Crying That Scum Attack

Vol 2 Chapter 101: A pair of hands behind (8)


Xie Qiuli glanced at her dissatisfied.

"No, I said it's fine for you to make a decision, and I will listen to you."

Liang Chen smiled ugly, and changed his words very carefully, for fear of annoyed her.

"Then I'll go and warm up the food."

Xie Qiuli got up and left, and Liang Chen leaned back against the sofa with a soothing look of relief.

Stop dreaming, just stop dreaming.

Cowardly, she didn't want to know the truth.

For now, it's better to do everything that needs to be done, familiarize yourself with the laboratory, and then slowly inquire about Xia Anlan's situation.

Take it one step at a time, no hurry.

What Liang Chen didn't change was his anger at Xia Anlan pushing him. If it wasn't for her quick reaction, she would be dead now.

After eating, Xie Qiuli sent her to take a bath and go to bed. After all, she was a little bit exhausted today, and she couldn't cultivate for too long. Now the post-disaster construction needs people.

On the bed, Liang Chen tossed and turned and finally fell asleep, but unexpectedly returned to the nightmare she thought would never happen again.

"You came?"

The nightmare that looked like her approached her, and she, who no longer used Xie Qiuli's face, seemed to have given up various other attributes.

Liang Chen backed away vigilantly, wondering why he was back here now.

"Afraid? Are you afraid of me?" She said with a sweet smile on her face, "Afraid of yourself?"

"you are not me!"

Liang Chen's expression changed and he roared in a low voice.

"No! I am!" Nightmare narrowed his eyes and giggled: "What are you afraid of, I know everything you are afraid of!"

Liang Chen looked at her coldly.

"Your negative emotions form me, you are afraid, you are afraid, you don't want to know the truth."


"Don't you want to know the truth? Don't you want to know what you're afraid of? Don't you want to know what you're guilty of?"

The nightmare was approaching, and Liang Chen, who had several experiences, forcibly escaped from the nightmare, and also woke up.


the truth?

negative emotion?


What am I afraid of? What am I guilty of?

My negative emotions should be the **** Xia Anlan!


Liang Chen looked at the ceiling, thinking about the reason why he didn't have nightmares during the day.

Is it mental exhaustion?

She thought about it for a while, and began to waste her mental energy. She closed her eyes and expanded her mental energy. The house appeared in her mind like a 3D stereo.

Room, living room, bath...

? ? ?

The tentacles of mental power shrank back as if they had touched a scorching flame, and Liang Chen sat up from the bed with wide eyes.

Just now, was that, was that Xie Qiuli?

Thinking of what he 'saw' just now, Liang Chen felt embarrassed and annoyed, and his face flushed crimson.

Xie Qiuli was taking a bath.

Did she find herself spying on her with mental power?

If you find out, will you come to trouble yourself?

Did she start taking a shower so late?

Will she tear me apart?

All kinds of things about Xie Qiuli's fate after taking a bath were circling in her mind. She was dizzy and didn't know how to explain it to Xie Qiuli.

Say I practice mental power, accidentally?

Does she believe it?

And no matter how small or not, I watched it all!

As for Xie Qiuli not discovering her spying?

Liang Chen's face turned from red to white.

Annoyed, he smashed his head on his knee a few times.

It was impossible. Although she quickly regained her mental strength, she saw Xie Qiuli stop and glance in her direction.

Absolutely found!

Liang Chen's heart was numb, and before she was ready, the door was suddenly opened. It turned out that ten minutes had passed since she abused her mental power.

Xie Qiuli stood at the door expressionlessly, holding the handle of her door with his right hand.

The corner of Liang Chen's mouth twitched, and he smiled to please: "Major General Xie, why haven't you slept yet?"

"I should ask you this, why haven't you slept yet?"

"Go to sleep." Liang Chen whispered, "But I just woke up again."

"So you covered the whole house with mental power?"

"No, no, Major General Xie, I didn't see anything!"

Liang Chen was stunned, and said in a panic.

"It's really you!"

Xie Qiuli frowned, his face suddenly turned cold.

Liang Chen: "..."

So Xie Qiuli was not sure if it was me, so he came here to deceive me with the idea of ​​asking?

Then I thought she was asking for guilt, so I panicked, and indirectly confirmed the matter?

Liang Chen's eyes darkened, he was so stupid.

"Major General Xie, my head hurts."

Under the cold death gaze of Xie Qiuli, Liang Chen suddenly covered his head and said with a painful expression.

Xie Qiuli raised his eyebrows, didn't speak, just stood there and looked at her.

She guessed that Liang Chen might be pretending.

Liang Chen's face was suddenly pale, and sweat droplets the size of beans came out from his forehead.

Her change was so obvious that Xie Qiuli noticed something was wrong and hurried over.

"Where are you uncomfortable?"

Liang Chen said weakly, "Headache, my head hurts..."

"Why do you suddenly have a headache?"

"My head hurts. It hurts like a needle stick. I can't seem to see. My eyes are black. Major General Xie, am I going blind?"

"No, don't think about it! Is it a side effect of mental overdraft?"

Xie Qiuli panicked, reached out to touch her and found that her body temperature had dropped a lot now, and she wanted to pick her up as soon as her face changed.

