Crown of Silence

Chapter 628 Wolfish Ambition

Chapter 629 Wolf Ambition

Westminster Abbey.

Mephistopheles sat in his seat, holding the afternoon tea cup, his eyes lowered, as if in deep thought.

In the dim light, Bishop Raymond sat opposite the desk, silent. Young Norman felt a little restless in the heavy atmosphere.

For a long time, Mephistopheles, who was silent, sighed and put down the teacup with a sad expression:

"This matter is difficult to handle."

Raymond had obviously expected this, and just nodded: "We can understand the position of the Anglian Order branch, as long as we can provide the help we can."

"This is not a matter of position."

Mephistopheles sighed, his eyes full of white mist filled with helplessness: "To be honest, you guys are late. If you had come a few days earlier, I might be able to introduce you to a few people who are capable of speaking. , But now, I am really helpless. After all, the Hand of God seems to have heard something and has returned to Angelo in advance."

Raymond narrowed his eyes and looked at Mephistopheles, "Is there nothing you can do?"

"Nothing can be done."

Mephisto's answer left no room for change.

Although his expression was heavy and serious, behind the desk, where Raymond could not see, he crossed his legs and swayed leisurely, showing that he did not care about the affairs of these two people at all.

To be honest, if the other party hadn't directly sent the order's requirements to him through secret channels and asked him to cooperate, Mephistopheles wouldn't want to see them at all.

After all, the purpose of their trip was too troublesome, and the water inside was extremely deep. If they were not careful, Westminster Abbey would be caught between the Angelus and the Holy City, and would fall into an embarrassing situation.

Mephistopheles has devoted his whole life of youth and hard work to this church, and even his descendants.

After being a moral saint for a lifetime, you will cherish your hard-earned reputation even more. Now that I have reached semi-retirement, it would be tragic if my boat capsized in the gutter.

In particular, Ye Qingxuan has recently completely established his status and reputation in Anglo and around the world. No one with a little bit of brains is willing to go against him.

The sect's family has a great cause, and if they walk away, they will suffer losses. What should I do?

Having spent a lifetime between the Angels and the Order, to reach this point and gain the trust and support of the Angelus royal family as an outsider, Mephistopheles can be said to be a cunning old man.

To this end, he devoted his life's efforts, and even went so far as to join forces with Maxwell to smuggle military weapons in order to raise funds.

To put it inappropriately, although Westminster Abbey is a branch of the Order, in Mephistopheles' heart, it is better said to be his own private property.

Therefore, he did not want to get involved in this mess at all.

Who cares who is unlucky.

Whoever you love goes.

This is Mephisto's true attitude.

But on the surface, it cannot be said that, how to naturally shirk the errands thrown by the religious order and ensure the neutrality of Westminster Abbey, but not be so direct and rigid that the Holy City doubts its ability... This is a problem.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh again and patted his thigh:

"This matter is difficult to handle!"

"Is there nothing you can do about it?"

Raymond looked directly at him.

This old man who was born as an ascetic monk has been working in the Ministry of Sacraments all his life. In addition to his commendable piety, he is also capable of doing things. He can be said to be a staunch Holy City sect.

Mephistopheles understands this kind of guy. In his eyes, as long as the Holy City says something, the branches in various places will go through fire and water, even if they die, they will die happily. Now there is no doubt that his evasive attitude has made him unhappy.

But so what if it’s unpleasant?

Mephistopheles spread his hands, expressing a desperate attitude. He looked sad and helpless, as if his belly was full of sorrow and pain, and he looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Now that things have happened, I'm afraid you have noticed something..."

He sighed sadly: "To be honest, I no longer have much say in Westminster Abbey. Didn't you notice when you came?"

Raymond was stunned and looked at each other with Norman.

I didn't expect Mephistopheles to say that.

"Did you see it when you came?" Mephistopheles walked to the window, pulled up the curtains, and looked outside through the gap in the curtains, as if he could still see: "Those knights guarding the church. , and those in the church who don’t look like preachers at all.”

Raymond was stunned and frowned: "You mean, they are all members of the tribunal?"

"That's right."

Mephistopheles nodded heavily: "Not to mention helping you with your activities. Even if I go out now, I have to get their permission. My daily meals and receptions are all under special supervision..."

"What? Isn't this just house arrest!"

Norman exclaimed, and Mephistopheles was stunned for a moment, and then he resisted the urge to laugh wildly and nodded seriously: "Yes, house arrest!"

He pretended to look around cautiously, then locked the door twice more. After turning around, he said with a sad face: "That guy Ye Qingxuan is so ambitious. As early as when he first came to Avalon, he Not only that, but not only that, they also stationed all the people from the Inquisition and put us under house arrest.

