Crown of Silence

Chapter 627 National Tour

Chapter 628: National Tour

The spring wind blew from afar.

The sea rolled up waves.

A faint fishy smell rose from the waves, and in the sky, seagulls spread their wings and hovered over the harbor.

On the deck, among the passengers carrying their luggage, the young priest with unsteady steps looked at the harbor not far away and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, with a look of relief on his pale face.

"Thank God, it's finally over."

He squeezed to the front of the crowd, lying on the side of the ship, looking at the white city on the island - Avalon.

The legendary pure white city, the eternal pearl on the sea, the island of miracles.

A month ago, the traces of the war had not yet dissipated, but the city had resumed its usual operation. Contrary to everyone's expectations, Avalon did not become a ruin in reality.

Apart from the palace on the top floor, only the shantytown in the lower city was burned down during the demon attack. The central city and satellite islands, as the main part, have been restored to their original appearance. Now the crowds are surging, and there is no desolation or desolation.

In the telescope, you can vaguely see the ruins to be cleaned up around the palace. The workers are cleaning up quickly and in order.

From a distance, you can feel the huge ether fluctuations, which linger over the city like bells, smoothing out all turbulence and opening up a stable white area.

The aftermath even radiated to the sea, smoothing out the disordered ether fluctuations in Norman's body, and reducing the original dizziness and vomiting.

Music apprentices who practice in big cities will have such problems more or less. Because they are not adapted to the changes in the ether density of the outside world, they will have a condition similar to altitude sickness after leaving the stable area.

Although he had made sufficient preparations, Norman did not expect that the symptoms of ether agitation and seasickness combined together would be so painful.

For days, Norman had been huddled in the cabin, holding a bag and vomiting, feeling sleepy. He was almost half dead before he reached Anglu.

Fifteen days ago, they set out from the Holy City. It was originally expected to take only five days, but it took more than ten days to complete the journey.

Because the Asgardians imposed an economic blockade on the Caucasus at sea, the battle between the two countries at sea blocked the route, so they had to find another way.

They were forced to follow the border of Burgundy, from the shallow sea to the south, and after a big detour, they finally crossed the Whaler Strait last night and entered the territorial waters of Anglu.

After entering the country, there were almost no traces of demons, and no signs of natural disasters.

Some supply ports along the way were slightly dilapidated, but they were still intact, and the city did not look dilapidated.

It seems that order has been restored as soon as the turmoil ended.

All this was beyond Norman's expectation. He had been prepared to go on a business trip to the ruins at the beginning, but after arriving, he found that the situation was not as bad as the Holy City expected, and this country's rejection of the Holy City's assistance was not purely out of respectability.

This may be considered a big news, and it is also news that shocked all countries.

The worst situation did not happen - Anglo was not destroyed in the attack of Leviathan - nor was it as seriously injured as most people expected.

Although the death of the previous king is worthy of mourning, generally speaking, it did not cost much.

From a utilitarian point of view, if the cost of a palace can defeat the natural disaster, I am afraid that all countries would be eager to quickly build a dozen palaces and then blow them up in exchange for the stability of the world.

According to the information obtained by the Holy City, the whole incident was so smooth and easy.

After using many trump cards and years of reserves, Leviathan was beautifully settled by Anglo.

It was settled thoroughly.

It was not a temporary seal or expulsion, but a complete killing of Leviathan, the king of the seven seas, one of the four living creatures, who was at the top of all the natural disasters.

Such a result can only be described as sensational.

There was no serious injury or fatal damage. Instead of the expected loss of national strength and complete chaos, it further proved the country's war potential.

And several countries around that were ready to take advantage of the situation suffered a loss in the subsequent ruthless counterattack.

Now, everyone with a discerning eye knows that this country has survived the most difficult period, and even got rid of the curse that haunted it, and entered a period of rapid development again.

As long as the new king Mary does not make a fool of herself, Anglo can restore its original splendor in five years at the latest, and even go further to compete with the Asgardians for hegemony in the Far South Sea.

"It seems that the plan needs to be changed."

