Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1364: Spirit Clan Journey (4)

For them, the spirit race is still a strange place, and now they must not act rashly and destroy their image in the spirit race. Moreover, the three of them are so weak that it is impossible for them to fight the Spirit Race, so what Jiang Ning thinks now is to cope with the change without change.

Yue'er seemed to be surprised by the sudden events. She didn't expect Uncle Feng to not tell her about these things, and even when these people pulled them away, Yue'er had no power to restrain the chicken, but Yue'er saw Jiang Ning seemed to feel relieved with his indifferent expression.

Maybe Jiang Ning is a sign of her sense of security. As long as Jiang Ning is there, Yue'er seems to have not worried about anything. It seems that Jiangning can solve everything.

Jiang Ning seemed to be a little worried when the three of them were taken to the Ling prison. After all, he couldn’t think of a way here, and he didn’t expect that Fengjiang would actually give them a deadly move, as if to force them. It's the same as on the dead end.

Jiang Ning must have thought about terminating Xinjiang because they would ask for help like him at this time. Maybe it was not the case. Perhaps the ultimate goal of terminating Xinjiang was not this. It should be underestimated by the three of them who are not so affectionate.

But what is the purpose of the territorial confinement? Let the three of them come to the spirit race, and let the three of them be trapped in the spirit race. It stands to reason that this will do any good to confine the territory. If he wants to kill the three of them, it is completely There is no need to spend all these troubles, no need to use these thoughts at all.

As long as the three of them were dying in the desert, they could be broken.

But why do you want to send the three of them to where they want to come? What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd in this Fengjiang. If you start to negotiate terms with Yue'er, you don't need to send Yue'er here, you only need to keep Yue'er as a hostage in the Shapu ethnic group.

But why did the Fengjiang do all this? I can’t say what the purpose of the territorial sealing is. But for Jiangning and the others, it’s not the most important thing to talk about these things. The most important thing is to go out of the spiritual prison first. Now this is the most urgent thing.

The three of them were locked in different rooms, and these rooms were very far apart, so the three of them seemed to be disconnected in the eyes of others.

Suddenly Jiang Ning realized that Feng Ying was calling him, not calling him through voice calls, but calling Jiang Ning through spiritual transmission. But Yue'er's witchcraft level is not high, so Yue'er can't use this witchcraft, so now it seems that Fengying can only talk to Jiangning.

"Jiang Ning, Jiang Ning, have you heard?"

A burst of sound passed through the walls and reached Jiang Ning's ear. This feeling was like speaking in Jiang Ning's ear.

"Feng Ying, I can hear you. Tell me, what do you think of what the guard just said."

"Sure enough, Feng Jiang really deceived Yue'er, but why is he necessary? It's completely unnecessary to do these things. But we are in jail now, and we will wait to talk about those problems, Jiangning, you have There is no good idea to let the three of us out."

"Feng Ying, I probably know what's going on with their Spirit Race."

"Oh? You guessed it? What's the matter? It's definitely not a trivial matter that can be so exciting."

"Actually, we should have been able to understand when we just came in. These things must be related to the royal family of the Spirit Race, but I am not sure what they are, but depending on the situation, it is definitely not something like war or invasion by other people. , If that's the case, it must be when we just came in.

The guards will stop us right away. If there is any invasion by others, they will definitely be very wary of such foreigners. . .

So I think something must have happened to the royal family, so the spirit king didn't want to see anyone. So the whole city will be on alert. And those guards treated us leniently. "

"Yes, that's right, Jiang Ning, it should be like this, maybe something happened to the royal family of the spirit race, so although the whole city is very worried, they inadvertently reveal a sense of distraction."

"Yes, that's right, this is what I think, so if I want to see the Spirit King, I think I must use this aspect to attract his attention."

"Huh? But even if we can understand these problems, what can we do? We can't tell the guards about these things we know. Even if we tell them, they won't necessarily take us to the Spirit King, so I still I don't understand what we should do."

"Feng Ying, do you remember the beautiful omens that Fengjiang said when we left? I believe that even if we don’t understand the meaning of what he said, I believe that whether it’s the Yue Clan or the Shapu Clan, Or the spirit race, they must all believe in omen.

So we only need to use the omen to attract the attention of the spirit king. "

"Jiang Ning, what do you mean?"

"Yes, that's right, Feng Ying, you use witchcraft to lift up all the clouds here, but you can only lift up the clouds on our side, that is, the clouds on our spiritual prison. Then the spirit king will definitely believe in the clouds. The omens of coming here. Then we will see the Spirit King."

"But Jiang Ning, will this be a big risk? At least we only think about it this way. What if the Spirit King misunderstands this?"

"Don't worry about that, Fengying, just do as I said."

"Okay, Jiang Ning, shall we act today or tomorrow."

"Feng Ying, don't worry, wait for my instructions tomorrow. It's not the best opportunity to act now. We need to wait a little longer, not yet."

"What are you waiting for Jiang Ning, why can't it work now?"

"Don't worry about Fengying. Wait for me. You believe me."

"Well, I believe you."

After speaking, Feng Ying felt that he should believe what Jiang Ning said. Feng Ying felt that Jiang Ning must have his reason to say that, but now Feng Ying doesn't know what to do.

Jiang Ning stopped witchcraft, and now his conversation with Feng Ying is over, but the words Jiang Ning just told Feng Ying actually didn’t know what his specific plan was. After all, Jiang Ning is also trapped in prison. , Regarding the method of getting out, Jiang Ning himself is not sure about it. ,, ..

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