Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1365: Spirit Clan Journey (5)

But Jiang Ning now understands one thing, that is, first see the Spirit King before speaking, and only after solving the problem of the Spirit King can he talk to the Spirit King about map fragments. But Jiang Ning was not sure whether there were any map fragments in the Spirit King that they were looking for.

What if it is the feudal fief?

There are too many accidental factors for all this, and Jiang Ning can't say what he should do now. If you can't find the map fragments here, isn't everything in vain?

But the method that Fengying just talked about was the only method Jiangning could use, and maybe only that method can work now, so Jiangning is actually at a loss now.

Yue'er was sitting in the room beside her and was in a daze. She didn't know what to do now. She couldn't contact Jiangning and the others, and she didn't know what to do.

Yue'er has been thinking about terminating the borders, why didn't Uncle Feng tell her about this spirit race? And why didn't he tell himself about the trade between the Shapu tribe and the spirit tribe. Why should he hide it from himself? Did you forget to tell yourself or not to tell yourself? Yue'er doesn't know now.

She didn’t want to speculate so much. Regarding the day in the Shapu clan, Yue’er seemed to feel that Uncle Feng was not evil to her, so in Jiangning when they were speculating whether Fengjiang had other intentions towards them, Yue’er decisively followed Jiang Ning turned his face.

Yue'er has never been angry with Jiang Ning, but because of the feud, Yue'er cannot tolerate it. Although I only came to the Shapu ethnic group, Fengjiang felt very warm to Yue'er and the things that she had talked with Yue'er about her parents, and she felt that the Fengjiang was not as bad as Jiangning thought.

He must be doing business with the spirit race for his own tribe. And when they first came, the passer-by also told them that what they needed was sand, which was very easy to get in the desert area. Therefore, the territorial confession absolutely did not do any other detrimental things to deal with the spirit race.

So when Jiang Ning and Feng Ying became more and more suspicious of Feng Ying, Yue'er believed that Feng was a good person, at least now in her eyes.

But since Fengjiang is a good person, why should he hide so many things from her? About the spirit race, about the trade of sand, all about the spirit race. Yue'er never heard Fengjiang mention it.

But Yue'er didn't want to think so much now, at least for Yue'er, there was no need to think so much now, anyway, he was already in prison. Everything is meaningless.

Yue'er didn't know if Jiang Ning would find a way to get them out, but Yue'er still believed in Jiang Ning in his heart. At least Jiang Ning had not done anything to hurt him along the way.

In this way, Feng Ying, Yue'er, Jiang Ning and the others spent a day in prison with a lot of thoughts. Stayed for a day like the previous days in the cave.

No one here knows day or night, and no one knows the time outside.

But the three of them felt that this prison was much more terrifying than the cave where the three of them stayed. Although the sun was not visible at that time, the three of them were together and no one was separated.

There is no sense of loneliness, no sense of insecurity.

But in this cage, the three of them couldn't get news of each other, at least in Yue'er's eyes, and the three of them were so far away. Yue'er felt that taking one more second in this spiritual prison was unnecessary, and she didn't want to stay in this prison for a single moment.

Early the next morning, Jiang Ning informed Feng Ying that he could start his action.

Taking advantage of the absence of the warden, Feng Ying immediately used all her strength to gather all the wind in this area. Then although they were in the prison, they did not respond, but Feng Ying knew that all the wind was in this prison. It blew up nearby.

All the clouds below this spiritual prison were floating in the spiritual prison. At this time, the spiritual prison seemed to be suspended in mid-air. Without the cloud's support, the spiritual prison would not move at all.

Suddenly the alarm sounded in the prison, as if someone had attacked suddenly.

But Jiang Ning seemed to have anticipated this a long time ago. He sat in jail calmly and waited. He waited for someone to arrive. At this time, he only needed to tell him those things.

Then under the suspension of Fengying Witchcraft. Something seemed to sound outside, and the siren in the prison was also lifted, as if someone had just arrived in the prison. All those who watched the prison went out to greet them, and they looked respectful and looked like some big people. .

After Fengying used the witchcraft, she suddenly felt a burst of discomfort in her body, as if it were a lack of oxygen.

It seems that they have applied for the words Fengjiang said when they left. No one in the spirit race can stay here all the time. This place has a great loss to the human body, and no one can live here. The people of the spirit races here must have their special functions to be like this.

Then, under the gaze of all the people in the prison, a man in a gold armor and a silver hat came in, and came in with everyone in the company.

Jiang Ning knew that this was the Spirit King.

The Spirit King looked at every person in the cell carefully. It seems that every person in the cell is what he must see clearly, and it seems that there is something important here.

Until the spirit king walked to the window of the separate compartment in Jiangning's cell, he looked at Jiang Ning carefully, as if Jiang Ning was the one he was looking for.

Jiang Ning was also paying attention to the Spirit King in the cell. He knew that the Spirit King had finally arrived. At this time, he knew that he should tell the necessary things.

The Spirit King looked at the calm person in the cell. He knew that this was the person who entrusted his dream last night. This person must be quite capable, but the Spirit King couldn’t tell what this person was looking for, so he knew it. A foreigner was locked up in a cell. Coupled with the dream last night, the Spirit King knew that this person must have come to him.

"You are the one who entrusted me with dreams? It's not easy. You can entrust dreams to me, and the people who use witchcraft in our spirit race must be extraordinary. Let's talk about it. Why are you looking for me."

"I'm sorry, Spirit King, it's not what I asked you for, but what you asked me for. I will definitely help you if you know."


The Spirit King looked at the arrogant person in front of him, and he could actually talk to him like this. The Spirit King felt that this person was definitely not easy. ,, ..

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