"Miss Robin! It seems that you have been ruthlessly abandoned by your boss!" Xu Haifeng turned around abruptly, staring at Nicole Robin who had been watching silently from afar, with a sly smile on his face.

Robin looked at all this from afar, and a strange feeling surged in her heart.

There was always a faint smile on her beautiful face, but her eyes revealed an indescribable firmness and confidence.

"Yes! Then may I ask, Vice Captain, how do you intend to punish a poor little girl like me?"

Robin responded softly, with a hint of mischief and ridicule in her voice.

She was not intimidated by Xu Haifeng's words, but faced him with a relaxed attitude.

""Miss Robin, you are joking. How dare I!" When facing Robin's teasing, Xu Haifeng quickly waved his hand to deny it, with an awkward smile on his face.

This man who had never been afraid of anything at sea seemed a little restrained in front of a woman.

"But Miss Robin, now that you have been abandoned by Crocodile, what are you going to do in the future?" Xu Haifeng changed the subject and asked with concern.

There was a hint of sympathy in his eyes, as if he was asking a homeless child about his future destiny.

Robin gently combed her long black hair and showed a bitter smile on her face.

She looked up at Xu Haifeng, with a hint of helplessness in her voice:"I am homeless now, I wonder if the deputy captain can take me in!"

There was a hint of expectation in her voice, as if waiting for a long-lost answer.

Upon hearing this, Xu Haifeng immediately turned his gaze to their captain, Luffy. Luffy, a young man who always has a carefree smile, seemed particularly serious at this moment.

He touched his chin, pondered for a moment, and said firmly:"Well...! No problem, you will be our partner in the future!"

""Wow! Great, welcome to Robin!" Sanji jumped up excitedly when he heard Luffy's words.

His eyes were shining with excitement. Sanji had no resistance to a beautiful girl like Robin!

However, at this moment, Nami stood up cautiously. She looked at Robin with a frown on her face:

"Hey! Can you two not make a decision so casually? She used to work at Baroque Works!" Her voice revealed a hint of worry and uneasiness.

Hearing this, Luffy turned to look at Xu Haifeng:"Then is she a bad person?" His eyes were full of doubts and confusion.

Xu Haifeng shook his head and said firmly:"No!" His voice was full of trust and determination, as if telling everyone: Robin is a trustworthy partner

"That's all!"After hearing this, Luffy immediately showed his signature carefree smile.

He patted Robin on the shoulder, as if to tell her: You are already a member of our Straw Hat Pirates, and we will face future challenges and adventures together.

"You guys are too careless!"Nami looked at Luffy and Xu Haifeng's reactions and said speechlessly

"Nami, in fact, Robin's life story is very similar to yours."Xu Haifeng turned and whispered to Nami, as if he had uncovered a dusty secret.

""Hmm? What do you mean?" Nami asked with a puzzled look on her face, her bright eyes full of confusion.

"She also lost her mother when she was eight years old, and was wanted by the World Government. She has lived in hiding until now. In the past, she was often betrayed and abandoned by her companions."

"Therefore, she no longer has anyone she can truly trust."Xu Haifeng's voice was low and firm, and every word was filled with sympathy and understanding for Robin.

"You...how did you know that?" Robin became alert instantly when she heard Xu Haifeng's words, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

"Don't worry, Robin. You will be our partner from now on. No one can hurt you, and you will not be abandoned by your partners again."

Xu Haifeng looked at Robin with a firm light in his eyes. His words seemed like a warm sunshine, illuminating the haze in Robin's heart.

"Yes! No matter what time, the Straw Hat Pirates will never betray or abandon their partners!"

Luffy also nodded and said with a smile, his smile was full of acceptance and welcome to Robin.

"Welcome to join the Straw Hat Pirates! Nicole - Robin!"After Nami heard what Xu Haifeng said, she took the initiative to walk up to Robin, hugged Robin gently with both hands and said. At this moment, she seemed to see her own shadow, and the empathy made her more determined to accept Robin.

A strong resonance surged in Nami's heart, because she had also experienced that painful time.

She knew that Robin's joining was not only the joining of a new partner, but also the joining of a new warmth and strength.

"Miss Robin is so pitiful, and Miss Nami is so kind! I will use my life to protect Robin and Miss Nami in the future!"

Sanji said with emotion after listening, with a firm light flashing in his eyes.

"Welcome to join the Straw Hat Pirates!"After hearing Robin's life story, Zoro, Chopper, and Usopp also stepped forward to express their friendly welcome to Robin.

Their smiles seemed to cheer for Robin's joining.

""Thank you!" Robin said with tears in her eyes, her voice full of gratitude and happiness.

Looking at this group of lovely people in front of her, she felt that she had finally found a real home.

In the arms of the Straw Hat Pirates, she will start a new adventure and face the challenges and difficulties of the future with her partners.

"Well, next we have to rush to the capital of Alabasta!" Xu Haifeng looked up in the direction of the capital of Alabasta, his eyes revealing firmness and determination. His words were like a drum of war, inspiring people and setting the tone for the upcoming adventure.

""Yes! Let's go save Alabasta together and move towards the capital together!" Luffy followed closely behind, his voice full of passion and enthusiasm. His smile was as bright as the sun, illuminating the road ahead and injecting endless vitality into the entire team.

Princess Weiwei looked at the members of the Straw Hat Pirates in front of her, her heart full of gratitude and hope.

With tears in her eyes, she bowed deeply to everyone:"Thank you! Thank you everyone! On behalf of the entire Alabasta, I thank you all!"

Her voice was trembling and sincere, revealing her infinite trust and expectations for the Straw Hat Pirates.

Seeing this, Luffy laughed out loud, waved his hand and said,"It's okay! Treat us to a big meal when things are over!"

His laughter was as warm as a spring breeze, which not only eased the tense atmosphere, but also made Princess Weiwei more confident in the future.

As Luffy's words fell, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates laughed heartily.

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