossible for you revolutionary army to overthrow the world government!" Xu Haifeng shook his head and said to Dragon!

"Sir, don't underestimate our revolutionary army! Our current number is beyond your imagination!" Dorag was immediately angry when he heard Xu Haifeng look down on the revolutionary army!

"Do you think your revolution can defeat the navy?" Xu Haifeng asked in return!


Dragon was speechless for a moment! His revolutionary army might have a lot of people, but there was still a gap with the navy, and the high-end combat power was even more incomparable!

"Got it! I suggest you recruit more high-end fighters with a sense of justice."

"You also need to cultivate some high-end combat power! Otherwise, your revolutionary army will never be able to overthrow the world government!"

In fact, Xu Haifeng still admires Dragon! Seeing the darkness of this world, he can stand up bravely to resist, and want to overthrow this dark world. This ideal is much more difficult than becoming the Pirate King!

""Alas! It's not that easy!" Dorag replied helplessly!

"Well! I'll give you something! You go and train those people with justice in their hearts, I hope it will be helpful to you!"After saying that, Xu Haifeng pointed his finger at Dragon's forehead!

Xu Haifeng transmitted all the knowledge of Qi and King-fist to Dragon! Xu Haifeng felt that if he could improve the combat power of the Revolutionary Army, would the World Government be very surprised?

Dragon's expression froze, and he was immediately shocked again. He felt that he could not see through Xu Haifeng more and more!

"Since we've met, I'll pass it on to you too! But don't tell anyone else, you can't pass it on to anyone else here except Tashigi!" After saying that, Xu Haifeng passed it on to Smoker!

To be honest, Smoker's devil fruit development is really average, and his physical training is not good either. He can't go up or down now!

He can't even beat Luffy now! In the original anime, he easily defeated Luffy at this time!

"Humph! I don't need pirate stuff!" Smoker said proudly!

"It’s up to you! Anyway, Luffy defeated you today with these two skills. I’m not saying that it’s impossible for you to defeat Luffy with the fruit!"It doesn’t matter whether Smoker will learn from Xu Haifeng, but he will meet him again in the future. When he is beaten by Luffy a few more times, he should figure it out!

"Uh! Oh, right! I saw a question on the Internet when I was watching anime before, and I want to ask you too!"

Xu Haifeng suddenly remembered a question from his previous life! It just so happened that he met the person involved this time! So Xu Haifeng said to Dorag!

"What's the problem?"

Drager asked curiously! Although he didn't understand what Xu Haifeng meant by the Internet!

"That's right! Was the mark on your face caused by your father, Karp, slapping him with a slipper?"Xu Haifeng asked seriously!

"Please don't make such a joke, sir!" Dorag's face turned red with anger at Xu Haifeng's words!

"But this really looks like a shoe print.���"Xu Haifeng looked at Dorag's face carefully and said!

"you……!"If Dorag's eyes could kill, Xu Haifeng might have been killed!

""Okay! Okay! Just pretend I didn't ask!" Looking at Dorag who was on the verge of exploding, Xu Haifeng said hurriedly!

""Okay! I'll go first, bye!" After saying that, Xu Haifeng flew away in front of everyone!

"What kind of fruit ability does he have?"Drager said to himself as he watched Xu Haifeng fly away!

"What he just said couldn't be true, could it?"At this time, Smoker's voice interrupted Dorag!


Drager didn't quite understand what Smoker said!

"It's on your face.……!"Smoker was interrupted by Dorag before he could finish his words!

"Get lost!"

Dorag glared at Smoker with flaming eyes and flew away!

"Could it be that what he said was true?" He thought as he watched Doragsmog fly away!

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