"Why hasn't Xu Haifeng come back yet?" Nami on the Merry was looking around with a worried look on her face!

"Don't worry! With Xu Haifeng's strength, no one can stop him!"Sauron said lightly while sitting by the boat!

"Xu Haifeng, this bastard, actually made Miss Nami worry! Damn it! I want it too!" Sanji said to Nami with tears in his eyes! Usopp and Luffy didn't even worry about Xu Haifeng, they were playing so much that they forgot everything else!

""Hi! Everyone is here! I'm late! Sorry for keeping you waiting!" Suddenly Xu Haifeng's voice came from above the boat!

Everyone looked up at the head of the voice, and saw Xu Haifeng slowly landing on the boat!

"You are finally back, some people have been worried about you!" Zoro said to Xu Haifeng with his hands folded!

Hearing Zoro's words, Xu Haifeng's mouth curled up slightly, then he looked at Nami and said with a smile:"I'm fine, don't worry."

Nami rolled her eyes at him and said unhappily:"Who is worried about you, you are just being sentimental!"

Xu Haifeng laughed, then took out a bag from his arms and handed it to Nami,"Here, this is the harvest this time."

Nami took the bag, opened it and saw some gold, silver, jewelry and precious spices inside. Excitement immediately appeared on her face.

""Wow, so many treasures! Xu Haifeng, you are so amazing!" Nami said happily.

Others also gathered around and looked at the treasures in the bag with their eyes lit up.

""Okay, let's set off quickly," Xu Haifeng said loudly.

Then, the Merry set sail again and headed towards the next target.

"Nami, how long will it take to get to the next island?"After a day of sailing, our classmate Luffy started to get bored again!

"I've told you so many times, it'll take two more days to get to the next island!" Nami was so annoyed by Luffy that she was about to explode!

"Ah! Will it take that long? I'm so bored!" Luffy complained helplessly when he heard that it would take two more days!

"Hey! Luffy! I see you are so bored, how about I teach you how to fly now?"

Seeing the bored Luffy, Xu Haifeng decided to take advantage of the opportunity to let Luffy learn the flying skills of Qi!

"Ah, really? I've been practicing for a long time but haven't succeeded yet!"Luffy's eyes lit up immediately when he heard Xu Haifeng's words!

"Of course it’s true, but you have to study hard."Xu Haifeng said with a smile

"Come on, all of you!" Xu Haifeng said to the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates!

Then, Xu Haifeng began to explain to Luffy and everyone how to use Qi and the skills of flying.

Luffy and everyone listened very seriously, constantly trying their luck and controlling their bodies.

Under Xu Haifeng's guidance, what Xu Haifeng didn't expect was that the first person to master the flying skills was actually Nami!

After Xu Haifeng asked Nami, he found out that the reason why Nami was able to master it so quickly was mainly due to her fruit ability!

After Nami, Luffy and others gradually mastered some tricks and were able to levitate off the ground for a short time.

"Wow! I'm flying!" Luffy shouted excitedly

""Not bad, Luffy. But you need more practice to really master flying." Xu Haifeng encouraged.

After continuous efforts, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates can use Qi to fly freely in the sky!

""Woohoo! I can fly! It's so fun! Yoho!" Luffy flew around on the boat with excitement on his face!

The others were also very excited when they flew up, especially Zoro, because he could finally escape the fear brought by Luffy's rubber fruit!

"Luffy! You can fly on the ship, but you can't fly far away!" Xu Haifeng warned Luffy who was having fun above his head!

"No! I have to go to the next island to wait for you guys, bye!" After saying that, Luffy flew away!

"Humph! It seems that you don't take other people's words seriously at all!"Looking at Luffy flying out, Xu Haifeng's face immediately darkened!

"Wanxiang Tianyin"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Xu Haifeng stretched out his palm towards Luffy, and with a gravity skill, he caught Luffy who had just flown out!

"Xu Haifeng, what are you doing? Let me go quickly, I want to go play!" Luffy said while struggling in Xu Haifeng's hands!

"Humph! I didn’t teach you skills just for fun! You better stay on the boat honestly!" After saying that, Xu Haifeng put Luffy on the boat!

"I don't want to!" Luffy said as he tried to fly again!

"This is not up to you! Gravity Bracelet: Five Times Gravity!"

Luffy's legs had just left the boat when he was suddenly pressed down on the boat by a huge gravity. Luffy tried his best to stand up, but it was useless!

"I hope everyone knows that I help you improve your strength because we will face many powerful enemies when we enter the Grand Line in the future! So please take it seriously!"

Looking at the people in front of him, Xu Haifeng said seriously, although the current Straw Hat Pirates are stronger than in the original anime, they are not strong enough to face the enemies behind!

"Starting tomorrow! All male crew members must adjust the gravity bracelet to their own limit during non-combat periods, and complete the corresponding amount of training every day!"

Xu Haifeng feels that everyone's strength is still improving too slowly. If it continues like this, when the war on the top comes, they will be just delivering food!

It's true that Xu Haifeng does not intend to disrupt the start of the war on the top, but Xu Haifeng will definitely lead everyone to change the outcome of the battle! Although Xu Haifeng himself may not take action!

""Okay! I got it!" Zoro said, and then he went to the training room to exercise!

���I will also take time to exercise after cooking every day!" Sanji said while smoking!

"Me!...I will try my best!" Usopp also agreed immediately!

"What about Nami? Why doesn't Nami need to exercise?"Luffy interrupted at this time!

"Bastard! Because I’m a girl!"Before Xu Haifeng could answer, Nami had already punched Luffy angrily!

""Okay, that's settled then." Xu Haifeng made the decision.

"And Luffy, don't be lazy, your training volume is twice that of others. After all, you are the man who will become the Pirate King!"

Luffy listened, although his mouth opened wide, but he still resigned himself to start training.

The next day, the sun was shining and the sky was cloudless. On the Merry, a group of men were training hard.

Zoro was wielding three swords, and his clothes were soaked with sweat;

Sanji was running on the side, and he did not forget to practice kicking skills;

Usopp was also working hard to exercise his body. Although the process was very hard, no one complained.

On the other side, Nami was busy in the kitchen, preparing delicious food for everyone.

She knew that a good diet was also one of the keys to improving strength.

Under Xu Haifeng's strict training, the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates is increasing day by day.

They are getting closer and closer to their dreams, and the future adventure is full of infinite possibilities.

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