On the wall of the Navy Branch in Shields Town, Xu Haifeng and the other two were looking at Roronoa Zoro, who was tied to a cross in the square.

Coby:"Mr. Luffy, do you really want him to be your partner? He looks so scary!"

Luffy:"Hehehe... Let's take a look first. If he's a good guy

, I'll make him my partner!" Zoro:"The three guys up there are so annoying! Get out of here! I don't want to see you!"

Luffy didn't get angry when he heard Zoro's words. Instead, he jumped off the wall and walked in front of Zoro with a smile!

Luffy:"I heard that you are a very powerful swordsman. I want you to join my pirate group and become my partner!"

Zoro:"Humph! What a joke, I won't be a pirate! Get out of here! Otherwise I'll kill you!"

Just as Luffy and Zoro were communicating in the wall, a ladder suddenly leaned against the wall next to Xu Haifeng who was sitting on the wall. Xu Haifeng looked down at the wall and saw a little girl slowly climbing up the wall with her hands and feet! The little girl saw Xu Haifeng and the other man sitting on the wall, and she quickly made a gesture to keep quiet. Xu Haifeng smiled and nodded at the little girl.

The little girl slowly got down from the wall and walked in front of the tied Zoro. After taking a look at Zoro, she carefully took out a few rice balls from her arms!

""Big brother, you must be hungry! This is the rice ball I made by myself, please eat it! Although this is my first time, I also put a lot of effort into it!" The little girl handed the rice ball to Zoro and said to him!

Zoro:"Go away, I don't need it. Get out of here!""

"But big brother, you haven't eaten for several days! I'm afraid your food will go bad!" The little girl lowered her head and said in a low voice with a wronged look when she heard Sauron's words!

"She brought you food, why didn't you eat it? And you yelled at her like that? Are you really a bad person?"Luffy looked at the conversation between the two and asked with a puzzled look on his face!

"No way! Big brother is not a bad person." The little girl heard Luffy's words and immediately retorted loudly!

Luffy:"Then why is he tied here?"

"The reason why my elder brother was tied up here was because of me.……"The little girl seriously explained to Luffy why Zoro was tied here!

"Okay, I want you to be my partner! It's decided! Hehehe……"After listening to the little girl's explanation, Luffy immediately and excitedly announced to Zoro who would own Zoro in the future!

"Hey! Who wants to be your partner? Hurry up and take her away! Don't be an eyesore here!"Zoro said to Luffy angrily after hearing what Luffy said!

""Hey! What are you two doing? You will be arrested if you help criminals privately!" At this moment, an inappropriate voice suddenly came from behind Luffy and the others!

At this moment, three figures walked in from the gate of the execution ground. The one in the middle was Bellemere, the son of Captain Monka.

"I didn't expect you to be so energetic! Roronoa Zoro."Belumebear walked up to Zoro and the other two and said!

"This rice ball cannot be given to criminals! But I just happened to have rice, so just consider it as a gift to me." Berumeber saw the rice ball in the little girl's hand and immediately snatched it away and stuffed it into his mouth!

"Ah...no...that's not for you, that's for big brother!" The little girl cried and said aggrievedly when she saw the rice ball being snatched away!

""Pah...Pah...Pah, what the hell is this? It's so sweet? Rice balls should be put with salt, not sugar! Idiot!"

Berumebo spat out the rice ball in his mouth and threw it to the ground and stomped on it crazily! Then he yelled at the little girl!

"Because I think it will taste better if I add sugar, and it took me a long time to make it!" The little girl said sadly as she looked at the crushed rice ball!

"You two, throw her out right now!" Bellemere ordered his two men!

"You bastard, what's the point of bullying a kid? Look, I'm going to beat you up!"


Luffy's arm suddenly stretched out, and with one punch, he knocked Bellemer back against the wall!

"You bastard, how dare you hit me? Just wait, I'm going to find my dad to kill all of you guys!" After saying that, he ran towards the Navy Building with his two men!

"Bastard, take her away quickly, it will be over when the navy comes!" Looking at the escaping Berume, Zoro hurriedly shouted to Luffy!

Luffy:"No! You are my partner, I must take you with me."

Zoro:"Bastard, who is your partner? I haven't agreed yet?"

"Zoro, are you really going to die here? Have you forgotten your dream?"Xu Haifeng jumped down the wall and came to Zoro and said!

Zoro:"Okay, you can let me join you, but you have to help me get my sword back!"

Xu Haifeng:"Okay, Luffy! You go and help Zoro get his sword back!"

"OK...Rubber...Rubber Bazooka!"

Luffy stretched out his hands, grabbed a window of the Navy Building, and his body was shot out like a cannonball under the action of the pulling force!

"What happened to him just now? What happened to his hand?……"Zoro said in surprise!

"Oh! Our captain is a rubber man who ate a devil fruit, don't be too surprised. You will get used to it in the future!"Xu Haifeng replied with a smile!

Xu Haifeng:"Hello! My name is Xu Haifeng, and I am a world traveler. Please take care of me in the future!"

Zoro:"Hello! My name is Roronoa Zoro! Can you do me a favor now?"

"You say!"

Zoro:"Please help me pick up the rice balls on the ground.���Come!"


"Xu Haifeng smiled and picked up the rice ball on the ground and handed it to Zoro's mouth. Xu Haifeng knew that Zoro didn't want to disappoint the little girl! In fact, Zoro is a person in One Piece who looks strong but is very gentle in his heart, which can be seen from his treatment of Chopper!

"No! It's dirty, you can't eat it anymore." The little girl saw Zoro was about to eat the rice ball and quickly stopped him!

"Mm! Not bad, very delicious!"Zoro didn't listen to the little girl, but ate the whole rice ball! He also praised it!

"Your big brother has eaten the rice ball you made, and praised your rice ball for being delicious! So don’t cry anymore!" Xu Haifeng said with a smile, touching the little girl’s head!

"Hmm! I will make more for big brother next time.……"The little girl immediately laughed happily when she heard what Sauron said!


Zoro turned his head away proudly when he heard the little girl's words!

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