"Ace! You haven't told me yet, what are you doing here?" The sun shines on the deck of the Merry. Luffy looks at Ace who just returned, his eyes flickering with curiosity and doubt.

Ace stands at the bow, his eyes as firm as iron. He takes a deep breath of the salty and humid air brought by the sea breeze, and slowly speaks:

"I came here to catch a man who betrayed his friends. - Marshall·D·Teach, also known as Blackbeard"

"Is he one of your crew members?"Luffy's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes, he used to be. But he betrayed us and killed our chef."

Ace's voice was full of anger and grief,"I can't tolerate such betrayal, I must take him back and give him the punishment he deserves."

Luffy clenched his fists and said with empathy:"This kind of person is not worthy of being a pirate! How could he be so cruel to his own partner."

Ace nodded and continued:"I heard the news that someone saw him in Alabasta, so I decided to come here to take a look."

However, at this moment, Xu Haifeng came over and interrupted Ace's determination:"Ace, I suggest you give up chasing Blackbeard"

"Why?" Ace frowned and asked in confusion.

"Because he is not someone you can easily deal with. If you go like this, you will only die in vain."Xu Haifeng's tone was full of worry.

But Ace didn't care at all. He said firmly:"Whether you are his opponent or not, you can only know after fighting. I can't give up my goal because of fear."

Xu Haifeng wanted to continue persuading, but Ace had already waved his hand impatiently:

"Okay, I know you are Luffy's partner, but this is our Whitebeard Pirates' business, you don't need to interfere."

Xu Haifeng looked at Ace's determined back and sighed helplessly in his heart. He knew that he could not change Ace's decision.

Moreover, he also understood that Ace was now in a difficult situation.

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates knew that Ace was hunting down Blackbeard. If he gave up now, his reputation and dignity would be seriously damaged.

So Xu Haifeng made a decision-he would lead the Straw Hat Pirates to participate in the upcoming war at the top and provide Ace with the necessary help.

He knew that this would be a tough battle, but he also believed that as long as they were united, nothing could stop them from moving forward.

"Luffy! Oh no, several ships of the Billionaires of Baroque Works suddenly appeared in front of us and are catching up with us!"

""Usopp's voice was filled with fear and haste, breaking the peace on the Merry.

Luffy and the others rushed to the bow upon hearing the news, only to see several ships flying the pirate flag of Baroque Works speeding towards the back of the Merry.

"Damn it! It's them again!" Nami shouted angrily, with a determined light flashing in her eyes.

""Leave them to me!" Ace stepped forward, his voice full of confidence. He jumped from the Merry to his own special boat.

Ace activated the ability of the Flame-Flame Fruit, and flames burned fiercely under his special boat, pushing the boat towards the pirate ship of Baroque Works at an astonishing speed.

When the boat approached the opponent's ship, Ace stepped on it hard, and the boat instantly dived into the water, shuttling underwater like a torpedo.

Ace used the reaction force of stepping on the boat to lightly jump into the air, completed a perfect turn in the air, and landed steadily on the boat.

At this moment, his entire right hand was wrapped in flames, emitting a hot breath.

""Fire Fist!" Ace roared, and punched out with his right fist. A huge flaming fist flew out of his hand and rushed straight to the pirate ship in front.

The flaming fist was unstoppable, and it pierced through all the pirate ships in succession, and finally left a burning pirate wreckage on the sea.

Everyone on the Merry witnessed all this, and they were all amazed at Ace's powerful strength.

The remaining power of the flames lingered on the sea for a long time, and Ace stood quietly on the boat, as if everything was under his control.

""That's awesome! Ace!" Luffy shouted excitedly, his eyes shining with admiration.

"This is my brother, Ace the Fire Fist!"Luffy said with a smile, and was impressed by Ace's strength again.

The pirates of Baroque Works paid a heavy price in this sea of fire.

"Your brother relies too much on the power of the devil fruit!"Xu Haifeng shook his head, revealing a hint of worry in his tone.

"Hmm? Isn't it good to rely on the power of the devil fruit?"Luffy and the others all showed curious looks.

Xu Haifeng took a deep breath and said seriously:

"It's not bad, it's very bad. Because all devil fruit abilities have several fatal flaws that almost everyone knows."

"If a Devil Fruit user encounters Seastone, Armament Haki, or the Qi I taught you, then the user's strength will be suppressed by more than half."

Xu Haifeng explained in a serious tone.

Luffy fell into deep thought after hearing this:

"After listening to you, it seems to be true! When I first met the Smoke Man in Rogue Town, if I didn't know how to use the Qi you taught me, I wouldn't be able to beat him at all."

Xu Haifeng nodded and continued:

"So, the devil fruit is not invincible. We cannot rely entirely on the power of the devil fruit. Our physical strength can also be very strong through practice."

He continued to give an example:"There are many people who do not have the power of the devil fruit, but are also very strong."

"Just like Shanks, Hawkeye and Luffy's grandfather, they don't have fruit abilities, but they are all top-level masters."

Zoro and the other crew members nodded in agreement:"We understand, we will practice physical skills well in the future!"

Xu Haifeng's words were like a flash of lightning, illuminating the fog in everyone's hearts.

They began to realize that although the devil fruit is powerful, it is not omnipotent.

The real strong ones are those who can control themselves and constantly practice to improve themselves!

"Okay! It's all done!"Ace's voice came, and he returned to the crowd after solving the Baroque Pirate Ship.

"Ace, you're back!" Luffy saw Ace and immediately went to meet him,"Xu Haifeng just said that you rely too much on the power of the devil fruit."

Ace smiled and said to Xu Haifeng:

"Oh, Xu Haifeng, you know my abilities very well! But don't worry, my physical skills are also very strong."

"The devil fruit ability is just one of my means, not all of it."

He patted his chest and said confidently:"Luffy, don't worry. I'm very strong!"

Luffy and other partners nodded, they believed in Ace's strength.

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