"Will the Straw Hat Boys really show up?" Miss. pointed at Pola standing at the edge of the desert and turned to cast a questioning look at her companions.

Her eyes revealed a bit of uneasiness and expectation. After all, waiting for the unknown is always anxious.

"Since the boss asked us to wait here, we just need to follow his orders.

Mr.1 Daz Bonis's answer was brief and firm. He looked at the vast desert in the distance, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, as if he was well prepared for the upcoming challenge.

"That's right!" Miss. Christmas Dorophi echoed, with a smug smile on her face,"As long as they dare to come, we will make sure they never return!"

Her voice was full of confidence and arrogance, as if she had foreseen the defeat of the Straw Hat Pirates."Christmas, don't underestimate the enemy." Pola turned to look at Dorophi, her eyes full of vigilance,"The Straw Hat boys are not ordinary pirates, the fact that they can come here shows that they are powerful. We can't take it lightly."

Dorophi was slightly stunned, then nodded,"You're right, Pola. I'll be careful."She put away her smug smile and her eyes became serious.

The scorching sun in the desert was scorching the earth, and the heat waves were rolling. Pora and her companions stood on the sand dunes, looking into the distance.

They were wearing special desert equipment and sun hats on their heads to protect themselves from the scorching sun.

Time passed by minute by minute, the sun gradually set, and the temperature of the desert began to gradually drop. However, the Straw Hat Pirates never appeared.

Pora began to get impatient. She kept looking at the desert in the distance, calculating the time.

At this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps broke the silence of the desert.

Pora immediately raised her head alertly, and saw dust flying in the distance, and a group of people were running towards them quickly.

"Here they come!" Pora whispered, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She immediately signaled to her companions to prepare for the upcoming challenge.

In the desert filled with yellow sand, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates and the elites of Baroque Works stood face to face. The atmosphere was so tense that even the air seemed to freeze.

Mr.1 Daz Bonis, a strong man known for his ability of the Quick Slash Fruit, stared at the Straw Hat Boy Luffy in front of him with a sharp gaze, as if he wanted to see through him.

"Where is Crocodile? I will defeat him!" Luffy did not hide his fighting spirit, his voice was firm and loud, sweeping across the battlefield like a storm.

There was an unyielding light in his eyes, as if he was fearless no matter what kind of powerful enemy he faced.

However, the members of Baroque Works had no intention of retreating. Miss. pointed at Pola with both hands. This beautiful woman, with a sarcastic smile on her lips, said contemptuously:"Our boss has gone to the capital. With us here, none of you can go over!"

Just when the two sides were on the verge of a fight, Xu Haifeng stood up. He calmly analyzed the situation and assigned opponents to the members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

When he said that Zoro's opponent was Mr. 1 Daz Bonis, a glimmer of excitement flashed in Zoro's eyes.

"Oh! Then I'll go play first! That's Mr.1 Daz Bonis, your opponent is me, let me see how strong you are!"

Zoro drew out the long sword at his waist and walked towards Mr.1 Daz Bonis with firm steps. His figure looked so tall in the afterglow of the setting sun, like an unshakable mountain.

Mr.1 Daz Bonis was not to be outdone, he sneered and walked towards Zoro. The air between the two seemed to be ignited, exuding a hot breath. A fierce battle is about to take place!

At this moment, Xu Haifeng turned to Robin and Luffy and said:

"Robin! Take Luffy with you to defeat Crocodile and bring him here alive!" His tone was full of trust and expectation.

Luffy and Robin looked at each other, nodded, and then walked towards the city without hesitation.

They knew that this was Xu Haifeng's trust in them and their responsibility as members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

"We have already said that none of you can get through!"

The people from Baroque Works immediately stepped forward to intercept them, because their mission was to prevent the Straw Hat Pirates from entering the capital.

As long as they didn't let these people get through, their mission would be accomplished.

"Do you think you can stop them?"Xu Haifeng's voice echoed in the desert air, with a hint of teasing and confidence.

He appeared in front of the people of Baroque Workshop with a smile, his eyes were like torches, as if he could see through everything.

""Hmph! Then let's try!" Miss. Pola responded with gritted teeth, her eyes flashing with reluctance and anger.

She and several other members of the Baroque Workshop rushed towards Xu Haifeng without hesitation, with great momentum.

However, Xu Haifeng just raised his right hand slightly and swung it violently.

An invisible force burst out instantly, sweeping in like a violent storm, and all the people from the Baroque Workshop who rushed over were thrown away.

They were like kites with broken strings, rolling in the air for several circles, and finally fell heavily into the yellow sand, splashing a cloud of dust.

"You two go! Leave this to us!"Xu Haifeng turned to Robin and Luffy and said with a calm smile on his face.

His eyes revealed his trust in his partners, as if everything was under his control.

Robin and Luffy nodded to Xu Haifeng, and then ran towards the direction of the capital without hesitation.

Their figures gradually went away in the desert, leaving Xu Haifeng and the people from Baroque Works confronting each other on the spot.

"You'd better fight seriously with my partners."Xu Haifeng turned his head and looked at the members of Baroque Works who were knocked down by him.

His voice calm and firm,"As long as you can defeat my partners, we will let you all go."

The few people from Baroque Works no longer cared about Luffy and Robin, but all focused their attention on Xu Haifeng.

They knew very well that the man in front of them was unfathomable in strength, and they could not be his opponent even if they were combined.

However, they did not give up. They knew that only by going all out could they have a chance of survival in this battle.

""Okay! Now it's your turn to fight with my partner! Don't worry, I won't do anything!" Xu Haifeng said to the people from Baroque Workshop!

"Good! As long as you don't make a move, then just watch how we defeat your crew!" Mr.1 Daz Bonis said confidently!

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