"Come! Little sister, I'll send you back first. We'll come look for you after we rescue your big brother! Okay?" Xu Haifeng walked to the little girl, squatted down and said to her!

""Well! Thank you, big brothers, you are all good people!" said the little girl with a smile!

‘I didn't expect that I would get a good guy card.

Xu Haifeng jumped onto the wall with the little girl in his arms and said to Coby,"Coby! Take this little sister back to the place where we just had dinner and wait for us. We will come to find you in a while!"

Coby:"Okay! Mr. Xu! You and Mr. Luffy, please be careful!" After Coby finished speaking, he took the little girl and left the Navy branch!


"Zoro! Let me help you untie the rope first!"Xu Haifeng helped Zoro untie the rope. Xu Haifeng knew that there would be a battle waiting for him in a while.

"Damn pirates, you let the criminals go without permission and beat up the navy. I now sentence you to death as a navy captain!"

Xu Haifeng had just helped Zoro untie the rope when a large group of navy rushed out from behind him. The leader was none other than the highest commander of this navy branch, Colonel Monka!

"Damn it! I don’t have a knife in my hand now!"Zoro became a little panicked when he saw a group of people rushing out!

"Hehe..., it's okay! We must trust our captain!" Xu Haifeng looked at Sauron's appearance, walked over and patted him on the shoulder to reassure him!

"All the navy listen up, aim your guns, and get ready to shoot!"All the navy heard Colonel Monka's order and could only raise their guns and aim at Xu Haifeng and Sauron!

"Hey..., here I come!"

At this moment, Luffy suddenly jumped down from the upstairs and landed right between Xu Haifeng and the others!

"Hehe... I just found three swords upstairs, and I don't know which one is yours, so I brought all three swords with me!" Luffy walked up to Zoro with the sword and said!

"Thank you! These three swords are all mine. I am a swordsman who practices three swords!" Zoro took the sword from Luffy and his face immediately became confident!

"Damn pirates, they actually dared to steal things from my office! Shoot them and kill them!"Colonel Monka saw the three knives that Luffy took out and knew that his office had been robbed! He immediately gave an angry order to the navy!



Just as the navy was shooting at Xu Haifeng and the other two, Luffy jumped to the front and his body grew bigger like a ball, helping to block all the bullets!

"Hehehehe..., it's useless!"

"Rubber...Rubber, bounce back!" Luffy shook his body hard, and all the bullets bounced back, hitting several navy soldiers at once!

"Damn, what the hell is this?"

"Humph! Since the gun is useless, let's try the giant axe in my hand!"

Colonel Monka saw that the gun did not cause any harm to the opponent, but instead injured several people on his side. He immediately rushed towards Luffy with an axe in anger, and the two soon fought together!

"Good! Then leave all these minions to me." Zoro looked at Luffy who was already fighting with Monka, drew out his double swords and walked towards the remaining navy!

"Hehe... OK! Thank you for your hard work! I'll cheer you up here!"

Watching Luffy and Zoro fighting, Xu Haifeng had no intention of going up to help. Because Xu Haifeng felt that this was their experience baby, and they should solve it by themselves, so that they can grow. And with the strength of Luffy and Zoro, it is no problem to deal with such a group of navy! Sure enough

, after a while, Luffy and Zoro ended the battle. Although all the navy fell to the ground, they did not die, because Luffy and Zoro did not kill them!

"Hehehe..., it's finally over, we can go eat now!" Luffy turned and walked towards Xu Haifeng!

"Damn it! Go to hell!"

Just when Luffy turned his back to Colonel Monka, he didn't know that Monka behind him suddenly stood up, raised the giant axe in his hand and chopped towards Luffy's head!

"Luffy! Watch out behind you!"Zoro saw Colonel Monka behind Luffy and immediately shouted in surprise!

He wanted to rush over to help, but unfortunately he was too far away and it was too late! Seeing that Luffy was about to be chopped by Monka, Zoro knew that although Luffy was a user of the Rubber Fruit, his head could not resist such a sharp blade. Zoro rushed towards Luffy anxiously!


When Luffy heard Zoro's words, a big question mark appeared above his head. He looked back with a puzzled look on his face, and saw a huge axe getting closer and closer to his head!

Seeing that Luffy's head was about to be chopped in half, at this moment, Xu Haifeng suddenly appeared between Luffy and Monka. Xu Haifeng grabbed the chopped giant axe with his left hand and slowly turned his head to look at Luffy!

"Luffy, I know you don't want to kill anyone, but if you don't kill some people, they may kill more innocent people in the future. Then, those innocent people who die in their hands later will be your fault!"

"Please remember one sentence: I don't kill the weak - but the weak died because of me!"

After Xu Haifeng finished speaking, he raised his right index finger and slowly placed it on Monka's forehead. He exerted a little force with his left hand, and the giant axe in Monka's hand immediately broke and fell to the ground. Xu Haifeng's right index finger emitted a white light that shot directly through Monka's head.


As the white light shot towards Monka's head, the peripheral light hit the wall behind Monka. After a loud bang, a huge hole appeared on the wall behind Monka!

‘So strong, I didn't even see how this guy got there just now, I didn't expect him to be so strong! 'Sauron thought in shock as he watched Xu Haifeng's series of actions!

"Siguoyi! Xu Haifeng, how did you do this? It's really amazing! Teach me quickly!……"

Luffy didn't care about the danger just now. After seeing how Xu Haifeng killed Monka, he was so excited that he pulled Xu Haifeng to ask him to teach him!

Looking at Luffy who was holding his hand and begging him to teach him, Xu Haifeng was really speechless. What he just said to him was in vain!

"Uh! Luffy! Let's talk about this later. Didn't you just say you were hungry and wanted to eat? Let's go back to the restaurant and eat. Coby is still waiting for us? Don't go back too late or you won't get any!"

Xu Haifeng saw Luffy like this and had no choice but to change the subject! It's not that Xu Haifeng didn't want to teach Luffy, but learning (Qi) is not something that can be learned in a short time!

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