After repeated persuasion from the Straw Hat Pirates, Chopper's originally firm heart finally began to waver.

There were complex emotions flashing in his eyes, both a yearning for the unknown world and a melancholy about parting.

However, in this wavering emotion, he nodded silently and agreed to join Luffy's adventure.

Faced with Chopper's decision, Dr. Kuleha's heart was like an ocean swept by a storm, surging.

She looked at Chopper's tender face, her heart full of reluctance and worry.

However, when she saw the three inconspicuous beans in Xu Haifeng's hand, the anger in her heart was instantly ignited.

"What is this? You want to use these three green beans to offset my consultation fee?"

Dr. Kuleha's voice was filled with obvious anger and disdain. She stared at the beans in Xu Haifeng's hand with anger flashing in her eyes.

Xu Haifeng looked at Dr. Kuleha's reaction and couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

But he still took a deep breath, trying to keep himself calm, and then said seriously:

"Don't underestimate these three beans. Although they look ordinary, they have extraordinary magical powers."

"Oh? Then what are their uses? Can eating them make you immortal?"Dr. Kuleha sneered with disdain.

Xu Haifeng was a little speechless after being asked. He hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said:

"Well, that's not possible. But these three beans can instantly heal injuries. For seriously injured people, they are simply priceless treasures."

Dr. Kuleha couldn't help but sneer when he heard this:

"Humph, do you think I'm a three-year-old child? You want to dismiss me with such nonsense?"

"You keep trying to kidnap my assistant, and now you want to use this useless thing to deceive me?"

Just as the two were arguing, Zoro, Usopp and Princess Huihui came to the castle with the seriously injured Dalton.

Their arrival broke the original deadlock and gave Xu Haifeng a chance to show the magic of beans.

"Please follow me, I will show you the magic of my beans!"

When Xu Haifeng saw the seriously injured Dalton, a glimmer of excitement flashed in his eyes. He quickly said to Dr. Kuleha.

Although Dr. Kuleha was reluctant in her heart, she couldn't help but follow Xu Haifeng to him when she saw Dalton's bloody wound.

While drinking, she looked at the beans in Xu Haifeng's hand coldly, but she couldn't help but feel a little expectant in her heart.

When Xu Haifeng fed a bean to Dalton, everyone around held their breath.

Dalton's originally pale face gradually returned to rosy, and the wound began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This scene stunned everyone, including Dr. Kuleha.

She looked at Dalton's injury that improved instantly, and the anger in her heart gradually subsided.

When she turned to look at Xu Haifeng, there was a hint of appreciation and admiration in her eyes.

She finally understood that these three beans were not ordinary beans, but magical things that could really create miracles.

"This... these beans... can really heal injuries instantly?" Dr. Kuleha's voice was trembling and unbelievable.

Xu Haifeng smiled and nodded:"Yes, this is their magic. Now you believe it, right? These three beans are enough to offset your consultation fee."

Dr. Kuleha was silent for a while, then nodded slowly.

After seeing what just happened, Dr. Kuleha finally realized the preciousness of Senzu Beans. It was like having an extra life!

She couldn't help but sigh with emotion, and her heart was full of awe for these magical beans.

Originally, Dr. Kuleha's understanding of Senzu Beans was limited to Xu Haifeng's narration. She only thought that it had a powerful recovery ability and could allow people to slowly recover from injuries. However, when she witnessed the actual effect of Senzu Beans with her own eyes, she truly realized its value.

When she looked at Chopper's determined eyes and the expectant expressions of the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates, her heart began to loosen.

Maybe it's not a bad thing to let Chopper join their adventure? After all, this world is full of unknowns and miracles, isn't it?

"This kind of magic bean contains amazing life energy!"Xu Haifeng whispered softly, with a hint of mystery in his voice.

"As long as there is life force, it can instantly heal all injuries."

Hearing Xu Haifeng's words, Dr. Kuleha knew that he was not exaggerating at all! It can be seen from Dalton's injury just now.

After Dalton took a magic bean, his body suddenly became full of energy.

This miraculous change made Dr. Kuleha dumbfounded.

He moved closer to Dr. Kuleha and continued in a low voice:

"You can try to study this magic bean. Maybe you can use its powerful vitality to develop the legendary elixir of life!"

Dr. Kuleha's eyes, which were originally somewhat careless, instantly brightened up when she heard the words"elixir of life".

Her old face bloomed with unprecedented excitement, as if she had seen the treasure she had dreamed of.

"you mean……"Her voice trembled slightly, and she looked at Xu Haifeng expectantly.

"Yes, this is not just empty talk, but it is possible to achieve."Xu Haifeng smiled and nodded, that smile was full of confidence and mystery.

""Okay! I promise to let Chopper go out to sea with you!" Dr. Kuleha said without hesitation, and then she snatched the two magic beans from Xu Haifeng's hand and observed them carefully, as if she was afraid of missing any details.

"Here, this is the third Senzu Bean for you." Xu Haifeng took out another Senzu Bean and handed it to Dr. Kuleha."I agreed to give you three, I can't break my promise."

""Little boy, how many of these beans do you have left?" Dr. Kuleha asked suddenly, looking at the third Senzu Bean in his hand, with an anxious tone.

Xu Haifeng was slightly stunned, then shook his head and said,"I don't have many left." He knew very well how precious and rare these Senzu Beans were, so he would not easily reveal the number.

"Remember, don't let too many people know that you have this thing."

Dr. Kuleha put away the Senzu beans and warned seriously,"If this power is known to people with ulterior motives, it will probably cause endless trouble."

"OK, I understand."Xu Haifeng nodded solemnly. He knew that Dr. Kuleha's concerns were not groundless. This magical power really needed to be treated with caution.

"Since you have all decided to go to sea, leave quickly, otherwise I will be upset watching you."

Dr. Kuleha waved her hand with a helpless smile on her face.

She knew that Chopper's departure was inevitable, but she also understood that this was the beginning of Chopper's pursuit of his dream.

So Chopper and the Straw Hat Pirates set out on a journey to Alabasta together, with a grand farewell of cherry blossom snow!

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