Norman sighed with a headache. The dizziness caused by excessive thinking made his face pale again. He lay on the side of the ship and vomited all the breakfast he had managed to stuff in.

Behind him, the old man sighed, patted his back, and took out the remaining seasickness medicine.

After swallowing the medicine in one gulp, Norman's face looked a little better.

The old man shook his head: "If you are seasick, just take the medicine honestly."

"Sorry, Bishop Raymond."

Norman saluted the gray-robed ascetic monk, looking embarrassed: "Originally, I thought we could enter the port this morning, but I didn't expect it to be delayed for so long."

"There are always accidents."

Bishop Raymond held onto the side of the boat and looked at the city in the distance. He said nothing more and looked silent.

The boring wait seems destined to continue.

This was the first surprise that Norman and the others encountered after arriving in Avalon - the first mate came out of the cabin and informed the passengers with a complicated look that it would probably be three hours before they entered the port.

Amid the commotion, Norman squeezed through the crowd and walked towards the first mate.

After walking such a long way and suffering from seasickness, he now saw Avalon right in front of him, but was not allowed to enter the port. Such a huge gap almost made him vomit blood.

Faced with the urging, the chief officer also looked troubled, "Currently, only Port No. 3 is open and can allow us to berth, but news has just come that the berths are tight and we need to make way temporarily."

"Give Way?"

Norman was stunned and his face turned red with anger.

Although he left his family at a young age to join the religious order and become a monk, he came from a wealthy family after all. Even within the cult, his teacher held a high position.

Although a servant of God should be humble, when does he give way to others?

"Have you made it clear? This is the order's ship!"

After days of seasickness, Norman suddenly became angry. Unable to suppress his anger, he asked in a low voice: "Besides, I just saw that the port is completely empty and there is no congestion at all. Why are we being asked to give way temporarily?"

"This...I don't know either."

The first mate had no choice but to shirk. Norman was so angry that he was about to go to the captain's cabin, but was stopped by Bishop Raymond.

"Forget it, Norman."

Raymond said calmly: "Just give way. After all, that person has a distinguished status, so it is not aggrieved for us to give way."

"that one?"

Norman was stunned for a moment, and his anger suddenly dissipated: "You mean 'Hand of God'?"

"It seems that the Lord has finished his 'land tour' and returned to Avalon."

Bishop Raymond raised his turbid eyes and looked at the end of the sea in the distance, as if he could see the mighty fleet of ships, his eyes were subtle:

"Norman, we're late."

Soon, amid the stunned exclamations of the passengers, a hurricane swept over from the distant sea.

As the hull swayed, Norman's face turned pale again. He endured the discomfort and looked into the distance.

The first thing I saw was the dark warship.

On the hull of the ship are imprinted the emblems of flames and holy symbols. It's obviously so far away, but it can be clearly distinguished. It's hard to imagine how huge the ship is.

A high-pitched whistle sounded.

The turbulent waves were forcibly smoothed out by invisible forces, and the sea surface became as smooth as a mirror. Only the hull of the ship moved forward, breaking the sea surface and causing weak waves.

After the black warship, dozens of ships from all over the world formed a huge fleet, following closely behind, following the location of the Holy Emblem step by step, tame and docile.

Raymond stared for a long time, looked away, and sighed softly: "It's too fast, not giving us any time at all. It seems that we underestimated that person's determination..."

Norman stood on tiptoe and looked at the black warship that was moving silently like a nightmare. Recalling the dark rumors about it, he couldn't help feeling a little scared.

How long?

eight days? Or ten days?

After Leviathan was killed, the fog had just dissipated, and the entire Angelo was almost in a state of chaos after losing contact with the capital for a long time.

Especially when the news of the old king's death came suddenly, the hearts of all counties were in shock.

When the new king's envoys went to various places, almost more than half of the places chose to remain silent and did not offer their loyalty to the new king.

Among them, there are faint shadows from other countries.

It can be said that it is precarious.

Without exception, everyone intends to take advantage of the chaotic situation to seek the greatest benefits and benefits for themselves.

