"Okay, go let Chopper take a look at your injury first, our battle is not over yet!" Xu Haifeng said to Sanji with a helpless look on his face! Xu Haifeng took a deep breath, turned to face the Baroque Elite Group, and shouted loudly:"Hey! Who are you going to send next?"

In the crowd of the Baroque Elite Group, Miss. Two Fingers suddenly stepped forward. She pointed at Nami and said firmly:"I'll do it! But I hope she can be my opponent!"

Xu Haifeng was slightly stunned when he heard Miss. Two Fingers' choice.

He looked at Miss. Two Fingers in confusion and asked:"Have you really decided to choose Nami as your opponent?"

Miss. Two Fingers nodded confidently, and her eyes revealed a hint of cunning and complacency.

She felt that she was really smart. Choosing a girl as an opponent, wouldn't this victory be easy?

Seeing this, Xu Haifeng smiled helplessly. He knew that Nami was not an ordinary girl, and her strength should not be underestimated. So he waved his hand and said:"Okay! Good luck!"

"Nami! She wants you to be her opponent!"

Nami heard Xu Haifeng's call and walked over quickly.

She saw Miss. pointing at herself with both hands and a confident smile on her face:"Okay, then let her see my true strength!"

"Thorny Fingers!"At Miss. Two-Fingers' command, her ten fingers instantly became sharp as thorns, like thorns, and she rushed towards Nami without hesitation.

Miss. Two-Fingers' high heels also grew sharp thorns, which instantly increased her movement speed, and she rushed towards Nami like a flash of lightning.

Miss. Two-Fingers looked at Nami who was getting closer and closer to her, and her heart was filled with the joy of victory.

She confidently believed that her thorny fingers could easily pierce even hard rocks, and this seemingly weak girl would definitely not be able to resist.

However, facing Miss. Two-Fingers' attack, Nami seemed unusually calm. She slowly raised her right hand, with her palm facing the rushing Miss. Two-Fingers.

Miss. Two-Fingers looked at Nami's raised palm, and a smug smile unconsciously appeared at the corner of her mouth.

But just when she thought she had won, Nami whispered:"Shinra Tensei!"A powerful repulsive force instantly erupted with Nami as the center, forming an invisible force field. Miss.'s fingers were bounced away by the sudden repulsive force and fell heavily to the ground.

She struggled to get up in a panic, staring at Nami with wide eyes in disbelief. Her heart was filled with fear and confusion, and she didn't understand why she was defeated so easily. She obviously had an absolute advantage, so how could she be defeated in the blink of an eye?

"This... what kind of ability is this?" Miss. Two Fingers asked with a trembling voice. Her eyes were full of fear and confusion. She could not understand how Nami could do this.

Nami looked at Miss. Two Fingers' frightened expression and smiled slightly. She did not answer Miss. Two Fingers' question, but said lightly:"You are too confident."

Miss. Two Fingers struggled hard and stood up again from the dust.

Her eyes flashed with unwillingness, and her clenched fists trembled slightly, as if telling of her inner indomitable spirit.

She looked up at Nami, her eyes flashing with anger, and her voice was a little hoarse:"Damn it! I haven't lost yet!"

Miss. Two Fingers' words echoed in the air like a war drum.

Then, her body began to undergo strange changes. It seemed that countless tiny creatures were wriggling under her skin. Then, sharp thorns drilled out of her skin. After a while, her whole body turned into a needle ball covered with thorns.

She rolled her body, like a thorny meteor, rushing towards Nami.

Nami stood there quietly, watching Miss. Two Fingers' attack approaching.

There was no panic on her face, but a faint smile.

At the moment when Miss. Two Fingers was about to hit her, she gently waved her arm, and an invisible force gushed out from her palm, pushing Miss. Two Fingers away fiercely.

"These are of no use to me at all!" Nami shook her head slightly, with a hint of contempt in her voice.

Miss.'s fingers were pushed several meters away, hit hard against a wall, and then slowly slid to the ground.

She struggled to stand up and looked at Nami with a flash of fear in her eyes.

"That's right! My attack is useless to you, but you can't attack me either! We can only end up in a draw like this!"

Miss. Two-Fingers stood firm again with a smug smile on her face. She seemed to think that her ability was enough to make Nami helpless.

However, Nami just smiled faintly, with a cunning flash in her eyes.

She looked at Miss. Two-Fingers, her voice full of confidence:"Oh? Really? That's not necessarily true!"

Miss. Two-Fingers' face immediately turned gloomy when she heard Nami's words.

She felt that an inexplicable danger was approaching, as if an irresistible force was gathering.

"What do you mean by that?" She stared at Nami closely, trying to see through her thoughts.

"You will know soon!"Nami said with a smile.

As soon as she finished speaking, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, as if a storm was coming.

Nami raised her right hand high, and her palm flashed with dazzling lightning.

""Electromagnetic--thunder!" Nami shouted, and swung her right hand towards the ground.

A flash of lightning cut through the darkness in the sky, swooping down like a giant silver dragon, and struck Miss. Shuangzhi accurately.

Miss. Shuangzhi felt as if she was hit by a huge force, and her whole body was instantly paralyzed.

Then, a sharp pain spread from deep inside her body.���, as if thousands of needles were piercing her body.

She seemed to smell a burnt smell, which was the smell of her own flesh.

Then, her eyes went dark and she lost all consciousness.……

""That's it! My opponent has been defeated!" Nami cheered excitedly, her face filled with the joy and pride of victory.

Her laughter was clear and pleasant, like a string of silver bells swaying in the wind, attracting the attention of everyone around.

Xu Haifeng looked at Nami with admiration in his eyes. He smiled and responded:

"Yes, our Nami is getting stronger and stronger! She performed very well in this battle."

Nami was even more delighted when she heard Xu Haifeng's praise.

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