"Damn it! I'll see where you're going!" A weasel head stuck out of the sand and said to Usopp, then immediately went back into the sand!

Usopp's face became very solemn. He knew that this enemy was very cunning and he had to be vigilant at all times. He began to concentrate, trying to sense the danger under his feet.

Suddenly, he felt a powerful force coming from under his feet, as if it was going to swallow him up.

Usopp jumped without hesitation, and the whole person soared into the air like an arrow.

He adjusted his posture in mid-air, steadied his body, and then looked down.

Miss. Christmas Dorothy came out of the sand and was looking up at him with a surprised expression on her face.

"You...what kind of ability is this?" Miss. Christmas Dorophy widened her eyes and asked in disbelief.

Usopp laughed triumphantly, opened his arms, circled in the air, and then shouted at Miss. Christmas Dorophy:

"This is the ability to fly, how about that! You can’t do anything about it now, right? Hahahaha……"

His laughter echoed in the air, full of confidence and pride. Miss. Christmas Dorophi was so angry that she gritted her teeth, but she could do nothing.

She thought she could easily catch Usopp, but she didn't expect that he had such a magical ability.

Usopp showed off his flying skills in the air. He sometimes flew high, sometimes dived, and sometimes circled, which made Miss. Christmas Dorophi stunned.

"Humph! I have no choice! But……"Dorophi clenched her fists tightly and stared angrily at the complacent Usopp in the sky. Her chest rose and fell violently, as if a ball of fire was burning.

"Mr.4 Beb, it's your turn!" Miss. Christmas smiled triumphantly and turned to the two companions behind her and shouted

""Okay! We got it!" Mr.4 Beb nodded, then grabbed the iron rod without hesitation and stepped forward.

Mr.4 Beb raised the iron rod in his hand expressionlessly and gestured to the dog.

The dog immediately nodded in understanding, indicating that he understood his intention.

Then, a surprising scene happened: the dog suddenly opened its mouth and spit out a ball as big as a tennis ball to Mr.4 Beb.

The ball flew at a very fast speed and reached Mr.4 in the blink of an eye. In front of Beb.

He swung the iron rod quickly, hitting the ball accurately, and slammed it towards Usopp like a cannonball!

When Usopp saw the ball flying towards him, he was shocked, and his mind instantly flashed with what Xu Haifeng once said: That dog can spit out bombs from its mouth! So, his nerves immediately tensed up and he was on high alert!

Usopp stared at the ball that was about to hit him, and dodged to the side without hesitation.

Seeing that the ball was about to pass by him, he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but suddenly an ominous premonition arose in his heart.

" Not good!" Before Usopp finished speaking, the ball that was supposed to pass by him suddenly exploded just a few centimeters away from him!

This sudden explosion caught Usopp in the air off guard. He was blown directly to the position where Xu Haifeng and others were.

""What...what happened? The ball didn't hit me! How could I be hit by the explosion?"

Usopp asked Xu Haifeng with a puzzled look on his face as he struggled to get up from the ground, shaking his dizzy head.

He was very confused and puzzled. He was clearly not hit directly by the ball, but he was hit by the explosion. This made him full of doubts about what happened just now.

"Uh! I seem to have forgotten to mention that the bomb spit out by the dog does not need to hit the enemy to explode, it can explode whenever it wants!"

"So you will be blown up as long as you are within the explosion range of the ball!"Xu Haifeng thought for a while, and then explained to Usopp.

After hearing this explanation, Usopp's doubts did not disappear, but became even more angry.

He felt that Xu Haifeng ignored such important information, which almost put him in danger.

""What? How could you forget to tell me something so important? Are you trying to kill me?"

Usopp's emotions instantly became agitated. He immediately rushed over and grabbed Xu Haifeng's collar, questioning angrily.

His voice was full of obvious dissatisfaction and accusations, believing that Xu Haifeng's negligence almost led to serious consequences.

Usopp's eyes revealed anger and disappointment. He felt that his life was threatened, and Xu Haifeng was responsible for it.

"Well……"Xu Haifeng scratched the back of his head awkwardly, a trace of guilt appeared on his face, and he stammered:

"I'm sorry! I thought this wasn't that important, so I forgot about it for a while! I'm really sorry!"

"Bastard!"Usopp's eyes were about to spit fire. He grabbed Xu Haifeng's collar tightly, shook him hard, and roared angrily,

"This... isn't this important? This could cost someone's life! How could you be so careless!"

"Do you know how serious the consequences may be due to your negligence?"

His roar echoed in the air, as if to shatter the whole world.

Xu Haifeng was dizzy from being shaken by him, but he could not break free and could only silently endure his anger.

""Okay! I'm sorry! Nothing happened to you! Go back and teach him a lesson!" Xu Haifeng said to Usopp with a smile!

"Humph! Fortunately, Lord Usopp is powerful enough, otherwise an ordinary person would have been seriously injured by the explosion!"Usopp said proudly after hearing Xu Haifeng's words!

""Yes! Yes! Yes! Usopp is the most powerful, let's go and defeat them!" Xu Haifeng immediately responded!

"Humph! Then I'll go! See how I take revenge!"Usopp said and prepared to continue fighting!

But after a few steps, under the puzzled gaze of everyone, Usopp ran back to Xu Haifeng!

"Think about it carefully, is there any important information you forgot to tell me?" Usopp said to Xu Haifeng!

"There shouldn't be anything left!" Xu Haifeng thought about it carefully after hearing what Usopp said!

"Are you sure?" Usopp said in disbelief!

""Hmm! Probably not!" Xu Haifeng said uncertainly!

After hearing this, Usopp walked towards Mr. 4 Beb and the others with confidence!

But after just a few steps! Suddenly, he heard Xu Haifeng's voice behind him!

"Oh! By the way! There is another unimportant thing, that is, the dog can spit out multiple balls at a time to attack!"Xu Haifeng said lightly with an indifferent look on his face!

"Bastard! Do you really want to kill me before you can feel at ease?"Usopp rushed back and grabbed Xu Haifeng's neck, shaking it up and down and yelling!

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