Crying That Scum Attack

Vol 2 Chapter 100: A pair of hands behind (7)

I want to sleep too!

Liang Chen rubbed her brows and wanted to wake up a bit, she didn't want to stay up late at all, especially when she didn't know when such a day would be her head, she was desperate and collapsed.

She sat in the back seat, looking at the invisible watch in her hand and trying to grab it, but she grabbed it empty, as if she had nothing in her hand at all.

This is definitely not the first world I have experienced, how many worlds have I experienced? How is the process?

Liang Chen didn't know anything about the past, she couldn't remember anything, and even her original memory began to blur.

She was so afraid of this feeling that she didn't even know that in the end, she was still not herself.

It's scarier to live than to die, right?

Live, but forget who you are.

When is this day going to end?

Liang Chen suddenly regretted agreeing to that person. She had a trace of uncertain doubts about her own memory. Since she can erase my memory and add someone else's memory to me, can it also tamper with my memory?

This kind of terrifying thought popped up in his mind, and Liang Chen shivered.

Big Y is coming soon. When they came, those people had already launched an attack and fought with the zombies in the school.

It is not easy for zombies to die completely, but if a dozen or so shots are fired, those zombies that are not copper skin and iron bones must die no longer.

Ordinary zombies are not difficult to deal with, and corpse tides are not difficult to deal with. After all, they have weapons of mass destruction, and it is the mutant zombies that are difficult to deal with.

Like yesterday's corpse pile.

Halfway through the school cleaning, a monster like yesterday's corpse pile appeared in Y Dali. It looked even bigger and more terrifying than the one yesterday.

The monster is not afraid of bullets like them coming. The grenade can only blow up a few corpses on its body, which can't cause much damage. Although other weapons can cause a lot of damage, the monster continues to absorb the corpses. The zombies they killed not only did not get destroyed but grew stronger in the face of the attack.

When Liang Chen and Xie Qiuli arrived, it was when the corpse monster was going crazy, and the people who went in to clean it had already suffered casualties, and the monster ran out to the school gate chasing people.

When Liang Chen saw the monster without hesitation, he immediately mobilized his energy, and his pupils turned **** again, looking strange and dangerous.

The monster's consciousness was only bigger than yesterday's, but it was still easily pierced by her. The corpse pile monster composed of hundreds of corpses lost its adhesive and fell to the ground into a pile of ordinary corpses.

"Major General Xie! Fortunately, you came in time!"

The frightened people saw Xie Qiuli and breathed a sigh of relief. If Xie Qiuli didn't come, they could only lead the monster out first, and then use large-scale weapons to kill them in seconds, but doing so would have a great impact on the city.

"how is the situation?"

"We cleaned most of the school, and the rest is the cafeteria and the dormitory area."

"Beware of mutants."

Hearing the cafeteria, Xie Qiuli thought of the wave of mice he encountered before.

"Don't worry, Major General, we must be careful."

Liang Chen withdrew his mental power, his head seemed to be smashed by a heavy object, and he felt dizzy.

Liang Chen, who hadn't slept all night, was in poor mental state. She bit her tongue fiercely in her heart, and was immediately awakened by the pain.

Reaching out and wiping the corner of her eyes, she felt the **** smell in her mouth and exhaled.

Liang Chen was silent all the way, she didn't speak when someone approached her, just nodded or shook her head, and she didn't talk to her after going back and forth.

Two more corpse pile monsters appeared in the school, but they all disintegrated under Liang Chen's mental attack, which relieved most of the pressure on the soldiers in action.

"Are you okay? Why don't you go back and rest?"

Liang Chen used her mental power twice again, and her body was as weak as if she had been taken out of time. She didn't like others. Although she was equally resistant to Xie Qiuli, she was more accepting of Xie Qiuli than others.

Her face was pale and her body was so weak that she seemed to have been hungry for three days.

Can't sleep, can't sleep!

If it wasn't for the fear that the guy in the dream would scare himself again, and if there were still things in the school that had not been cleaned up, Liang Chen would have passed out early.


Liang Chen also wanted to go back to rest, but his unusual mental power told her that there were still monsters in this school.

"You are exhausted!"

"But you don't have any mutant mutants except me!"

Liang Chen really wanted to go back to rest, but this kind of monster that was easy for her to deal with was very difficult for others, and many people even lost their lives accidentally.

Fear of the nightmare, but she is also afraid of others losing their lives in front of her.

She can kill as many as she can.

She is afraid of many things, but she has priorities. The most important thing to her is her life, whether it is her own or someone else's.

" don't have to fight like that."

Liang Chen didn't speak.

After dealing with two more small piles of corpses that appeared in the cafeteria, Liang Chen was still unconscious. If Xie Qiuli had not hugged her immediately, she might have fallen to her knees because she lost consciousness.

