"Alright! The rebels are coming soon, we can't waste any more time! The rest of you, come together!"

Xu Haifeng turned around abruptly, his eyes as hot as a torch, staring directly at the many members of the Baroque Elite Group without fear.

"So, who among you dares to accept this challenge?"

Miss. Christmas, the fat old woman named Dorothy, stepped forward with a provocative look.

"On our side, let Usopp take the field!" Xu Haifeng's mouth slightly raised, revealing a sly smile, as if everything was under his control.

"What? Let me fight against the two of them alone?" When Usopp heard this arrangement, he was struck by thunder.

He rushed to Xu Haifeng as fast as lightning, his eyes full of astonishment and confusion.

"Yes, haven't you always wanted to be a brave and fearless warrior? This time, I specially arranged for you to appear last and act as the pressure of this fierce battle.���Look, how considerate and caring I am to you!"

Xu Haifeng casually hooked Usopp's shoulder, his tone full of teasing.

"Uh... I... I think it's better not to do this! Lest others accuse me of bullying them by fighting one against two!"

Usopp's voice trembled slightly, revealing his deep fear of the upcoming battle.

""Haha, you may have misunderstood me!" Xu Haifeng's laughter suddenly became low, and he gently patted Usopp's shoulder.

"I'm not asking you to fight two people alone, but... one against three!"

Usopp's pupils suddenly shrank sharply, and he looked in the direction of Xu Haifeng's finger, and was surprised to find that there was a dog standing there that looked very docile and cute.

However, the words that Xu Haifeng said next were like a cold sword, piercing Usopp's heart, making him feel as if he had fallen into a bottomless ice cave.

"See that dog? It's not just any dog, it's a monster that swallowed a devil fruit. Don't be fooled by its harmless appearance.";

"This guy can spit out powerful bombs from his mouth! Once the battle begins, the terrifying power it displays will definitely exceed your imagination."

Xu Haifeng's tone was full of teasing and warning.

Usopp couldn't help but take a breath, secretly thanking himself for discovering this dangerous existence in advance.

He knew that such powerful devil fruit users were often extremely difficult opponents, and if they were not handled carefully, the consequences would be disastrous.

Usopp's face instantly turned as pale as paper, as if all the blood had been drained out. His legs also lost strength, and collapsed like two noodles, almost collapsing to the ground.

" Why, are you scared??"Xu Haifeng's voice came with a hint of sarcasm.

Usopp's body trembled violently, and he gritted his teeth, trying to make his voice less trembling.:"I......I'm not afraid!"

However, his heart was already in a mess. He knew that he was facing a powerful enemy, and if he was not careful, his life might be in danger.

" Then hurry up, we don't have time to waste"Xu Haifeng waved his hand, signaling Usopp to move forward.

Usopp took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. With trembling legs, he walked towards the battlefield step by step.

With every step, he felt an invisible pressure coming at him, making it hard for him to breathe.

As he walked, he prayed in his heart: I hope this dog only looks powerful, but it is not difficult to deal with in fact.......At least, don't be too difficult to deal with.

At this moment, Usopp suddenly came up with an idea. He stopped, turned around, and said to Xu Haifeng:

" How about letting Princess Weiwei and Chopper come with me! That way we will be three against three, which is fair.!"

His eyes were shining with a fiery light, as if the whole world was lit up by the expectation in his eyes.

He stared at Xu Haifeng closely, as if silently praying that the other party would nod and agree to his proposal.

"How can that be possible! How can you fully demonstrate your true strength in that way!"Xu Haifeng shook his head, with a firm and disapproving look on his face.

"Yes! Usopp, we firmly believe that you must have enough strength!"Nami also stepped forward and encouraged with a smile on her face.

Usopp looked at Nami's smile and everyone's support, and a surge of courage surged in his heart, but at the same time he also felt a little helpless.

He gritted his teeth and finally decided to join the battle.

""Okay! I'll go then! You guys have to keep a close eye on me!" Usopp took a deep breath and said with a firm look in his eyes.

"Is it really okay?"At this moment, Sauron walked up to Xu Haifeng, frowned, and showed a trace of worry.

Xu Haifeng seemed unusually calm. He waved his hand gently and answered calmly:

"It's okay! If he doesn't participate in more fierce battles, he will never know how powerful he is!"

Zoro nodded slightly and nodded in agreement:"Okay! He should be given some opportunities to train his courage!"

He knew that only through continuous experience could Usopp grow into a better fighter.

"Come on! Let me, Captain Usopp, defeat you!" Captain Usopp held the elemental bow tightly in both hands, and shouted loudly to Miss Christmas, Dorophy and the dog with a firm look in his eyes!

""Earth Dragon Escape Technique - Earth Dragon Fish!" Miss. Christmas Dorophy shouted loudly.

As soon as she finished speaking, Miss. Christmas Dorophy's body changed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye she turned into an extremely huge weasel!

Then, the big weasel dived into the vast desert without hesitation, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye!

Usopp was shocked when he saw this scene. He immediately became alert and scanned every corner around him with a sharp gaze!

"Mole Mound Expressway!"Just then, Usopp suddenly heard a rustling sound under his feet, as if something was rubbing against the sand.

He instantly realized that the situation was not good and there might be a huge danger hidden under his feet.

So, he reacted at an astonishing speed, jumped without hesitation, and successfully avoided the potential threat!

When Usopp landed safely, he was surprised to find that a pair of huge and sharp weasel claws suddenly stretched out from the ground where he had just stood!

The claws were as hard as steel, flashing a chilling cold light. If caught by it, the consequences would be disastrous!

Usopp couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, secretly glad that he reacted quickly enough, otherwise he might have become the prey of these claws!

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