Mr.5 Jem raised his lips slightly, revealing a sly smile, and then quickly put his finger into his nostrils!

He dug hard, and a piece of dirty snot was dug out by him. Then, he aimed the disgusting thing at Ikalem without hesitation and ejected it!

There was a deafening"bang"!

The snot hit Ikalem's body at an astonishing speed, and immediately caused a shocking explosion!

Ikalem was blown away like a meteor hit by a cannonball!


Princess Huihui screamed in fear, her eyes full of worry and fear.

She rushed to Ikalem's side desperately, anxiously checking his injuries.

Ikalem sat up with difficulty, his face was as pale as paper, and his breathing was rapid and weak.

Although he suffered a serious injury, he still gritted his teeth and said firmly to Princess Huihui:

"I'm fine, Princess! Please run, the kingdom cannot live without you! If anything happens to you, the entire kingdom will be in ruins!"

Although his voice was trembling, it revealed an extremely strong will.

""Eh! This is really disgusting! If the perverted art student next door, Deidara, sees you using the power of the Explosion Fruit like this, he will definitely come over and let you try his ultimate art!"

At this time, Xu Haifeng on the roof looked at Mr. 5 Jem and said to himself!

"It's quite disgusting, how do you want me to fight now?"After hearing Xu Haifeng's words, Sauron looked down at the knife in his hand and said!

"Humph! I had no intention of attacking you yet, but since you two are looking for death, I will give you a ride today!"

After Mr.5 Jem heard the conversation between Xu Haifeng and Sauron, he immediately flew into a rage and fired booger bombs at them without hesitation!

"Zoro! Go! It's your turn!"

Faced with Mr. 5's sudden attack, Xu Haifeng reacted quickly and brought Zoro to a safe area.

Looking at the house behind him that was blown up beyond recognition, Zoro frowned and said with disdain:

"Humph! Fighting with such a low-class guy is simply an insult to the knife in my hand!"

He held the knife tightly in his hand, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Damn it! You all go to hell!"

Mr.5 Jem saw that Xu Haifeng and Zoro dodged his attack so easily, and the anger in his heart instantly burned. He was furious and shot booger bombs at the two again!

Facing the overwhelming booger bombs, Zoro's eyes flashed with disdain, his body swayed slightly, and with a few flexible dodging movements, he avoided all the booger bombs.

Then, he slowly drew out the knife from his waist, the blade flashing with cold light, as if announcing its sharpness and power to the enemy.

Zoro's eyes were fixed on Mr.5 Jem and Miss Valentine, and the knife in his hand swung suddenly, and an extremely sharp slash came out, rushing towards the two like lightning! Mr.5 Jem and Miss Valentine looked at the mighty sword energy in horror.

They tried their best to roll sideways and barely avoided Zoro's attack.

However, before they could catch their breath, they heard a sharp tearing sound.

It turned out that Zoro's sword energy directly cut off the house and the ground in front of them, splitting them in half! Wherever the sword energy passed, there was a mess, smoke and dust, as if the world was coming to an end.

And Zoro's sword energy continued to extend forward for dozens of meters before gradually stopping.

"Zoro! Not bad! You have made great progress in swordsmanship recently!"

At this time, Xu Haifeng strode to Zoro, patted his shoulder vigorously, and showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Zoro did not show too much joy after hearing the praise.

He just nodded slightly, with a smile on his face, revealing a subtle pride.

"Humph! It's a pity that I haven't met an opponent who can let me fight with all my strength!" His voice was not loud, but it was full of arrogance that could not be ignored.

At this time, Princess Huihui on the side widened her eyes, staring at the scene of destruction just caused by Sauron, and said with horror on her face:

"good...So strong, is this the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates? It's really terrifying!"

Ikalem was also frightened by the scene in front of him. He swallowed hard and stammered:

""Yeah! I can't believe that we were planning to capture them for the bounty! Now it seems that we are simply courting our own death!"

Mr. 5 Jem and Miss Valentine stood up again with dust on their faces!

But this time they did not launch an attack, but looked at Xu Haifeng and Sauron with a vigilant look!


With a roar, Mr.5 Jem and Miss. Valentine were preparing to retreat in fear, when Luffy's figure suddenly appeared from a distance like a ghost.

"Humph! Luffy, why did you come just now? I was almost done with them all!"

After hearing Luffy's voice, Zoro turned around and saw him walking towards him with an angry face.

Faced with this situation, Zoro could only sigh helplessly.

"Zoro! Watch out! Try my fist skills - the rubber machine gun!"

Luffy rushed towards Zoro like a mad bull and waved his fist at him angrily.

"Bastard! What the hell are you doing?"

Faced with Luffy's sudden attack, Zoro was a little caught off guard, but with his���He dodged it easily with his agility.

He dodged awkwardly while shouting:

"Luffy! Stop right there, you misunderstood Zoro!"

Xu Haifeng shouted anxiously. He saw at a glance why Luffy attacked Zoro.

It must be that Luffy accidentally touched the villagers who were chopped down by Zoro, which made him so angry.

" I'm going to beat this ungrateful guy away!"

However, Luffy had no intention of stopping. His eyes were full of anger, and he continued to launch a fierce attack on Zoro.

Every punch and kick contained great power, as if to completely defeat Zoro.

" Bastard! How could I be so ungrateful!"

Zoro looked confused. He had no idea what was going on. He could only defend against Luffy's attack while cursing.

"Luffy! Stop right there! Listen to me!"

Seeing this, Xu Haifeng did not hesitate to move in front of Zoro and blocked Luffy's way. He looked directly into Luffy's eyes and said in a firm tone.

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