The evolutionary zombie that Xie Xinlan mentioned was found in the underground warehouse, and the zombie with extremely sharp claws finally died in Xie Qiuli's hands.

There is still a lot of work for Big Y, but all the major tasks have been dealt with, and the rest can be easily dealt with without Xie Qiuli.

"Major General, it's enough to have us here, you'd better take her to the hospital to have a look."

"No." Xie Qiuli held Liang Chen in one hand. Although she was very worried about Liang Chen, it was impossible to let go of so many people and leave directly.

"Then Major General, find a place and take someone to rest. If you hold her like this, she won't be able to rest well!"

Some of them had persuaded Xie Qiuli to put the person down, take them to the hospital, and send them back first, but Xie Qiuli suddenly turned his face.

They also didn't know what the relationship between this little girl and Major General Xie was, and they didn't dare to ask. Now they can only give a polite suggestion.


The second lieutenant wiped the sweat from his forehead and saw that Xie Qiuli finally accepted the proposal before he continued to search for the lonely zombies for removal.

Some logisticians are wearing work clothes to carry the zombies, transport them to a special place, and then incinerate them.

Over there, Xie Qiuli took Liang Chen to a place to sit down, put her down, and put her head on his lap.

Looking at Liang Chen, whose face was bloodless, Xie Qiu had a complicated relationship. She didn't expect Liang Chen to endure until the end before falling into a coma. She didn't need to think about it, she knew that mental overdraft must have great damage to the human body, but she can't walk away now. , and dare not give people to others.

It sounds very selfish, but when she gave birth to the mentality of giving Liang Chen to others and letting others take it back, she would have a strong sense of unease in her heart.

There are still hidden zombies in the school, and they are still evolutionary zombies, but fortunately Xie Qiuli did not leave, and rushed over immediately after hearing the news.

The clearing continued until noon, and Xie Qiuli quickly left here in relief after confirming that there were no more mutant zombies.

There was no sign of Liang Chen awake at all, which made Xie Qiuli panic and a little annoyed at his **** stubbornness.

If Liang Chen was in trouble because of mental exhaustion, he...

Xie Qiuli's face was ugly.

He rushed to the military hospital in a hurry, but it turned out that Liang Chen was fine, and his brain was not damaged.

There were not enough beds in the hospital, and the hospital also said that Liang Chen was fine. Even if there was something wrong, it would be useless if they couldn't find out and stay here. Xie Qiuli could only take the person home with a complicated mood.

One of Liang Chen's hands firmly grasped Xie Qiuli's clothes and refused to loosen them, but it was impossible for her to move with Liang Chen, so she had already taken off the clothes that were draped outside, and now they were covering Liang Chen.

Opening the door, she carried Liang Chen into the house.

Liang Chen didn't wake up until evening, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Xie Qiuli's face.

Electricity is not difficult to obtain. The plague in the apocalypse broke out quickly, but it has little side effect on electronic facilities other than changing genes.

Xie Qiuli was sitting in the living room bored watching the documentary on the CD, and Liang Chen found that he was resting on Xie Qiuli's lap and covered with Xie Qiuli's clothes.

This situation was so surprising that Liang Chen's brain crashed on the spot.

"Awake?" Xie Qiuli reached out and touched her forehead. Although she couldn't see anything, this approach was completely subconscious.

"Major General Xie, are your legs numb?"


"You are very light and don't feel anything." Xie Qiuli looked at her embarrassed, and his mood finally improved: "Is there any discomfort?"


Liang Chen didn't feel any discomfort, and she didn't have nightmares, which made her extremely excited.

Did the nightmare disappear?

Liang Chen sat up, returned the clothes with his body temperature to Xie Qiuli, and said with a smile, "I'm fine, I don't feel any discomfort."

"It's fine if you don't feel any discomfort." Xie Qiuli nodded and said, "I must be hungry if I haven't eaten for a day. I made something, but it must be cold now. I'll heat it up?"

"It's okay to be cold, I don't pick."

"Eating cold is not good for your health. You look thin from the beginning. Except for the two taels of meat on the chest, everything is spare ribs."

The corner of Liang Chen's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help blushing when he heard Xie Qiuli's straightforward words.

"What does it have to do with being cold or hot and being thin or not?"

"Is it okay? Oh, then I'll just mention it casually. You have to eat more, otherwise you won't be able to support your energy consumption, and your chest will lose weight."

"Thank you, Major General!"

Liang Chen blushed with anger, thinking Xie Qiuli was taking the wrong medicine?

"Eat cold or hot?"

"If you have an idea, don't ask me again, okay?"

Liang Chen held his breath and glanced at her complainingly, this woman obviously had plans and ideas, and she still had to ask her, she was unhappy when she heard the unsatisfactory answer, she was simply crazy!

There were no nightmares, which made Liang Chen's big rock quietly put down in his heart, and his mood was much better, and he didn't resist Xie Qiuli so much.

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