Xu Haifeng's eyes were deep, with a hint of helplessness on the corners of his mouth, as if he was carrying endless worries.

He spoke slowly, with a bit of heaviness in his voice:"Okay, Ace, then you should be careful."

Hearing this, Ace nodded slightly, with a hint of determination in his eyes.

He walked to Xu Haifeng's side, gently put his arm around his shoulders, and said in a gentle but powerful voice:"Don't worry, Xu Haifeng, I know what I'm doing. Nothing will happen."

His eyes looked through Xu Haifeng's shoulders and into the distance, as if he had already seen the road ahead.

At this moment, Luffy suddenly rushed over with excitement on his face, and shouted loudly:"It's rare to meet Ace here, why don't we take this opportunity to hold a grand banquet?"

His face was filled with childlike innocence and enthusiasm, as if any troubles could disappear in this joyful atmosphere.

""Good idea! Let's have a party! Let's have a party!" Upon hearing Luffy's proposal, Usopp and Chopper also jumped up excitedly, dancing, as if they were already immersed in the upcoming joy.

Thus, a lively party kicked off with the laughter of everyone.

With fine wine and delicious food, singing and dancing, the party gradually came to an end with laughter until night fell and the stars twinkled.

The next morning, after Xu Haifeng learned that the king's army and the rebels had not yet started the war, he made a decision - to walk to the capital of Alabasta.

He believed that this would allow the members of the Straw Hat Pirates to exercise in the desert, while also leaving enough time to deal with possible emergencies.

Xu Haifeng knew very well that , Although this journey is long and arduous, it is a rare training opportunity for the Straw Hat Pirates.

Only after going through hardships in the desert can they better face future challenges.

Everyone nodded in agreement when they heard this. So, under the leadership of Xu Haifeng, the Straw Hat Pirates embarked on a journey to the capital of Alabasta.

They moved forward in the desert with difficulty. Although their clothes were soaked with sweat, everyone's face was filled with determination and persistence.

However, shortly after everyone set off, Ace suddenly received the news that Blackbeard had left Alabasta.

A trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and he turned to Luffy and said,"Luffy, I must go after Blackbeard. This is my mission."

Luffy heard this, although he was full of reluctance, but he knew that he could not interfere with Ace's decision.

He said goodbye to his brother with a smile on his face, with a firm light in his eyes:"Ace, go ahead. I believe you will succeed. I wish you can catch that guy as soon as possible!"

Ace nodded and turned to leave. Xu Haifeng looked at Ace's receding back and sighed softly:"Alas, the next time we meet may be on the battlefield?"

His voice was full of helplessness and emotion, as if he had foreseen the future storms.

Luffy's eyes suddenly became extremely solemn. He stared at Xu Haifeng closely, and his voice revealed a hint of trembling:"Xu Haifeng! Will Ace really get into trouble this time?"

His smile had disappeared without a trace, replaced by unprecedented seriousness.

Xu Haifeng took a deep breath and nodded slowly. His eyes seemed to penetrate time and space and saw the cruel future:

"Yes, if I don't appear in this world, then the next time will be the last time you see Ace."

Luffy's heart sank when he heard this, and he widened his eyes, as if he couldn't believe his ears. He realized that Xu Haifeng's worry about Ace in the past two days was not groundless. He just didn't show it before, but his heart was already turbulent.

"What? You mean Ace will……"Luffy's voice was trembling so much that it was almost inaudible.

He tightly grasped Xu Haifeng's clothes, as if he could find a trace of comfort from there.

Xu Haifeng nodded heavily, his voice full of helplessness and determination:

"Yes, if I hadn't appeared in this world, Ace would have died soon."

When the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates heard this, they were all shocked.

Chopper's eyes widened, and Usopp's mouth opened as if he wanted to swallow the whole world.

"No! I have to chase Ace back immediately. I can't let Ace die!" Luffy suddenly shouted and turned to chase Ace.

His eyes were full of determination and anxiety, as if he would lose something important if he was a step late.

Xu Haifeng was quick-witted and grabbed Luffy's arm to stop him:

"Wait, Luffy, even if you catch up with Ace, do you think he will listen to you and give up chasing Blackbeard? I think you should know Ace better than me!"

Luffy was awakened by Xu Haifeng's words. He stopped, but the anxiety and anger in his eyes did not diminish at all:"What should I do? Can I just watch Ace die?"

Xu Haifeng looked at Luffy's anxious look, and anger surged in his heart. He glared at Luffy and said angrily:

"Idiot! Don't you still have me? How could I watch your brother die? What kind of partners are we?"

Luffy was shocked by Xu Haifeng's words. He froze in his place, with a flash of understanding and determination in his eyes.

He knew that he couldn't give up like this. He had to protect his brother with Xu Haifeng and change that cruel future!

In the desert of Alabasta, Xu Haifeng looked into the distance with confidence.

He patted Luffy on the shoulder, with a firm light in his eyes:

"Don't worry! Let's help Princess Weiwei solve the war in Alabasta first. After things here are resolved, I will take you to other worlds!"

When Luffy heard this, his eyes immediately lit up with excitement, as if he had seen the future adventure. He jumped up excitedly and laughed:

""Hmm! Can we go to other worlds to play again? That's great!"

However, Sanji, Weiwei and Chopper on the side were confused.

They looked at Luffy and Xu Haifeng's excitement, and asked in confusion:"Other worlds? What does it mean?"

Xu Haifeng smiled and began to explain this mysterious world to them.

His words were full of mystery and surprise, as if they opened a door to an unknown world for them.

As Xu Haifeng spoke, the confusion on the faces of the three people gradually disappeared, replaced by shock and expectation.

"It turns out there are so many things in the world that we don’t know about!" Sanji exclaimed

"Can we go there then?" Chopper and Huihui asked nervously.

Xu Haifeng nodded and said with a smile:"Of course, we are a team, so of course we have to explore the unknown world together!"

This sentence filled the hearts of the three with anticipation and excitement. They seemed to have seen the future adventure, full of unknowns and excitement.

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