Whether it is independence or joining other camps, with such a big piece of fat in front of you, if you don't take a bite of it, you will be sorry for waiting so long for it.

No matter what age or country, the easiest thing to get rich is always the national treasure.

Unfortunately, it was not until 'that one' left port on his ship 'Nomad Mountain' to replace the new king and patrol the country that some people were slow to realize... that they had made the wrong choice.

The first person to repent was already too late, and the whole family was declared a heretic, and was burned on the rack in front of everyone, and was reduced to ashes in a fire exceeding thousands of degrees.

Immediately afterwards, the second, the third...

Before the arrival of the black ship, all those who did not swear allegiance and loyalty to the new king found their final destination on the stake.

The sin-filled souls are judged and purified, and ascend to heaven to be with the Lord.

Some people tried to compromise, but the facts proved that the word "compromise" has not been written in the dictionary of "that one".

Some people tried to rebel, but the stillborn rebellion soon proved that this was pointless-it would only make them die more miserably.

Drastic measures will not work, and roundabout methods will not work. Whether it is compromise or showing weakness, it will be meaningless after being on the list in the hands of that person.

Some people, after making a large sum of money, go to other countries to seek political protection, thinking that enough wealth can save their lives. As a result, after entering the territorial waters, they were chased by the black ship and bombarded in the name of God in front of sixteen warships.

The betrayers and their wealth were wiped out in the thunder and fire of punishment.

In less than half a month, more than 600 people were mercilessly burned to death, and countless people were implicated and imprisoned in the Inquisition, and they would never see the sun again.

With the news of Leviathan's death, the name of the Inquisition reappeared in this world.

The contemptuous attitude at the beginning and the name of "bastard devil" had long been thrown into the sea with the body. Until now, no one dared to mention that name directly, and only dared to call the new chief judge who brought bad luck and death as "that one".

Then, he pledged allegiance to the new king as quickly as possible, and prayed from the bottom of his heart that the black ship that brought death would not stop at the port in front of his home.

Now, this adult who acts on behalf of the king has finally ended his national tour. Thank God, God bless you.

And the name of "God's Hand" finally resounded throughout the countries after being stained with a layer of blood red.

Compared with the current fame, it is hard to imagine that a year ago, ‘that person’ was still an exiled son who had nothing and was exiled to the border by Anglo.

The only way to describe it is ‘miracle’, right?

Perhaps, this is really God’s will.

Especially after that person, holding the rod of fate, completely burned the reborn Leviathan to ashes and turned the clone of the Hundred Eyes into a toy in a bottle, no one dared to doubt his skills and abilities.

“Is it really a human?”

Norman couldn’t help but shake his head slightly and whispered softly.

While watching, the mighty fleet gradually approached. Even without the help of a telescope, one could see the black armor covering the hull, the hideous outline and the huge main gun that was so huge that it was jaw-dropping.

Rather than saying that the two sides ‘passed by’ like this, it would be better to say that this side greeted it respectfully.

Just like being on the road, listening to the horn of the parade from a long distance, kneeling in the dust on the roadside, lowering his head, waiting in fear for the luxurious support to pass by him.

Norman couldn't help but cast a revelation movement on himself, his sight crossed a long distance and fell on the deck of the dark ship.

In the strict guard, you can vaguely see the white hair like mercury.

Among them, the young man of similar age seemed to have felt something, raised his head, and cast an indifferent glance. The pair of dark pupils seemed to contain an abyss, which stung Norman's eyes from a long distance.

He subconsciously lowered his head and dared not look again.

His sight left him and fell beside Norman, and saw the old bishop. Raymond sighed in shame and nodded for the offense of his followers.

The young man smiled indifferently and retracted his sight.

The black ship sailed away without anchoring at Port No. 3, but sailed to the other side of Avalon, passed through the Royal Navy's welcoming array, and entered the royal berth.

Until now, Norman breathed a sigh of relief, felt the cold sweat on his back, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "That's Ye Qingxuan?"


Raymond stared at the direction of the black ship, and for some reason, his expression became complicated:

"——God's Hand·Ye Qingxuan."

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