Crocodile waved his arms arrogantly, and the giant tornado he summoned was like a giant dragon with bared fangs and claws, rolling wildly in the vast desert, rolling up layer upon layer of sand waves, sweeping towards Luffy like an overwhelming force!

""Hahaha... aren't you very strong? If you have the ability, just stop it yourself!"

Crocodile's laughter echoed in the wind, as if he was laughing at the two's powerlessness.

Luffy looked at the tornado getting closer and closer anxiously, and the uneasiness in his heart surged like a tide.

However, at this critical moment, Xu Haifeng stepped forward, he gently put Princess Weiwei on the ground, and then turned into a flash of lightning and flew towards Luffy.

""Luffy, watch me next!" Xu Haifeng's voice was firm and confident. He stood in front of Luffy like an insurmountable mountain.

Facing Crocodile's invincible tornado, Xu Haifeng did not show any fear.

He took a deep breath, as if resonating with the magnetic field of the desert.

His palm slowly raised, and a faint blue light began to emanate from the palm, which was a symbol of his ability to control the magnetic field.

With Xu Haifeng's light wave, the blue light spread out instantly, forming a huge magnetic field field.

When the tornado entered this field, its rotation speed began to slow down, and the sand particles fell under the action of the magnetic field.

Xu Haifeng's eyes became more focused. He kept adjusting the intensity and direction of the magnetic field, gradually directing the energy of the tornado to the ground.

At this moment, Xu Haifeng seemed like an elegant dancer, dancing on the stage of the desert.

He controlled the power of the magnetic field and played with the tornado in his hands.

Crocodile's dragon gradually lost its ferocious momentum under the restraint of the magnetic field, and finally turned into a ball of loose sand, scattered in the desert.

When the last bit of sand fell to the ground, the desert returned to calm again.

Xu Haifeng retracted his magnetic field ability, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

He turned and looked at Crocodile, his eyes full of confidence and challenge.

"How? Is it necessary to fight again?"Xu Haifeng smiled, his eyes sparkling with confidence.

He put his hands behind his back, stood straight like a pine tree, and faced Crocodile in front of him.

Crocodile's face was as gloomy as the sky covered with dark clouds, and his eyes flashed with indescribable anger.

When he saw his once indestructible tornado turned invisible with Xu Haifeng's easy wave, his heart was like being hit by a boulder, and he knew that he was doomed to fail in this battle.

He couldn't accept that there was a strong man like Xu Haifeng hidden in the Straw Hat Pirates.

The small pirate group that he disdained now had a power to rival him.

Indescribable emotions were churning in his heart, both shock and unwillingness.

Luffy's words and Xu Haifeng's unparalleled strength were telling him a fact - the rise of the Straw Hat Pirates was not accidental, and Xu Haifeng was the key to all this. He guessed that the strength of the Straw Hat Boy might be the result of Xu Haifeng's careful teaching.

"Who are you?" Crocodile's voice was low and hoarse. He stared at Xu Haifeng, trying to find some clues from that calm face.

"With your strength, you should not be an unknown person, but why did you choose to join this unknown pirate group?"

Xu Haifeng smiled slightly, touched his chin, and seemed to be thinking seriously about how to answer this question

" I am a world traveler, traveling around the world, looking for the power to change the world"

He raised his head, his eyes deep and firm,"I chose to join the Straw Hat Pirates because I saw their dreams and the pain of this world."

"I hope that through my power, I can help them realize their dreams and bring a glimmer of hope to this sick world."

Crocodile sneered, his eyes full of disdain

"Who do you think you are? Don't think that you can change the world just because you have a little bit of strength. This world is darker and more cruel than you think."

His words were full of sarcasm and ridicule,"Do you think your passion and dreams can change everything? How ridiculous!"

However, Xu Haifeng was not shaken by this. He looked at Crocodile with a determined light in his eyes.

" I know the darkness and cruelty of this world, but I still choose to believe in the power of dreams"

He took a deep breath, his voice full of determination and conviction,

" I will use my actions to prove that I have the ability to realize my partners' dreams! This world needs to change, and I am willing to be the beginning of that change."

"That's right! We all believe in you!"After hearing this, Luffy patted Xu Haifeng on the shoulder with a smile on his face, his voice firm and powerful. The

Straw Hat Pirates also cast trusting eyes. They have come a long way and have a deep understanding of Xu Haifeng's strength and wisdom.

Crocodile heard Luffy's words, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, his voice full of disdain:

"Humph! A bunch of ridiculous idiots! I won't play with you anymore. As long as I can get Pluto, you can just wait to be stepped on by me!"

As soon as the voice fell, his body slowly dissipated like quicksand and merged into the endless desert.

""Asshole! Don't run!" Luffy saw this and immediately rushed to where Crocodile had just stood, punching him like raindrops, but there was nothing there except sand.

"Don't waste your energy, he has already run away from the underground."Xu Haifeng walked up and said to Luffy softly.

Although his voice was calm, his eyes flashed with a sharp light.

"Damn it! He got away!"Luffy stopped attacking, turned around with a look of reluctance, and looked at Xu Haifeng.

"I let him run away on purpose." Xu Haifeng smiled faintly and explained.

"Why? With your strength, you should be able to easily get rid of him!"Princess Weiwei couldn't help but ask curiously when she heard this.

There was a puzzled light in her eyes, and she was obviously puzzled by Xu Haifeng's decision.

Xu Haifeng smiled slightly and explained:"Because if we get rid of him here, then who among the ordinary people will believe in this war?"

"Is this Crocodile's conspiracy? In the eyes of many ordinary people, he is still a good man."

"Only when we reach the capital and expose his conspiracy in front of everyone can the truth be revealed to the world."

Xu Haifeng's words made everyone suddenly realize that they understood Xu Haifeng's foresight.

It turned out that he let Crocodile go not only to make the battle more challenging, but also to let more people see Crocodile's true face.

Only in this way can the country be truly changed and the power of justice be upheld.

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