On this day, the sun shone on the sparkling sea. Luffy and Usopp were bored and decided to use"running fast" as bait to try to catch some unusual"fish".

Sure enough, their patient waiting finally paid off, and an unexpected"big fish" was successfully caught on the boat - Mr. 2 Von Clay, the user of the Mimic Fruit ability.

Von Clay was dressed in gorgeous clothes and had strange makeup on his face. He first showed an amazing imitation show, both in voice and expression, which was lifelike and amazing.

Luffy and Usopp were stunned, while Chopper blinked curiously on the side.

After some communication, Von Clay's funny personality soon impressed the three people, and they became friends.

However, because Xu Haifeng was present, Xu Haifeng did not let Von Clay contact Nami and Xu Haifeng himself.

At the time of parting, Luffy, Chopper and Usopp showed reluctance in their eyes. They watched von Clay board his ship and go farther and farther away.

After von Clay left, Luffy and his friends learned from Princess Vivo that this new friend was actually a member of Baroque Studio.

Princess Vivo then introduced the main members of Baroque Studio and their abilities in detail, hoping that Luffy and his friends would be prepared for the future battle with Baroque Studio.


After a whole day of sailing, the Merry finally arrived at the waters of Alabasta.

Standing on the bow, Luffy and others could see the outline of the city of Alabasta from afar.

The city is like a shining gem inlaid on the coastline, full of exotic style.

The architectural style is unique and mysterious, giving people a feeling of being in another world.

Luffy waved his arms excitedly and shouted,"Finally here! Alabasta, here I come!"

His eyes were shining with anticipation and curiosity. Chopper also jumped up excitedly and said happily:

"Is this Alabasta? It feels so interesting!"

The sea breeze gently brushed my cheeks, carrying the salty taste of the sea water and the warmth of the sun.

Luffy and others stood on the bow, looking at this mysterious and beautiful city, their hearts full of expectations and longings.

As soon as the Merry docked, Luffy couldn't wait to jump off the ship and rushed to the town of Alabasta like a gust of wind.

His eyes flashed with curiosity and desire for the unknown world, and his steps were light and fast, as if the whole world was under his feet

""Hey! Luffy! Don't run around alone again!" Usopp shouted, but before his voice could reach Luffy's ears, Luffy had already disappeared into the crowd.

"Don't worry about him! He will be fine anyway!" Xu Haifeng waved his hand, looking indifferent.

"Right! Don't worry about him, let's go buy our supplies!"

Nami also said as if it was nothing. She knew Luffy's character very well, and he was always full of curiosity and adventurous spirit.

Everyone then separated to buy the necessary supplies. Usopp and Sanji went to the market to find fresh food and water, while Zoro and Chopper went to the pharmacy to buy medicinal materials.

And Xu Haifeng was once again dragged by Nami and Princess Weiwei to buy clothes in case of emergency.

When everyone finished purchasing supplies and gathered on the streets of Alabasta, there was a sudden noise in the distance, accompanied by a scene of chaos, and gradually approached everyone.

"Oh no! Luffy is being chased again!"Zoro's eyes were sharp and he immediately noticed something was wrong.

"Uh! Zoro! How do you know it's Luffy? And you're so sure he's being chased?" Chopper asked, blinking curiously.

"Haha, Chopper, you are new here, you don't know the charm of Luffy’"

Zoro smiled and explained,"He always attracts all kinds of troubles unintentionally, and every time we encounter such a chaotic situation, nine out of ten times it is caused by him."

Xu Haifeng also nodded and echoed,"Zoro is right, Luffy is such a person. However, this is also his charm, isn't it? He can always bring us unexpected surprises and adventures."

Everyone smiled at each other. Although they felt helpless about Luffy's"charm", they also knew that this was his nature. They walked forward together, ready to meet the upcoming"surprise".

When everyone approached, they saw that Luffy's face was full of food residues and his mouth was stuffed. He had to cover his mouth with both hands and run wildly in front.

Chasing closely behind him was Smoker, the naval captain of Rogue Town.

""Okay! Luffy, don't run!" Xu Haifeng stepped forward and stood in front of Luffy, saying calmly.

When Luffy saw Xu Haifeng and others, he first showed a surprised expression on his face, and then became anxious:

"Ah! Xu Haifeng! You guys are here too! Run! I ran into the navy again!"

Xu Haifeng waved his hand, signaling Luffy not to panic:"Don't run, we know Colonel Smoker, what are you afraid of!"

Luffy stopped, panting, and said indifferently:"Okay! As long as he doesn't chase me!"

At this time, Smoker had caught up. He stared at Luffy, his eyes full of anger:

""Xu Haifeng, get out of my way. I'm here to find the Straw Hat Boy. I came to Alabasta to have a fair fight with him!"

Xu Haifeng looked at Smoker and knew what he was doing.

In Rogue Town, Smoker was defeated by Luffy. This time, he obviously wanted to save face by chasing him to Alabasta.

"Colonel Smoker, long time no see." Xu Haifeng smiled and greeted Smoker, trying to ease the tense atmosphere,"Luffy didn't mean to run away, he just……"

"No need to explain!" Smoker interrupted Xu Haifeng,"Straw Hat Boy, are you ready to accept my challenge?"

Luffy swallowed the food in his mouth, clapped his hands, and stood up straight:"Humph! I've been waiting impatiently for a long time! Colonel Smoker, let's end it this time!"

The atmosphere between the two became tense in an instant, and a fierce battle was about to begin on the streets of Alabasta

"In front of me, I don't see who dares to bully my brother!"At this moment, accompanied by a deafening roar, a large ball of blazing flames suddenly appeared beside Luffy without warning.

Everyone was stunned by the sudden scene in front of them.

They stared at the strange and mysterious flame with wide eyes and puzzled faces, their hearts full of curiosity and fear.

Just when everyone was still immersed in the astonishment of this strange flame, something unexpected happened-the originally blazing flame began to slowly change.

It seemed to have life, gradually twisting and flowing, and finally turned into a tall boy.

The boy wore a cowboy hat, his upper body was naked, revealing his strong arms, and his lower body was wearing a pair of denim shorts, revealing a rough and unruly atmosphere. His skin showed a healthy wheat color, his muscles were clearly defined, and he exuded a strong and confident sense of power.

His eyes were like burning flames, sharp and firm, which made people terrified.

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