"I won't listen, I won't listen, I'm going to beat Zoro up and get justice for those villagers!"

Luffy yelled angrily, his voice was deafening, as if to tear the whole world apart.

"What, do you want to fight me too?" At this time, Xu Haifeng was also a little angry. His face became extremely gloomy, and his eyes revealed a hint of majesty and dissatisfaction. He clenched his fists tightly and questioned Luffy.

"Whoever stands in my way, I will beat him up!" Luffy responded fearlessly, his eyes firm and resolute, as if nothing could stop him from moving forward.

""Hahaha...then you try it!" Xu Haifeng laughed at Luffy's words, but there was a hint of anger hidden in his laughter.

He stood up straight and faced Luffy without flinching, as if challenging him.

"Rubber Rubber……"Luffy muttered to himself while stretching out his arms, looking like he was about to attack Xu Haifeng!

"Screw you! Just calm down and stay away!"

However, Xu Haifeng didn't even wait for Luffy to attack. He quickly raised his foot and kicked Luffy hard, kicking him out!

"Bang! Luffy was kicked far away and fell heavily to the ground.

""Yes! That's it, come on! The more intense the fight, the better, it would be best if everyone dies!"

At this moment, the voices of Mr.5 Jem and Miss Valentine, who were about to escape, suddenly reached Xu Haifeng's ears.

They stood not far away, with a gloating expression on their faces, as if they were looking forward to seeing the battle become more tragic.

When Xu Haifeng heard this, he couldn't help but feel angry. He stared at the two people with hostility in his eyes.

"You two guys, you better get out of here right now!" He gritted his teeth and said.

At this time, Luffy got up from the ground, rubbed his painful body, and his eyes flashed with determination.

"I won't lose! Xu Haifeng, take it!"Luffy rushed over again, ready to start a fierce battle with Xu Haifeng

"Luffy! Listen to me! Things are definitely not what you imagined!!"

Xu Haifeng shouted anxiously, while racking his brains to help Zoro clarify the truth

"I don’t care! Those villagers were so kind, they sent us delicious food with good intentions, but Zoro turned his back on them and brutally killed them all!"

Luffy was not willing to listen to any explanation from Xu Haifeng, his heart was filled with anger and disappointment.

At this moment, Zoro finally understood why Luffy suddenly attacked him. So he hurriedly opened his mouth and tried to explain:

" Luffy, those villagers……"

Unfortunately, before Zoro could finish his words, Luffy launched a new round of attacks without hesitation.

"Rubber rubber--bazooka!!"

With a roar, Luffy once again used his special skill and pounced on Xu Haifeng and Zoro.

Faced with this sudden attack, Xu Haifeng quickly raised his palm and easily resolved Luffy's fierce attack.

He gritted his teeth and shouted at Luffy with anger on his face:"Luffy! I'm really going to get angry!!"

However, at this critical moment, Mr. 5 Jem's disgusting voice once again reached Xu Haifeng's ears:

"Right! That's it, let's kill each other as much as we can!!"

After hearing what Mr.5 Jem said, Xu Haifeng's anger instantly erupted like a volcano, and he could no longer suppress his emotions.

He widened his eyes, clenched his teeth tightly, and exuded a powerful aura

""Since you haven't left here yet, then you two guys should completely disappear from this world!" Xu Haifeng roared.

Before he finished speaking, he raised his palm without hesitation and used his electromagnetic force fruit ability on Mr. 5 Jem and Miss Valentine.

This attack contained his endless anger and power.

The house in front of his palm and all the objects around were instantly enveloped by a huge shock energy wave.

This energy wave was like a destructive existence, advancing forward at an astonishing speed, and everything was razed to the ground wherever it passed.

Miss Valentine and Mr. 5 Jem had no power to resist. Their bodies, along with the broken houses, were directly pushed into the sea by this terrifying shock wave and disappeared without a trace.

As the shock wave dissipated, the entire area became a mess.

Xu Haifeng stood there, clenching his teeth, and the anger in his heart was still there.

"What! Do you still want to fight?"Xu Haifeng turned his head suddenly, his eyes spitting fire, staring at Luffy and roaring loudly!

Luffy was frightened by his roar and couldn't help but take two steps back, but still said with his neck stiff:

"I... I'm just angry that Zoro attacked those innocent villagers!"

His voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end it was almost inaudible. After all, he was the one in the wrong, and he didn't know how to face this angry man in front of him.

After hearing what he said, Xu Haifeng was even more furious, pointing at Luffy's nose and cursing:

""Luffy! I'm very disappointed in you! You actually attacked your friend who you have been with for so long just because someone gave you a meal of meat! In your heart, are we friends not as good as a meal of meat?"

After saying that, Xu Haifeng sighed heavily, then shook his head repeatedly, his face full of disappointment.

"But I still don't know why Zoro wanted to hurt those villagers!"Luffy shook his head in confusion, not seeming to understand the reason.

"Okay! Then I'll tell you! Listen carefully!" the other party said sternly.

"Those are not ordinary villagers at all. They are actually a group of pirate hunters. While you are still sleeping, they have already planned to take your head in exchange for a high bounty!"

Hearing this, Luffy widened his eyes and looked at the other party in disbelief.

"And the ungrateful Zoro you thought of stood up alone when you were all defenseless and sound asleep, and started a life-and-death struggle with those fierce pirate hunters, just to protect everyone's safety!"The other party became more and more excited, and his face was a little red because of anger.

"You are the captain of a ship! No matter how foolish, absurd or unreliable you are on weekdays, how can you doubt the character of your own crew members?"

His tone was full of disappointment and anger.

"All of us have been through so many ups and downs together, and we have built a deep trust and friendship with each other.

For so long, we have been supporting each other and facing various difficulties and challenges together. Aren’t these experiences enough to make you believe in everyone’s character?"

He became more and more excited, and his voice rose a few degrees involuntarily.

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