She panicked, and Liang Chen panicked too. Liang Chen grabbed her pajamas and resisted helplessly, "Major General Xie, what are you doing?"

"Don't move! I'll take you to the hospital!"

"No, you don't need to go to the hospital, I'll rest, I'll just rest for a while."

"Why don't you go to the hospital?"

"But you said it was mental overdraft, can the hospital treat it?"

Xie Qiuli was speechless, thinking of taking Liang Chen to the hospital today, but the hospital said she was completely ill.

It seems that there is a problem that cannot be detected.

She took Liang Chen there twice.

Is the mental system so troublesome?

Xie Qiuli planned to ask his friends in the capital afterwards.

"I'm resting, and it shouldn't hurt if I rest enough."

Liang Chen was afraid that she would mention it again, so he hurriedly added another sentence.

Xie Qiuli's face was ugly. She was afraid that something went wrong with Liang Chen. If something went wrong, she would not be able to escape the blame. She couldn't get past her own.

After a while, Liang Chen suddenly broke the calm.

"Major General Xie, you smell so good."

Liang Chen's praise was very useful, but Xie Qiuli said with a cold face, "I don't like women."

Liang Chen: "..."

I really want to say that I do too!

"I should be fine after a short rest. If Major General Xie is worried, would you like to stay with me for a while?"

"That's ok." Xie Qiuli nodded, sitting by the bed and thinking about it, "But I still want to tell you that I don't like women, so don't think about me."

Liang Chen: "..."

You can get it!

Even if I like your niece, I won't like you!

Now that she is pretending to be sick, it is impossible for Liang Chen to yell at her full of anger, and even if she doesn't pretend to be sick, she still has to consider the consequences of her yelling.

You can only think about this in your own mind.

Ran Xie Qiuli?

Don’t fight it, don’t dare to fight it, let’s forget it.

After finally fooling around with the accidental peeping, Liang Chen relaxed and suddenly felt tired.

Dealing with the angry Xie Qiuli was more tiring than killing two corpse monsters.

Xie Qiuli was by her side, she just wanted to pretend to be asleep, but she didn't expect to actually fall asleep not long after closing her eyes.

Hearing Liang Chen's shallow breathing, Xie Qiuli hesitated for a while and wanted to leave, but he didn't expect Liang Chen to grab her clothes with one hand.

Xie Qiuli: "..."

Take your clothes off?

But she has only this pajamas on her!

Why does this **** child like to grab people's clothes so much?

Xie Qiuli was a little helpless, but Jin Chan took off her clothes on the spot and went out naked. Even at home, she felt that she couldn't do such an indecent thing.

She reached out and grabbed Liang Chen's hand, trying to pull out her clothes from her hand, but she didn't expect the clothes to be pulled out, but Liang Chen's hand grabbed hers.

Xie Qiuli frowned and looked at her for a while.

Liang Chen was really asleep, not pretending to be asleep.

She hesitated for a long time between breaking Liang Chen's hand and falling asleep like this.

Forget it, it was a woman anyway, and she fell asleep too.

Following the thoughts in his heart, Xie Qiuli turned off the light next to him, and lay on Liang Chen's side with a complicated mood.

A night without dreams.

Liang Chen, who was in good spirits, got up early the next day. After all, she slept all day yesterday.

Xie Qiuli was lying beside her with his eyes closed. Although he didn't cuddle into someone's arms, he kept holding on to them with one paw.

Liang Chen was stunned for a while, then retracted his claws pretending to be nothing, and began to think about what happened last night.

No, she didn't dream again!

Liang Chen suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Xie Qiuli.

As long as she loses consciousness, she will have nightmares. In the past two days, she has verified this fact, but the only two times she has no nightmares seems to be because...

Because there is Xie Qiuli around?

After fainting yesterday, it was because Xie Qiuli was always by her side. When she woke up yesterday, she found herself on someone's lap.

not dreaming.

Yesterday, she left Xie Qiuli, took a nap by herself and was awakened by a nightmare, and then killed herself, Xie Qiuli came...

It looked like she had been lying beside her all night.

I'm very close to Xie Qiu, so I won't have a nightmare?

The question took root in her mind.

She wasn't sure if that was the case, but just tried it.

if it is ture……

Liang Chen squinted his eyes, that's a big problem!

Carefully lifted the quilt and got up, she tried her best not to wake Xie Qiuli, but how could Xie Qiuli not wake up?

"Does your head hurt?"

Xie Qiuli's lazy voice came from behind, and Liang Chen's body froze and began to recall the headache.

Yes, she abused her mental power and accidentally peeped into Xie Qiuli's bath yesterday. Facing Xie Qiuli's death stare, she chose to use bitter tactics.

Don't say it, it really hurts to attack yourself.

Liang Chen touched her head. She is no longer in pain. After all, she didn't use her hands too harshly, she just made herself feel a lot of pain, that's all.

"It should be fine already."

"Okay? It's okay. You go to wash first, and I'll lie down for a while."


Liang Chen left, Xie Qiuli opened her eyes, and the tip of her nose was full of the smell of Liang Chen.

She had a dream all night yesterday and didn't sleep well at all.

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