Even if I go to the toilet, there will be a guy named Stone following me to prevent me from doing anything..."

If Ye Qingxuan were here, he would definitely spit in his face.


Where did I forcefully take over? It was obviously you who took the initiative to force the ring on me, okay? In order to protect the church, people from the Inquisition were also brought in to guard it.

The first deputy leader of the Hammer of Witches, who co-authored, just watched you go to the toilet? You still have no shame! Don't talk about the dirty deal between you and Stone. Westminster Abbey and the Inquisition are already on good terms with each other. You have the nerve to pour dirty water on me!

I have to say that the skin of a moral saint is really useful sometimes, especially when you say that you are being persecuted. Combined with Ye Qingxuan's reputation that is almost stained with blood, it is very credible!

No third person knows about the ambiguity between Mephistopheles and Stone. Only a few of his close confidants knew that Westminster Abbey had long been tied to the Inquisition.

Therefore, after Mephistopheles said such nonsense, Raymond and the others did not doubt it, but their expressions became more and more serious.

Bishop Raymond pondered for a long time and sighed sadly: "I'm afraid His Excellency Hand of God's plot is not trivial. I wonder if what the sect has done is raising a tiger's risk."

"Can't we take away the title of Hand of God?" Norman asked in a low voice: "Remove his identity as archbishop and cancel the Inquisition again."

"How can it be?"

Raymond smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Let's put aside the huge structure of the Inquisition. It can be withdrawn at any time, and the order of the religious order is changed day by day. Even if it is the title of Hand of God, I am afraid there is nothing we can do. After all, that person has the staff of destiny in his hand. The people of the First Generation Tribunal support that the name Hand of God is well deserved. If we act rashly, it will only make things worse.”

Norman was stunned, a little unsure: "Then let's... have a long-term plan?"

"There can be no delay, and that one didn't give us time to take any detours."

Raymond shook his head: "Judging from the way he returned to Avalon early, I'm afraid he already knew our intentions. It's no longer justified for us to do these little tricks, so why not meet directly."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sigh in a low voice.

Simple interviews and negotiations were meaningless. In the original plan, they planned to bypass the God's Hand and secretly win the support of Angel. After winning the support of the vast majority of people, they would then start the interview. Solve the problem in one fell swoop.

But now it seems that Angelou has been managed by the God's hand into a monolith, with no way to break through.

The nobles who originally held an important position in the Anglo-Saxon House of Lords and House of Lords experienced many casualties after experiencing this war 'for some reason'.

Coincidentally, those who remained were staunch supporters of the Hand of God.

The secret messenger sent to the royal family was an out-and-out fool. Instead, the God's Hand returned to Angelo ahead of time, causing their arrangement to fail and instead alerting the enemy.

The new king, Mary, not only had no fear or estrangement towards Ye Qingxuan, a powerful and accomplished careerist, but had full trust in him and had no thoughts of reducing his power.

Where is the king who is willing to share his royal power with another person?

Thinking of this, Raymond couldn't help but shake his head. It seemed that the rumors were true: the Hand of God had a deep and well-calculated city and had already planned for his current status.

Now it seems that this scheming is simply terrifying.

Not only did he control the entire lower town of Angelo through Maxwell's support, but he had already deceived the new king when he was Princess Mary before he came to the throne. No, he might even have deceived her body. !

A woman in love is completely unreasonable and completely submissive to her beloved, even if she gives him this Angel, it doesn't matter.

By taking control of Westminster Abbey through the Inquisition, the hearts and minds of the majority of the population were regained.

He established his glorious image by defeating natural disasters, and with the momentum of being a savior of the country, he killed his uncle, seized the position of the head of the Knights of the Round Table, and held the military in his hands.

In just a few months, he has spread his cobweb all over the country. Once launched, he will have all the royal power, divine power, political power and military power under his control, and he will also have a spy department like the Fifth Department as his eyes and ears.

In just one year, he went from a wanderer to the uncrowned king of Angelus...

The deaths of Maxwell, his uncle Lancelot, and even the old king, who were kind to him, may not be simple.

Such scheming, such skill, such determination and ruthlessness...


Now, Raymond can only be thankful that the Holy See did not keep him in the Holy City. Otherwise, no one knows what this guy can do for power once he enters the core of the cult...

"Now that the matter has come to this, it will only make people laugh if we think about these things that are not on the table."

Raymond sighed, and soon his expression became decisive: "Archbishop Mephistopheles, please introduce me to the Hand of God. You can do this little thing, right?"


Mephistopheles nodded and sent them away solemnly. When he turned around, he opened the window and looked at the place where they left with his white eyes, and laughed happily.

Although he didn't know what they planned to do, Mephistopheles could conclude that if they still thought that their method in the Holy City would work... then they would be in trouble!

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